Pathogen Dosage
Aspergillus Niger (Black Mount) Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/I
Bacillus Bacteria Destroyed by 0.2 m/I within 30 seconds 
Bacillus Anthracis (causes anthrax in sheep, cattle and pigs.  Also a human pathogen) Ozone susceptible
Bacillus cereus 99% destruction after 5-min at 0.12 mg/l in water
B. cereus (spores) 99% destruction after 5-min at 2.3 mg/l in water
Bacillus subtilis 90% reduction at 0.10-PPM for 33 minutes
Bacteriophage f2 99.99% destruction at 0.41 mg/l for 10-seconds in water
Botrytis cinerea 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes
Candida Bacteria Ozone susceptible
Clavibacter michiganense 99.99% destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 5 minutes
Cladosporium 90% reduction at 0.10-PPM for 12.1 minutes
Clostridium Bacteria Ozone susceptible
Clostridium Botulinum Spores. Its toxin paralyses the central nerve system, being a poison multiplying in food and meals. 0.4 to 0.5 mg/l threshold value
Coxsackie Virus A9 95% destruction at 0.035 mg/l for 10-seconds in water 
Coxsackie Virus B5 99.99% destruction at 0.4 mg/l for 2.5-minutes in sludge effluent 
Diphtheria Pathogen Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l
Eberth Bacillus (Typhus abdomanalis).  Spreads typically by aqueous infection and causes typhoid. Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l
Echo Virus 29: The virus most sensitive to ozone. After a contact time of 1 minute at 1 mg/l of ozone, 99.999% killed. 
Enteric virus 95% destruction at 4.1 mg/l for 29 minutes in raw wastewater
Escherichia Coli Bacteria (from feces)  Destroyed by 0.2 mg/l within 30 seconds in air
E-coli (in clean water) 99.99% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes
E-coli (in wastewater) 99.9% destruction at 2.2 mg/l for 19 minutes
Encephalomyocarditis Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l.
Endamoebic Cysts Bacteria Ozone susceptible
Enterovirus Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l.
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici 1.1 mg/l for 10 minutes
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonogea 99.99 % destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 20 minutes
GDVII Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l.
Hepatitis A virus 99.5% reduction at 0.25 mg/l for 2-seconds in a phosphate buffer
Herpes Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds wit 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l.
Influenza Virus 0.4 to 0.5 mg/l threshold value
Klebs-Loffler Bacillus Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l
Legionella pneumophila 99.99% destruction at 0.32 mg/l for 20 minutes in distilled water
Luminescent Basidiomycetes (species having no melanin pigment). Destroyed in 10 minutes at 100-PPM
Mucor piriformis 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes
Mycobacterium avium 99.9% with a CT value of 0.17 in water
(scientifically reviewed document)
Mycobacterium foruitum 90% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes in water
Penicillium Bacteria Ozone susceptible
Phytophthora parasitica 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes
Poliomyelitis Virus 99.99% kill with 0.3 to 0.4 mg/l in 3-4 minutes
Poliovirus type 1 99.5% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes in water
Proteus Bacteria Very susceptible
Pseudomonas Bacteria Very susceptible
Rhabdovirus virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l
Salmonella Bacteria Very susceptible
Salmonella typhimurium 99.99% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.67 minutes in water
Schistosoma Bacteria Very susceptible
Staph epidermidis 90% reduction at 0.1-ppm for 1.7 min
Staphylococci Destroyed by 1.5 to 2.0 mg/l
Stomatitis Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l
Streptococcus Bacteria Destroyed by 0.2 mg/l within 30 seconds
Verticillium dahliae 99.99 % destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 20 minutes
Vesicular Virus Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l
Virbrio Cholera Bacteria Very susceptible
Vicia Faba progeny Ozone causes chromosome aberration and its effect is twice that observed by the action of X-rays
