Psychic awareness is an ability of the Soul to perceive
and sense frequencies beyond our normal sight. It is mostly
referred to as extra sensory perception, when in fact it is
an extension of all the senses.
Everyone Is Psychic. It is the natural skill and purpose
of the brain to seek out and interpret all types of information
from the outside world. This information is nothing more than
energy that is resonant with our sensory tools (eyes, ears,
touch). The sensory input (input frequencies) are received
by the sensory tools, then they are transmitted to the brain.
The brain compares these vibrations to what it has encountered
previously. Meaning is then assigned to those depending upon
the brains interpretation of them.
But your sensory tools transmit much more sensory input
to the brain than your brain can process. Your brain will process
the input that is most resonant with its hierarchy of survival.
Things that are too hot, too cold, moving too quickly, brightly
coloured etc; will be noticed first by the brain. Then, those
things that are most easily interpreted by the brain because
of prior associations (eg dog-may be dangerous, Male-is very
cute and lots like my ex boyfriend, red car-looks like the
one my awful boss drives etc;). Only after all this information
has been processed will the brain look at other, more subtle
sensory input it has received.
These more subtle levels of energy can be valuable sources
of information because the brain isn’t looking for them
however, it won’t necessarily ever get to the point of
processing them. Some people are naturally attuned to processing
these subtle levels of energy. We call these people “psychic”,
though the word can mean a lot of different things. Anyone
can learn to expand the range and types of energy frequencies
their brain will process. The line between “real” sensory
perceptions and “extra” sensory perceptions can
become blurred indeed.
Awakening Your Intuitive Abilities is about learning
to open and expand your senses to include more of the information
your brain receives in its conscious processing. Your senses
were designed to pick up subtle frequencies of energy, which
are then interpreted as information by your brain. You can
learn to accurately interpret these energies through intent
and practice.
is the essence of all that is. The desk in your room
that you see as being solid wood is actually atoms
and is not solid at all. In fact it is more open space
than solidity. Our bodies, when broken down to their
smallest levels are also energetic frequencies. We
omit energy when we speak, when we act, when we move,
when we think and even through our mere presence... |
I have heard a lot about how telepathy and psychokenesis have
been observed over the globe, but is such a thing scientifically
possible? I think that maybe basic telepathy could be possible
at this level, going by a theory of brain waves. Each individual
has brain waves constantly escaping as they think, register emotion
etc., except always on a different frequency, so other people
can't "pick them up". That's why identical twins can
sometimes mysteriously know where the other one is, or how their
feeling, or feel their pain, because their brain works on the
same, or nearly the same frequency.
Astral Projection
Serious About
Wanting To Start
Astral Projection?
Here's How To Enjoy, Adventure And Fantasy, Overcoming
Nightmares, Creativity And Problem Solving, Healing,
Self Improvement And Much Much More!
Astral Projection - is
it possible?
Scientific evidence is now suggesting that we CAN leave
our physical body and that we may even survive the death
of that physical body. Using brainwave technology it
was found that a certain combination of alpha and theta
harmonics caused the immediate transference of consciousness
away from the physical body.
Almost everyone trying these frequencies has agreed
that the effect is very unusual. Several users have reported
a distinct 'moving ' of their perception from the physical
With Astral Projection / OBE You
could experience
Accelerated psychological change - Out-of-body
experiences - Astral Projection help us to break
free from old mental ruts and habits.
You will get a decreased fear of death that would be a comfort
to everybody.
Learn how easy it is to solve problems that seem impossible normally
but easier during astral projection
Spontaneous healing, Heal yourself - it is said that you can
heal yourself while in Astral Projection
Oliver Wendell Holmes
said, "Once a mind has been
stretched by a new idea, it will never again return to its original
Encountering a being of light, an angel, or nonphysical resident
of some kind - Many people report face-to-face meetings with
some form of non-physical inhabitant. Dr. Stuart Twemlow reports
that thirty-seven percent of his study groups were aware of the
presence of a non-physical being while thirty percent reported
the presence of guides or helpers.
Increased self-respect, self-responsibility
and inner dependence - Many recognize, often for the first time,
that they are the creative centre of their physical existence.
They often experience the vast potential and power of their inner,
non physical self and tap into their creative essence. Many people
have told me that they realize more than ever that they are completely
responsible for all their actions, both thoughts and deeds
Get accelerated personal development. You could see
a change that will benefit you greatly
Increased intelligence, memory recall and enhanced imagination
- Many people report that their out-of-body experiences have
somehow enhanced their awareness and intelligence.
A profound sense of knowing instead of believing - Personal knowledge
is powerful and life-changing especially when compared to beliefs.
Out-of-body experiences provide firsthand, verifiable knowledge
of our immortality and our spiritual identity. This knowledge
cannot be adequately explained - it must be experienced.
"When one
tugs at a single thing in nature
he finds it attached to the rest of the world."
- John Muir
For best results, your brain needs to be at the same
stage it is in when you are just on the edge of sleep or waking
up. Scientists actually agree that the brain is in the "alpha" or “theta” wave
state in most people who claim to have ability when they have
done experiments into ESP and psychic ability.
At certain brainwave frequencies known as the theta
state, we are resting deeply yet still conscious, at the threshold
of drifting away from or back into consciousness. As the brain
enters deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with
waking life, our 'third eye' is active and spirit communication
becomes natural.
Experimenting through the whole range of alpha and theta
waves ( from 5 - 12 Hz) it was found that a combination of
frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in consciousness.
This feeling was likened to all of your bodily awareness, suddenly
being pulled into your pineal area ( third eye, head Chakra
The Psychic
..or more precisely the Pineal Gland!
The true function of this gland has long been contemplated
by philosophers and mediums throughout the ages.
Some thought that the pineal gland is the part of the
body with which the soul is most immediately associated. This
theory is still widely known today - Descartes called it the
Seat of the Soul.
Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland to be our connection
to the Realms of Thought.
law of resonance states that everything in creation is
made up of energy of varying frequencies. When one vibration
meets another vibration, one of a couple of things will
happen. If the two vibrations are similar, they will
slightly adjust themselves until they are vibrating together
at an identical frequency-creating a third, stronger
field of energy called a resonant field. If the two vibrations
are not similar, the weaker field must change its energy
to match that of the stronger field until it is vibrating
at the same frequency. |
How are our bodies affected by colour?
The pituitary gland, known as the 'master gland' of the endocrine
system, is first affected by coloured light. It produces
substances that regulate the hormones produced by the endocrine
glands. These hormones regulate our body functions, which
include growth patterns, sleep, our temperature control,
our sex drive, our energy levels, our metabolic rate, and
It has also been discovered that our pineal gland, located
deep within our brain, is also sensitive to light. This gland
is our internal body clock, producing a substance known as
melatonin, which controls our sleep cycles and also inhibits
sexual maturation. Daylight suppresses the production of melatonin,
and at night the lack of sunlight increases its production.
The quality and amount of the light reaching the pineal gland
will also alter with the changing seasons.
Stimulate Normal Pineal Function
20 Hz 662 Hz
Therefore the proportions of the colours within sunlight,
according to the season cause our body functions, like those
of plants and animals, to mimic the energy of the seasons.
In summer we are full of energy and life and very active, whilst
in the winter months we feel sluggish, depressed and inactive.

Colour affects us even when our eyes are closed. Light
is required for our cells to function normally, and individual
colours affect them by causing changes in growth and behavior
patterns. There is a lot of research in progress at the moment
into S.A.D or Seasonal Affective Disorder. You can even purchase
SAD lamps that mimic the effects of sunlight on the human body.
SAD is typically identified in certain individuals by their
symptoms: feelings of deep depression (even feeling suicidal)
but only in the autumn and winter months. This is due to the
shorter daylight hours and lack of bright light. These individuals
may also put on extra weight in winter and loose it in the
summer months. Many SAD lamp users have found that they no
longer feel depressed in winter or put on excess weight.

Examples of how colour
can affect you:-
Red: Increases physical energy and can be used if you are feeling
tired. 194.15Hz
Orange: Very motivating, balances body energy levels,
increases vitality. 210.12 Hz
Pink: This is the colour of love, ideal for developing
a loving attitude, for yourself and others. Also gives us emotional
balance. 136.10Hz
Yellow: A very good communication
colour. Helps to stimulate conversation, prevents shyness
and gives courage. Prevents mental confusion.
Green: This is a major balancing colour. Also an emotional
soother. It reduces mental confusion. Will aid spiritual awareness. 136.10Hz
Blue: Calms the mind. Helps you to think more clearly.
The intellectual and mind colour. Will soothe your soul. 141.27Hz
Violet: and Purple Sensitive, intuitive, spiritual
colours. They will enhance receptivity and introspection of
the one mind. These colours also secure you emotionally. They
promote divine growth and awareness. 172.06Hz
Brown: Basic security. Stability. Prevents fear and
stress. Tunes you in to nature
Black: Protection, acting as a barrier. Prevents negativity
from others influencing you.
White: Peace, purity, calming and soothing, healing.
Chakras (Rotating vortexes
where energy enters and exits)
1. Omega - Black
2. Root - relates to basic survival and security - Red
3. Navel - procreation, sex - ? Orange
4. Solar Plexus - feeling, one's sense of knowing, gut feeling
- Yellow
5. Heart - acceptance and love - Green
6. Throat - one's ability to communicate -Blue
7. Forehead/Brow - 3rd eye, one's psychic perceptions - Indigo
8. Crown - spiritual connection to higher levels of awareness-
Chakras Outside of Body:
9. Outside body - Black
10. Planet -Ultraviolet
11. Solar System - Silver
12. Galaxy -Gold
13. Universe -Copper
14. Super Universe White
Sound (the word) is the
original creations tone. Everything is made up of energy at
various frequencies. All things in nature vibrate to sound,
light and color. Sound frequencies effect everything about
us. The correct vibrational frequencies can be used to heal
and balance our bodies.
Sound healing is the practice of using sound to realize and correct
imbalances in the body. Sound healing works on the belief that
the human body is not solid. Rather it is energy that is held
together by sound. Any disease therefore indicates that some
sound has gone out of tune. Each color corresponds to one of
the chakras in our body. Sound is used in many forms to heal
and balance energies. Each chakra relates to a musical note.
D#------Glint of Steel
E-------Pearly Blue
F-------Dark Red
F#------Bright Blue
G-------Rosy Orange
A#------Glint of Steel
B-------Soft Blue
Most natural psychics simply have brains that are used
to "listening" to frequencies of energy that other
brains do not hear. As you attune your own brain to hear these
energies, you will find that your intuitive and psychic abilities
increase tremendously. It is very much like increasing the
power of an antenna on your television. Suddenly, the dribs
and drabs of information you received before become clearer,
sharper and more defined. |