Royal Raymond Rife

Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent
more than two decades in painfully laborious research--
that you have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic
approach to curing literally every disease on the planet
caused by viruses and bacteria . Indeed, it is a discovery
that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions
and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical
world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade
and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn't
you? Unfortunately, arguably the greatest medical genius
in all recorded history suffered a fate literally the opposite
of the foregoing logical scenario. In fact, the history
of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed
by backward thought and jealously, but most pathetically,
by greed and money.
In the nineteenth century, Semmelweiss
struggled mightily to convince surgeons that it was a good
idea to sterilize their instruments and use sterile surgical
procedures. Pasteur was ridiculed for years for his theory
that germs could cause disease. Scores of other medical
visionaries went through hell for simply challenging the
medical status quo of day, including such legends as Roentgen
and his X-rays, Morton for promoting the 'absurd' idea
of anesthesia, Harvey for his theory of the circulation
of blood, and many others in recent decades including:
W.F. Koch, Revici, Burzynski, Naessens, Priore, Livingston-Wheeler,
and Hoxsey. Orthodox big-money medicine resents and seeks
to neutralize and/or destroy those who challenge its beliefs.
Often, the visionary who challenges it pays a heavy price
for his 'heresy.' So, you have just discovered a new therapy
which can eradicate any microbial disease but, so far,
you and your amazing cure aren't very popular. What do
you do next? Well, certainly the research foundations and
teaching institutions would welcome news of your astounding
discovery. Won't they be thrilled to learn you have a cure
for the very same diseases they are receiving hundreds
of millions of dollars per year to investigate? Maybe not,
if it means the end of the gravy train. These people have
mortgages to pay and families to support. On second thought,
forget the research foundations.

Perhaps you should take your discovery
to the pharmaceutical industry; certainly it would be of
great interest to those protectors of humanity, right?
But remember, you have developed a universal cure which
makes drugs obsolete, so the pharmaceutical industry just
might be less than thrilled to hear about your work. In
fact, the big shots might even make it certain that your
human disease-ending technology never sees the light of
day, by preventing it from becoming licensed by the regulatory
agencies. Now, assuming your amazing cure is an electronic
instrument, the only cost of using it is electricity. And
it is absolutely harmless to patients, who can recover
without losing their hair, the family home, and their life
savings. So, with your technology, there is no longer any
reason for people with cancer to pay over $300,000 per
patient -- to become deathly ill from chemotherapy, radiation
treatments, and the mutilation of surgery. It sounds like
you won't find many friends and support among practicing
oncologists, radiologists, and surgeons, doesn't it?

You might try the hospitals and big clinics.
But how thrilled are they going to be about a therapy administered
in any doctor's office; which reverses illness before the
patient has to be hospitalized? Thanks to you, the staffs
of these institutions will essentially be out of work.
Well then, how about the insurance companies? Surely, they
would be delighted to save the expense of hospitalization
- at least the companies which haven't invested in hospitals,
where the staff is now sitting around waiting for someone
to break a leg or be in a car accident...and the ones who
don't lose policyholders as a result of your invention...and
the companies which aren't trying to divest their pharmaceutical
stock. Oh well, forget the insurance companies, too.

It looks like you just might have a little
problem with the medical establishment, no?
Probably the only friends you'll have will be the patients
and those progressive doctors who see change as an opportunity,
rather than a threat to their established money-making
monopoly. Those people will love you. But they don't call
the shots. What follows, now, is the story of exactly such
a sensational therapy and what happened to it. In one of
the blackest episodes in recorded history, this remarkable
electronic therapy was sabotaged and buried by a ruthless
group of men. It has re-emerged in the underground medical/alternative
health world only since the mid-80's. This is the story
of Royal Raymond Rife and his fabulous discoveries and
electronic instruments.

If you have never heard of Rife before,
prepare to be angered and incredulous at what this great
man achieved for all of us only to have it practically
driven from the face of the planet. But, reserve your final
judgment and decision until after you have read this. Of
course, some may regard this as just an amusing piece of
fiction. However, for those who are willing to do some
investigating on their own, there will be mentioned several
highly-respected doctors and medical authorities who worked
with Rife as well as some of the remarkable technical aspects
of his creation. However, in the final analysis, the only
real way to determine if such a revolutionary therapy exists
is to experience it yourself. The medical literature is
full of rigged 'double-blind' clinical research tests,
the results of which are often determined in advance by
the vested corporate interests involved.

If FDA and other regulatory and licensing
procedures and guidelines are observed, it is your privilege
to experiment with this harmless therapy. So let's now
turn to the story of the most amazing medical pioneer of
our century. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist
born in 1888 and died in 1971. After studying at Johns
Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly
used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry,
biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. It is a fair statement
that Rife practically developed bioelectric medicine himself.
He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an
honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for
his work. During the 66 years that Rife spent designing
and building medical instruments, he worked for Zeiss Optics,
the U.S. Government, and several private benefactors. Most
notable was millionaire Henry Timkin, of Timkin roller
bearing fame. Because Rife was self-educated in so many
different fields, he intuitively looked for his answers
in areas beyond the rigid scientific structure of his day.
He had mastered so many different disciplines that he literally
had, at his intellectual disposal, the skills and knowledge
of an entire team of scientists and technicians from a
number of different scientific fields. So, whenever new
technology was needed to perform a new task, Rife simply
invented and then built it himself.
pro optio 2h-7h
"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife
machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam ray)was
reported to be the most powerful"
""I can assure you that no one, not even
myself, could help but be astounded at the results
we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new
machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory
rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner
(copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."
"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever
had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr.
Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The
major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical
instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous
instruments is the fact that this new instrument
could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands
simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband
capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which
makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."
The worlds most advanved
multi purpose Fully
Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here
Can a Rife Machine Help?
in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency |
Rife's inventions include a heterodyning ultraviolet microscope,
a microdissector, and a micromanipulator. When you thoroughly
understand Rife's achievements, you may well decide that
he has the most gifted, versatile, scientific mind in human
history. By 1920, Rife had finished building the world's
first virus microscope. By 1933, he had perfected that
technology and had constructed the incredibly complex Universal
Microscope, which had nearly 6,000 different parts and
was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal
size. With this incredible microscope, Rife became the
first human being to actually see a live virus, and until
quite recently, the Universal Microscope was the only one
which was able view live viruses. Modern electron microscopes
instantly kill everything beneath them, viewing only the
mummified remains and debris. What the Rife microscope
can see is the bustling activity of living viruses as they
change form to accommodate changes in environment, replicate
rapidly in response to carcinogens, and transform normal
cells into tumor cells.
But how was Rife able to accomplish this, in an age when
electronics and medicine were still just evolving? Here
are a few technical details to placate the skeptics...
Rife painstakingly identified the individual spectroscopic
signature of each microbe, using a slit spectroscope attachment.
Then, he slowly rotated block quartz prisms to focus light
of a single wavelength upon the microorganism he was examining.
This wavelength was selected because it resonated with
the spectroscopic signature frequency of the microbe based
on the now-established fact that every molecule oscillates
at its own distinct frequency.
The atoms that come together to form a molecule are held
together in that molecular configuration with a covalent
energy bond which both emits and absorbs its own specific
electromagnetic frequency. No two species of molecule have
the same electromagnetic oscillations or energetic signature.
Resonance amplifies light in the same way two ocean waves
intensify each other when they merge together.
The result of using a resonant wavelength
is that micro-organisms which are invisible in white light
suddenly become visible in a brilliant flash of light when
they are exposed to the color frequency that resonates
with their own distinct spectroscopic signature. Rife was
thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and
watch them actively invading tissues cultures. Rife's discovery
enabled him to view organisms that no one else could see
with ordinary microscopes.
One was Virginia Livingston. She eventually
moved from New Jersey to Rife's Point Loma (San Diego)
neighborhood and became a frequent visitor to his lab.
Virginia Livingston is now often given the credit for identifying
the organism which causes human cancer, beginning with
research papers she began publishing in 1948. In reality,
Royal Rife had identified the human cancer virus
1920! Rife then made over 20,000 unsuccessful attempts
to transform normal cells into tumor cells. He finally
succeeded when he irradiated the cancer virus, passed it
through a cell-catching ultra-fine porcelain filter, and
injected it into lab animals. Not content to prove this
virus would cause one tumor, Rife then created 400 tumors
in succession from the same culture. He documented everything
with film, photographs, and meticulous records. He named
the cancer virus 'Cryptocides primordiales.' Virginia Livingston,
in her papers, renamed it Progenitor Cryptocides. Royal
Rife was never even mentioned in her papers. In fact, Rife
seldom got credit for his monumental discoveries. He was
a quiet, unassuming scientist, dedicated to expanding his
discoveries rather than to ambition, fame, and glory. His
distaste for medical politics (which he could afford to
ignore thanks to generous trusts set up by private benefactors)
left him at a disadvantage later, when powerful forces
attacked him. Coupled with the influence of the pharmaceutical
industry in purging his papers from medical journals, it
is hardly surprising that few heave heard of Rife today.
Meanwhile, debate raged between those who had seen viruses
changing into different forms beneath Rife's microscopes,
and those who had not. Those who condemned without investigation,
such as the influential Dr. Thomas Rivers, claimed these
forms didn't exist. Because his microscope did not reveal
them, Rivers argued that there was "no logical basis
for belief in this theory." The same argument is used
today in evaluating many other 'alternative' medical treatments;
if there is no precedent, then it must not be valid. Nothing
can convince a closed mind. Most had never actually looked
though the San Diego microscopes...air travel in the 1930's
was uncomfortable, primitive, and rather risky. So, the
debate about the life cycle of viruses was resolved in
favor of those who never saw it (even modern electron microscopes
show frozen images, not the life cycle of viruses in process).
Nevertheless, many scientists and doctors have since confirmed
Rife's discovery of the cancer virus and its pleomorphic
nature, using darkfield techniques, the Naessens microscope,
and laboratory experiments. Rife also worked with the top
scientists and doctors of his day who also confirmed or
endorsed various areas of his work. They included: E.C.
Rosenow, Sr. (longtime Chief of Bacteriology, Mayo Clinic);
Arthur Kendall (Director, Northwestern Medical School);
Dr. George Dock (internationally-renowned); Alvin Foord
(famous pathologist); Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President of
USC); R.T. Hamer (Superintendent, Paradise Valley Sanitarium;
Dr. Milbank Johnson (Director of the Southern California
AMA); Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa Fe Railway);
George Fischer (Childrens Hospital, N.Y.); Edward Kopps
(Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla); Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation,
S.F.); M. Zite (Chicago University); and many others.
Rife ignored the debate, preferring to concentrate on
refining his method of destroying these tiny killer viruses.
He used the same principle to kill them, which made them
visible: resonance. By increasing the intensity of a frequency
which resonated naturally with these microbes, Rife increased
their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated
from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency 'the
mortal oscillatory rate,' or 'MOR', and it did no harm
whatsoever to the surrounding tissues. Today's Rife instruments
use harmonics of the frequencies shown on the display screen.
The wavelength of the actual frequency shown (770hz, 880hz,
etc.) is too long to do the job.
This principle can be illustrated by using an intense
musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of
the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple)
of that musical note; they are in resonance with it. Because
everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing
but the glass is destroyed. There are literally hundreds
of trillions of different resonant frequencies, and every
species and molecule has its very own.
It took Rife many years, working 48 hours at a time, until
he discovered the frequencies which specifically destroyed
herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and
an immense number of other dangerous disease organisms.
In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed
a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal
cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's
San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team
included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the
patients - if still alive - in 90 days.
After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded
that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured. The
treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of
the patients also responded within the next four weeks.
The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%.
On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most
respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a
banquet billed as The End To All Diseases at the Pasadena
estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.
But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors
and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife.
What happened to make so many brilliant men have complete
memory lapses? It seems that news of Rife's miracles with
terminal patients had reached other ears. Remember our
hypothetical question at the beginning of this report:
What would happen if you discovered a cure for everything?
You are now about to find out....
At first, a token attempt was made to buy out Rife. Morris
Fishbein, who had acquired the entire stock of the American
Medical Association by 1934, sent an attorney to Rife with
'an offer you can't refuse.' Rife refused. We many never
know the exact terms of this offer. But we do know the
terms of the offer Fishbein made to Harry Hoxsey for control
of his herbal cancer remedy. Fishbein's associates would
receive all profits for nine years and Hoxey would receive
nothing. Then, if they were satisfied that it worked, Hoxsey
would begin to receive 10% of the profits. Hoxsey decided
that he would rather continue to make all the profits himself.
When Hoxsey turned Fishbein down, Fishbein used his immensely
powerful political connections to have Hoxsey arrested
125 times in a period of 16 months. The charges (based
on practice without a license) were always thrown out of
court, but the harassment drove Hoxsey insane.
But Fishbein must have realized that this strategy would
backfire with Rife. First, Rife could not be arrested like
Hoxsey for practising without a license. A trial on trumped-up
charges would mean that testimony supporting Rife would
be introduced by prominent medical authorities working
with Rife. And the defense would undoubtedly take the opportunity
to introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done
with USC. The last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical
industry wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy
that cured 100% of the terminal cancer patients and cost
nothing to use but a little electricity. It might give
people the idea that they didn't need drugs.
And finally, Rife had spent decades accumulating meticulous
evidence of his work, including film and stop-motion photographs.
No, different tactics were needed...
The first incident was the gradual pilfering of components,
photographs, film, and written records from Rife's lab.
The culprit was never caught.
Then, while Rife struggled to reproduce his missing data
(in a day when photocopies and computers were not available),
someone vandalized his precious virus microscopes. Pieces
of the 5,682 piece Universal microscope were stolen. Earlier,
an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar Burnett
Lab in New Jersey, just as the scientists there were preparing
to announce confirmation of Rife's work. But the final
blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the
remainder of Rife's 50 years of research. Then in 1939,
agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted
Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners
in the Beam Ray Corporation. This was the only company
manufacturing Rife's frequency instruments (Rife was not
a partner). Hoyland lost, but his assisted legal assault
had the desired effect: the company was bankrupted by legal
expenses. And during the Great Depression, this meant that
commercial production of Rife's frequency instruments ceased
completely. And remember what a universal cure meant to
hospitals and research foundations? Doctors who tried to
defend Rife lost their foundations grants and hospital
On the other hand, big money was spent ensuring that doctors
who had seen Rife's therapy would forget what they saw.
Almost no price was too much to suppress it. Remember that,
today, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over
$300,000. It's BIG business.
Thus, Arthur Kendall, the Director of the Northwestern
School of Medicine who worked with Rife on the cancer virus,
accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly
'retire' in Mexico. That was an exorbitant amount of money
in the Depression. Dr. George Dock, another prominent figure
who collaborated with Rife, was silenced with an enormous
grant, along with the highest honors the AMA could bestow.
Between the carrots and the sticks, everyone except Dr.
Couche and Dr. Milbank Johnson gave up Rife's work and
went back to prescribing drugs.
To finish the job, the medical journals, support almost
entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the
AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife's therapy.
Therefore, an entire generation of medical students graduated
into practice without ever once hearing of Rife's breakthroughs
in medicine.
pro optio 2h-7h
"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife
machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam
ray)was reported to be the most powerful"
""I can assure you that no one, not
even myself, could help but be astounded at the
results we are now obtaining with the assistance
of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal
oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson
to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November
4, 1936."."
"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments
ever had the capability that this instrument had..
Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The
major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical
instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous
instruments is the fact that this new instrument
could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands
simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband
capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument
which makes this sweep we are discussing on this
page possible."
The worlds most
advanved multi purpose Fully
Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here
Can a Rife Machine Help?
in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency
The magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass
murder in history. Cancer picks us off quietly...but by
1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage
of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated
that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our
In Rife's lifetime, he had witnessed the progress of civilization
from horse-and-buggy travel to jet planes. In that same
time, he saw the epidemic of cancer increase from 1 in
24 Americans in 1905 to 1 in 3 in 1971 when Rife died.
He also witnessed the phenomenal growth of the American
Cancer Society, the Salk Foundation, and many others collecting
hundreds of millions of dollars for diseases that were
cured long before in his own San Diego laboratories. In
one period, 176,500 cancer drugs were submitted for approval.
Any that showed 'favorable' results in only one-sixth of
one percent of the cases being studied could be licensed.
Some of these drugs had a mortality rate of 14-17%. When
death came from the drug, not the cancer, the case was
recorded as a 'complete' or 'partial remission' because
the patient didn't actually die from the cancer. In reality,
it was a race to see which would kill the patient first:
the drug or the disease. The inevitable conclusion reached
by Rife was that his life-long labor and discoveries had
not only been ignored but probably would be buried with
him. At that point, he ceased to produce much of anything
and spent the last third of his life seeking oblivion in
alcohol. It dulled the pain and his acute awareness of
half a century of wasted effort - ignored - while the unnecessary
suffering of millions continued so that a vested few might
profit. And profit they did, and profit they do.

In 1971, Royal Rife died from a combination
of valium and alcohol at the age of 83. Perhaps his continual
exposure to his own Rife frequencies helped his body endure
abuse for so many years. Fortunately, his death was not
the end of his electronic therapy. A few humanitarian doctors
and engineers reconstructed his frequency instruments and
kept his genius alive. Rife technology became public knowledge
again in 1986 with the publication of The Cancer Cure That
Worked, by Barry Lynes, and other material about Royal
Rife and his monumental work. There is wide variation in
the cost, design, and quality of the modern portable Rife
frequency research instruments available. Costs vary from
about $1200 to $3600 with price being no legitimate indicator
of the technical competence in the design of the instrument
or performance of the instrument. Some of the most expensive
units have serious technical limitations and are essentially
a waste of money. At the other extreme, some researchers
do get crude results from inexpensive simple, unmodified
frequency generators, but this is just as misguided as
spending too much money. Without the proper modifications,
the basic frequency generator gives only minimal and inconsistent
results. Please recall that the actual destruction of the
viruses and bacteria, etc. is not accomplished by the frequency
displayed on these cheap generators, but by certain shorter
harmonics of that particular frequency which are often
blocked by the crudity of a cheap and rudimentary instrument
This very problem led Rife to ultimately abandon the 'ray
tube' design in favor of today's version. The newer technology
applies the frequencies and their harmonics to the body
through the use of hand-held, footplate, or stick-on electrodes.
Proper frequency exposure and flushing of the body with
large amounts of clean, pure water is critical to achieve
the kind of results Rife got. These procedures are fully
explained in the manuals of the best units on the market.
So, unless you would be satisfied with sporadic results
for minor conditions, it is suggested you use only the
highest quality equipment and only the proper, proven procedures
in your personal research. If you do, you may discover
that nothing can approach what can be achieved through
the application of these safe, time-tested frequencies
(many for over 65 years)- and all without drugs, surgery,
or radiation.
One day, the name of Royal Raymond Rife may ascend to
its rightful place as the giant of modern medical science.
Until that time, his fabulous technology remains available
only to the people who have the interest to seek it out.
While perfectly legal for veterinarians to use to save
the lives of animals, Rife's brilliant frequency therapy
remains taboo to orthodox mainstream medicine because of
the continuing threat it poses to the international pharmaceutical
medical monopoly that controls the lives - and deaths -
of the vast majority of the people on this planet.
This is a compilation of frequencies from
many sources. Many are
based on anecdotes and are not well tested or widely used. Some are
based on John Garvy (founder of SonRidge Health Centers) frequencies
many of which are above audio range and converted by dividing by 64
and rounding, which may significantly affect response. Ditto for
Hulda Clark frequencies a few of which are included and divided by
512. See their works to view more, and unconverted, frequencies,
especially if a specific pathogen is known.
This list is also annotated but, of course,
not completely. Research will still be necessary to ascertain
causative pathogens for certain
conditions. Many of the comments and annotations are from other
frequency lists and many are from my own research.
Some frequency sets have "secondaries" which are extra frequencies
run if there is no response to the first set, or run along with the
initial set to more assure response. Some contain numbered sets like
(1), (2), and (3) which usually indicate single anecdotes but these
may represent what worked when all other frequency sets failed. Ones
marked with (exp) are experimental, which is quite the misnomer since
all the frequencies should be considered experimental anyway.
pro optio 2h-7h
"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife
machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam
ray)was reported to be the most powerful"
""I can assure you that no one, not
even myself, could help but be astounded at the
results we are now obtaining with the assistance
of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal
oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson
to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November
4, 1936."."
"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments
ever had the capability that this instrument had..
Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The
major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical
instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous
instruments is the fact that this new instrument
could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands
simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband
capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument
which makes this sweep we are discussing on this
page possible."
The worlds most
advanved multi purpose Fully
Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here
Can a Rife Machine Help?
in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency
Most people use the base frequencies (727/728,
784/786/787, 880,
464/465) in every session since they address a number of
pathogens which can be easily reinfected. Many typically
cleansing, relaxing, and general frequencies such as 304,
5000, 10000,
and 3176 to finish sessions.
Many frequency sets state to "see" or "use" other frequencies.
to "see" may be causative agents and should be used if there is
response to the initial set, like the "secondary" ones explained
above. Ones to "use" are highly probable factors and should be
as part of the initial set. Further research and use yields a
constant supply of new frequencies and this list is updated often.
We have searched the net, and found many lists that
many practitioners have put together
and others have added through their experiences
How to use the list
Do you want to check to see if others have used or discovered frequencies
for similar ailments
click on" Edit" in the top left hand
corner of your browser, then click on "Find",
enter your ailment and hit "find next', this
will show you a number of frequencies, write them
down or cut and paste to your note pad, then click
on "find next' do this until the "finished
searching the document" sign pops up...
Go Ahead try it pop in diabetes or sleep, pain
or cancer
to see a unit that will utilize these frequencies go
If you have our Rife
Crane system |
There are possibly four ways that rife frequencies can
be of use to you
Direct destruction
If you have a micro-organism, and you know the frequency,
you can destroy it. If a client has a terrible case of
Shingles, we know that that is caused by Herpes. Simply
set the Rife Machine to the Herpes frequency 1552, and
let it run for 1/2 an hour. In most cases, it will be gone
in less than 3 days.
Plagues and epidemics
Looking through this chart you may be wondering, what
use is a frequency to destroy the Bubonic Plague today.
Aside from the morbid reality of Germ Warfare, hasn't the
Bubonic Plague been wiped off the face of the Earth? Actually
no, there are several reported cases every year. Of course,
the odds of being one of the 10 or so people who get it
every year are quite slim. However, almost everyone alive
today who is of European decent is a descendant of a survivor
of the Black (Bubonic) plague. That means that you can
probably trace a direct blood line through the placenta
along the female side, or the sperm and prostatic fluid
on your fathers side of your family to a person who was
infected with the Plague centuries ago. Homeopaths call
this a miasm.
Don't be surprised if you, or one of your clients feels
a slight tingling in the armpits (the Plague caused the
lymph nodes to swell up) on this frequency. Does that mean
you have an active form of the Bubonic Plague? No, but
a watered down version of it may have been passing through
your family blood line for the last 400 years, which may
have been causing some health problems.
How about Diphtheria, or Rubella? Everyone in the U.S.A.
gets a DPT shot when they are children. DPT stands for
Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. That means that some
part of these micro-organism, were injected into the body,
past the defenses of the intestinal tracts and the skin.
Did part of the virus survive? The unfortunate reactions
that some children have to these immunizations (death,
mental retardation, immune dysfunction et. al.) every year
tells us that these immunizations are not always deactivated
before they are injected.
Families of micro-organisms
Gonorrhea is not a problem in developed countries, but
the frequency for Gonorrhea is the most useful frequency
when it comes to the common cold. Either the common cold
is a respiratory version of Gonorrhea, or shares enough
of the same structure as to be destroyed by the same frequency
as Gonorrhea. Thus, although the Rife Machine is set for
20 frequencies, each frequency may be capable of destroying
100's different but similarly structured micro-organisms.
One session may destroy 2000 different types of unwanted
life-forms. Rife himself believed that there were at most
10 families of disease producing organisms.
"Dr. Johnson and Philip Hoyland
were looking for the frequencies for two organisms
which were connected to cancer. In order for them
to find these frequencies it was necessary for
them to sweep the dial of the instrument through
the various frequencies. They made the modifications
to the Clinical instrument so that this new band
of frequencies would be included in it. They also
found that this instrument could not be used in
the laboratory because every time they used it
they would kill all the microorganisms in the laboratory."
"Dr. Johnson: "My dear Dr.
Schram…the clinic was opened and run
by me to satisfy me personally whether the
Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms
in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we
had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory.
I had to have this information conclusively
positive before I could recommend to my friends
to get in behind the work to carry it on to
a logical conclusion."
"None of Dr. Rife's previous
instruments ever had the capability that this
instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact
out in his letter. "The major difference
between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument
and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is
the fact that this new instrument could produce
over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously.
It was this new harmonic sideband capability
in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which
makes this sweep we are discussing on this
page possible."
"However, our experience has
forced us to do all of our experimenting with
the new ray [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument]
completely outside of our laboratory building
or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments,
because it instantly kills them all.” (Letter
from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to
Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1,
Page 2).
Dr. Johnson clearly points out in
this letter that this was done with a new [Rife
Ray #5 Clinical instrument]. Dr. Johnson had
been using the Rife Ray #4 since the fall of
1935 on his patients but here he points out
that they were using a new Rife Ray machine
and that it was clinically more effective than
the machine he had been using up until this
time. In the Beam Ray Trial documents Philip
Hoyland stated that he had built a new Rife
Ray #5 Clinical instrument in the summer of
1936: (Beam Ray Trial Transcript #956)" Source
Rife videos .com" |

Parasites 72 Staphylococci 727
Parasites 95 Diphtheria 776
Parasites 120 Rubella 787
Lyme Disease 432 Tuberculosis 800
Candida 465 E. Coli 802
Bubonic Plague 500 Streptococci 880
Leprosy 600 Herpes 1552
Syphilis 650 Typhoid 1865
Gonorrhea 660 Sarcoma 2008
H. Pylori 676 Carcinoma 2128 |