All in one System

Pro The latest, powerful Rife machine software technology.

Rife machine system
14.0" Laptop Included
can run up to 7 rife frequency Sets in the same session,saving
you time - without sacrificing power
2595 rife machine Fast Presets for hundreds
of health problems - 2 mouse clicks and you’re
up and running Prests here
You can Export Rife Frequencies and Presets to wave audio
format for transfer to CDs or memory sticks
Frequency Resolution of 0.0001 Hz - gives you frequency
accuracy better than ANY Rife Machine available
a Bob Beck Zapper : Micro current therapy for cleansing
the blood
Understanding Blood Electrification
Dr. Bob Beck, an acclaimed physicist developed a home
health system that is widely referred to as the Beck Protocol.
When he heard that viruses and other pathogens
had been deactivated in a medical research study by the
application of microcurrents of electricity to blood, his
considerable intellect and ingenuity were aroused. While
the medical research suggested the application of microcurrents
similar to dialysis with the blood flowing out and then
back into the body, Bob Beck developed a system to apply
microcurrents to blood without invading the body. He developed
a simple system for applying these microcurrents by placing
electrodes over the wrist arteries. More information here

a Hulda Clarke Zapper
The zapper is a device invented by Dr. Clark. It kills parasites,
bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi electrically. Viruses and
bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes,
roundworms in five; and mites in seven, With regular zapping,
the current passes mainly through our liquids, i. e our lymphatic
and vascular system, a small fraction reaches every organ and
tissue of our body. Blood and lymph are the most important locations
to zap. Lots of EASY INSTRUCTIONS More details here
a BT9-11 For Sleep and Depression
It seems that the body -- or Brain -- gives up making its own
pain-killers, Endorphins, when a person turns to drugs; but
putting a weak EM signal into the; body, especially the head
area, stimulates the brain into producing Endorphins again.
Amazingly, the craving for the drug disappears in three to
ten days and without withdrawal symptoms! Its also reported
to help with Depression,Weight Loss,Memory,Drugs, Sleep etc.
More information click here
a CES (cranial electro stimulation) system
A 386% increase in attention span test results after just
20 minutes of a single CES treatment in healthy volunteers
- This paper reviews
the scientific literature on cranial electro stimulation
82% of participants in one study suffering from an anxiety
disorder reported a significant improvement in their symptoms
after treatment with CES.
One study reported an average 67% effectiveness in treating
sleeping disorders among 648 patients, while increasing daytime
CES was found to be two times more effective in treating
depression than the most effective antidepressant drugs on
the market
One study reported an average 92% increase in beta-endorphins
in the CSF after only 20 minutes of a single CES treatment.
More Information Here
(CES) as a non-chemical means to alleviate opiate withdrawal
electro stimulation (CES) use in the detoxification of
opiate-dependent patients.

a TENS unit for Aches and pains etc

can be used as a Bob Beck type magnetic pulser (options
By simple exposure of the body to pulsated low frequency
magnetic fields stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygen
assimilation, and accelerate the removal of toxic chemicals
and waste.PEMF, Pulsating electromagnetic fields can fully
penetrate the body and reinforce weak functional cycles
in a natural way. This allows the body to recover its self-healing
capabilities. As a result, health and wellness improve
Broadcast options
Treament Options
Send Frequencies to friends , All you need is a few strands
of hair etc, And send healing frequencies to their DNA
healing sun energy frequency option
Photons (Light) control everything in the cell
Photons switch on the body's processes like an orchestra
conductor bringing each individual instrument into the
collective sound. At different frequencies, they perform
different functions. Popp found that molecules in the cells
responded to certain frequencies, and that a range of vibrations
from the photons caused a variety of frequencies in other
molecules of the body. Healing with the healing frequencies
of the Sun More information
2569 Presets for hundreds for diseases with a Hulda Clark to Rife
machine Frequency converter, giving you thousands of more frequencies
with a few mouse clicks.

Generator Pro : Similar to binaural beats, but used for theta healing,
insomnia, pain relief and more. The TBSW Generator in Professional
has features not available in our other systems.
Here are a few things you may to consider
with your TBSW Generator :
Powerful, Natural Pain Relief
Healing Using Theta and Delta Healing Frequencies
Healing Using Rife Frequency / TBSW Combinations
Weight Loss
Relaxation and Stress Relief
Sleep for Insomniacs and Altered Sleep States
Focus Frequencies are great for writers, artists, brainiacs and finals
Hypnosis and Auto-Hypnosis
Energy and Zero Point Energy experiments
Deep State Meditation and Consciousness Experiments
Regression Therapy and more...
presets to wave audio format for making CDs for your
clients or patients

Tools : Align and balance chakras (the human energy centers)
Following eastern healing techniques, Chakras
are the 7 main Energy Centers in which human life is balanced
on. Chakra Tools uses precise frequencies to used by eastern
healers to heal the body, mind spirit combination. This
may sound strange to some, but there are many people that
use nothing except chakra healing, that live well over
100 years of age.
Chakra Tools Features :
Hz accuracy - the same as expensive Chakra Tuning forks
4 Modes of Operation for single or many chakra frequencies at once
Ability to adjust individual chakra levels for the perfect chakra balancing
Special Ethereal Cleanse Mode
The ability to offset (raise) the Chakra Frequencies (experimental - see below)
Timed Sessions from 5 minutes to 8 hours - infinity in Continuous Mode
Rolling the mouse over the Chakra name automatically pulls up a pop up window
with associated Chakra information
Generator : For assistance in finding your own healing frequencies
(great for emerging dis-eases like the Flu, viruses, candida, parasites
Test Test which frequencies are best for your body
water and oils with your Rife machine frequencies and make
professional grade remedies for pain relief and more.
People Use Structuring For :
Pain remedies remedies for illnesses
Detox for chemtrails, liver or general detox
Formulas for Addiction
Other things from the Frequency Presets or your own frequency sets

Tones -

Sweep generator You can use the Sweep Generator for finding
your own frequencies cells, bacteria and other organisms
like bed bugs etc... Usually the Sweep Generator is used
while observing cells under a microscope. If you have
a USB or dark field microscope, you can monitor results
You can also use the Sweep Generator in a Holistic fashion
using muscle testing. Some use it simply to find "feel
good" frequencies, as some believe that the body (mind)
naturally knows the frequencies it needs. These frequencies
can be logged and saved to presets in Rife Pro. The Sweep / Step Generator Features :
Selectable waveforms - sine, square and triangle
Step frequencies from 0.05 to 10 Hz
Step times from 0.1 seconds to 30 minutes
A handy calculator for calculating times etc...
Simple operation
Client / Patient Database
frequency tables
water and Oil with Rife frequencies
Mode Research and enter your own Rife frequency
sets - enter any Rife frequencies you like up to 22 KHz
and save them to the hardrive
Therapy Mask
Led light therapy has been thoroughly tested,evaluated
and validated by hundreds of Universities.Medical labs
and most inportantly NASA.there have actualy been over
2000 reports and documents on this technowlogy
Pulse these colours with Rife frequencies
1) Red light (650 - 730 nm)
2) Blue light ( 430 - 450 nm )
3) Green light ( 525 - 550 nm )
4) Yellow light (580-590 nm )
5) Orange light (570-590 nm)
6) Purle light (400-435 nm)
7) Laser light (480-640 nm)
Using Rife Frequencies for Sound Healing
Sound therapy is the practice of using audio tones and
vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and
cells within the body. It works on the basis that all
matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness,
disease, depression and stress causes human beings to
vibrate at a lower frequency. Using Sound Frequencies
that promote healing, and vitality will encourage DNA
to repair themselves, several scientific studies have
been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio
sound frequencies Advocates of sound healing claim that
it has the power to heal mental illness, arthritis, autoimmune
disorders and can even shrink tumors. Picture here
and Load an unlimited number of your own Rife presets for quick
recall for later use
easy to use , one on one set up via skype or phone plus full web
page pictures and instructions
contact one on one set up and full backup
Price and
option packages near the bottom of the page in the colored
would like more info on Rife options
Email or call me: my phone number is
Skype Contact: peacephone
See the Options Below. Each option comes
with exactly what is listed