Zapping Has Worked For One Hundred Years

As early as the late 1800"8 it was discovered excellent results could be achieved in the treatment of disease including cancer by applying a mild electric current to the body in particular waveforms. Patents were applied for and denied acceptance, as they were unfitting with the scientific beliefs and underfinding of the time, not to mention the implications on a flourishing new drug industry.

So Nikola Tesla was dropped like a hot potatoe despite his seven hundred patents and inventions including, inventing AIC current (alternating current), the- Tesla coil, free energy production (his advancement on alternating current, never accepted for commercial reasons), inventor (the original) of the radio, the transistor, bladeless turbines, the electric motor even the X-ray. Obviously not a stupid man. Yet somehow forgotten with his inventions for the treatment of disease and production of free energy. Or was it that these were not commercially viable.

The next dominant player was Royal Raymond Rife. Famous, although not yet fully credited for his development of a high powered microscopes (still unrivalled in performance) with which he could see the building blocks of life' observe their effects on disease and develop treatment techniques. Over the 1920's and 1930'8 these methods were witnessed and confirmed by many fellow doctors scientists and high ranking officials.

Central to Dr Rife's discoveries was the recognition that these tiny particles were alive, oscillated at various frequencies and could change form. This means the frequency treatment Dr Rife and Tesla had both discovered independently somewhat understood. The treatment was proven to be 100% effective ve on cancer (even in the late stages). and effective on an endless array of other complaints.

Although only a few frequency treatment machines were made and calibrated by Rife they were used with incredible success for thirty years. With many hundreds of treatments that attest to the effectiveness of frequency treatment. However once again this did not suit the aspirations of big business an left little or no room for capitalization.

The AMA (American Medical Association) as under direct threat of losing control over what had become a very lucrative business of taxing health spending (mostly drugs) and threatened Doctor members to conform and dop this form of treatment (no matter how effective) or loss of licence to practice would result, the doctors knuckled under, the drug companies and the AMA were safe and business has continued to go on as usual.

Despite the claims of thousands, those we conceive as the governing authority, the trustees of our health immediately discredits the claim, and thus perpetuates the system, making it seemingly impossible to break through regardless of the credentials of those involved or the circumstances, after all the AMA (our protector) is the authority.

Over the last one hundred years many scientists have reported similar findings, only to be meet with similar disapproval, scorn and discrediting. The latest work in this field has been done by Dr Hulda Clark, again the recognition of small bodies generating a frequency seemingly responsible, either directly or indirectly, for the presence of disease. Dr Clark has quantified the bandwidths of most known active parasites we as humans can carry. This allows for diagnostics of cause, presence, treatment and then absence of these parasites following treatment. Attaining results considered impossible by the drug treatment minded traditional conservatives.

The combined works of the greatest pioneers, their insight and recommendations, have come together in this broad-spectrum treatment device, offering great hope for the future.

Either the worlds greatest scientific minds, and thousands of successful case histories are wrong and it doesn't work.or the American Medical Association (who has no success rate of which to speak) have it wrong, and intend keeping us in the dark.

We Believe the unit to be effective for relief and treatment of a seemingly endless array of complaints including.


Your ZAPPER is effective against a broad range of parasites, some of which are listed here.

AdenovirusCytomegalovirus (CMV)HIVRespiratory syncytial virus
Alpha streptococcusCytophaga rubraInfluenza A & BSalmonella
Bacillus antraclsDiplococcusKiebstella pneumonlaeSerratia
Bacillus subtillsEnterobacta aerogenesLactobacillus acidophllusSerratia marcescens
Bacteroides fragilisEpstein barravirus EBVLeptospira interrogansShigella
Beta steptoccus Erwinia amylovoraMeasles antigenSphaerotilus natans
BlepharismaEscherichia coll (E.col)Mumps antigenSpirillum
Bordatella pertussisGaffkya tetragenaMycobacterium tuberculosisStaphylococcua
Bornhamella caterrhlaisGardnerella vaginallsMycoplasmaStreptoccus
CampylobacterHaemophilusNeisseria gonorrheaSub terminal spores
Candidia albicansHepatitis BNocardia asteroidesTobacco mosaic virus
Chlamydia trachomatisHerpes simplexProplonobacterium acnesTreponema pallidum
ClostridlumHerpes zosterProteus micabillisTroglodytella abrassari
CorynabacteriumHistormonas meteagridlsProteus vulgarisVeillonella diepar
Coxsackle virusHistoplasma capsulatumPseudomonas earuginosa
Aneplasma marginleEchinococcusHypodereum conoldeumPneumocystis carnil
AncylostomsEchnostoma revolutumLodamoeba butschilliProsthogonimus
Balentidum coli cystsEndolimaxLeucocytozoonSchistosoma
BesnoitiaEnterbius vermicularisLoa loaStephanurus
ChilomastixFascioia hepaticaMetegonimus YokogawaiStrongytoides
Clonorchis sinensisFasclotopsisMonieziaTaenia
Cryptocotyle lingue (adult)Fischoedrius elongatusMulticeps serialisToxoplasma
Cystic fasclolarisGastrothylax elongatusMyxosomaTrichinella spiralis
Dientamoeba fragillisGlardia lambliaNaegleria fowler!Trichomonas vaginalls
DipyllobothriumGyrodactylusOnchocerca volvulusTrichuris sp. (male)
DipylidiumHaemonchus contortusParagonimusTrypanosoma
Dirofilaria immitisHasstile sig. tricolor (adult)Passalurus ambiguusUrocleidus
Echinoporyhium recurvatumHymenolepisPlasmodium

Since the 1700 s when Luigi Gaivani first experimented with electrical current and the muscle reflex in frogs legs it has been commonly accepted that our bodies utilize electrical pulses and signaling.

Little surprise then that when something Interferes with our body electrics it Interferes with our body function, anyone who has had an electric shock will attest to this and if severe and or prolonged it can kill The basic laws of this applies to all electrical systems Supply Interference of the right type to any electrical device and it will not function properly, if at all.

Every living thing In any form seemingly operates this same way. Until now there has been no known system for measurement of these " electrical systems of living things only acceptance those bash facts.

For hundreds of years man has known that electrocution kills.

The PERPETUAL HEALTH ZAPPER the result of more than eight years research and development It is on basic scientific principles, and comes as a revolution In the control of most forms of pathogens, by proving to be a very efficient killer of virus, mold, fungus, bacteria and worm parasites. Not In days or weeks as anti-biotics, penicillins and drugs require But In just a few minutes.

Now there is a new quantitive measure system that reveals what frequencies humans and all other living organisms generate.

Each species of organism creates its own frequency range or bandwidth on which it operates, In much the same fashion as radio stations, each transmits on it s own bandwidth and has its corresponding place on the dial.

We can utilise this Information for diagnostic purposes and the advantages of this knowledge to create selective electrical jamming. It is here we find our opportunity, because generating this jamming or electrical Interference will kill, by electrical seizure, any living thing susceptible within reasonable range that is exposed.

The bandwidth of humans seems much predetermined," as it does for all other forms of life, there are many cross over points or shared frequency ranges although most are considerably well apart, just like radio stations.

These variations mean we can be selective, or do a broad spectrum treatment the ZAPPER is designed for board spectrum treatment.

Parasites survive by leeching directly off their host Most forms of life have them, as they form part of the food chain Parasites vary is size from microscopic through to large tapes metres long and can live many years.

They live in us, In our food, waterways, pots, live stock, family and friends, in fact they're everywhere Everybody has and is re-exposed to parasites time and time again nobody Is Immune But we can keep them at bay with regular ZAPPING.

Parasites live by the consumption of their hosts vital fluids So by their very existence they leech our vitality and resistance, causing deficiencies and imbalance. We horror at the thought of parasites of the outside sucking and draining, and would act immediately if we could see them, but we can't, they are inside, in our organs, in our organs, in our tissue, sucking biting, crawling, chewing.

We are then forced to accept and process their excrement in our bodies. Parasites excrete ammonia as their waste product, toxic to us, this can cause insomnia, anxiety and depression.

When the parasites die several things take place, the leeching effort on our health stops, the Interactive chemical effects stop, the system begins to normalise. Energy levels increase, with many reporting an increased sense of well being.

The ZAPPER is not a drug treatment so there are none of the associated drug treatment conflicts. However, due to the speed at which benefit may arise from using the ZAPPER it is strongly advised, (particularly heart patients and diabetics),anybody receiving corrective type medication should monitor their condition closely, as this corrective medication if continued after your condition normalises can then upset the natural balance, causing a swing to the other extreme.

There are no known adverse effects from use of the ZAPPER other than those caused by the death of parasites. Your body absorbs and excretes the dead parasites, often causing excretion pimples around the lymph system and bone pints.

The ZAPPER cannot be used by those wearing a pace-maker.

Friendly bacteria thrive once competition has been removed, and the stomach is seldom, if ever, totally depleted.

We believe extra thought should be given, weighing up unknown risks and the possible benefits. (Children as young as 3 months have been treated with no noticeable side effects).