Be Assertive Sleep programming CD


Approx USD$16.52


Sleep Programming


Sleep Programming

As you relax and drift into first-stage sleep, the cycle-per-second activity of your brain slows down to alpha. The second level of theta precedes deep delta sleep. Alpha and theta are the levels accessed for hypnosis programming. So suggestions delivered at these mental levels are as effective as hypnotic mind programming. And a US Government Technical Services research report on sleep programming indicates that even in deep delta sleep, the suggestions are very effective.

All you have to do is listen to the CD as you go to sleep.

The program begins with Dick Sutphen directing a relaxation. Behind his voice and soothing music is a brain/mind "follow-response" sound that helps to put you to sleep. When the relaxation is complete you hear nearly 2,000 words of paced and repeated suggestions, phrased for acceptance by all levels of your mind.

The words fade away at the end of the CD, directing you to sleep soundly through the night and to awaken refreshed, at peace with yourself, and inspired to begin a new day.

Each CD is approximately 50 minutes long


The Sleep Programming Titles


Reinventing Yourself

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.A program to support the primary qualities of self-renewing adults. You're encouraged to accept and adapt to change, establish priorities, decide what you want, pursue your best options, become committed to values and goals, communicate, seek intimacy, learn from the past, make decisions with enthusiasm, distinguish essentials, focus time and energy, master your skills, gather information and more.

CD: CD1101


A Brighter Future

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.You are programmed to define success by what provides you with satisfaction, and to create success in all areas of your life.Also:You deserve love, happiness and prosperity. You accept that it's all right to be powerful and successful. Cast away your fear-based emotions. It's all right for life to be easy and joyful. You manifest abundance. You are clear about what you want. And  many more suggestions.

CD: CD1103


Tomorrow Is A New Beginning

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Positive affirmations program you to be confident and secure, to forgive yourself and others.Also:Allow your Higher Self to guide you into the future. You allow the light of awareness to cleanse your mind of negativity. You have within you everything required to make your life a joyous experience. You draw upon higher guidance to transform your life. Your deepest desires are coming true. Much more.

CD: CD1104


I Am Fine The Way I Am

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.A program to accept and approve of yourself, to release your fears and manifest your desires.Also:Your sense of peace doesn't depend upon anyone else. You rise above the need to impress others. You are confident and secure in yourself.  Where you are now is perfect for your growth. You now release the past and embrace the future. You forgive yourself and others for what happened in the past. Much, much more.

CD: CD1106


I Am Secure and Confident

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Programming to be secure and confident, and filled with independence and determination.Also:You feel powerful and in control. You retain a calm, optimistic outlook. You are peaceful, balanced and harmonious. You project a positive self-image. Your mind is calm and you have great inner courage. Every day, you feel more confident. And many more.

CD: CD1107


Finding Your Purpose

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Powerful programming to find your true purpose in life.Suggestion examples:"Everything speaks to you when you are receptive. Awareness comes from many sources, and every day in every way you become more aware of what it is you are here on earth to do." You're also directed to attain awareness in dreams and through other means, and to be centered at all times (emotionally calm, mentally focused and spiritually aware). Much, much more.

CD: CD1113


Banish Boredom

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Positive programming to banish boredom and create the life you want to live. You are directed to begin participating in life, to follow your heart and to manifest situations that will make life exciting.Suggestion examples:You seek out challenges and meet them with a happy heart. You do. You do what you really like to do in life. Your life now becomes exciting. You establish goals, accomplish them, and change your life in positive life-affirming ways.

CD: CD1114


Cope With Chaos

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.As the world becomes increasingly flexible and discontinuous, and your responsibilities increase, this programming helps you to thrive on chaos, and find opportunities in it.Suggestion examples:You can function in chaos as easily as you once functioned in a more structured world. You openly embrace the opportunities to be found in chaos. You easily establish a temporary order that allows you to think, make decisions, maneuver, and function in chaos.

CD: CD1116


Be Assertive

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Since repressed anger, guilt and depression are usually the result of unexpressed emotions that have turned inward, you are directed to express what you feel, and to always stand up for your basic human rights.Suggestion examples:You now become relaxed about revealing yourself through your words and actions, and you begin to communicate openly, directly, and honestly with the people in your life. You always act in ways that support your self-esteem.

CD: CD1117


Find Answers In Your Dreams

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.You are directed to go to sleep focusing upon what you desire to resolve, and are then told, "You will dream solutions. You will. You absolutely have the power and ability to obtain positive, practical answers in your dreams. You will receive solutions in vivid dreams and remember them when you awaken. You access the unlimited power of your subconscious and superconscious mind to find dream solutions for your waking life." More.

CD: CD1118


Be Relaxed And Stress Free

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Programming to develop the ability to detach from worldly pressures and retreat to a calm inner space.Suggestion examples:You handle your responsibilities with harmonious ease. You peacefully accept the things you cannot change and change the things you can. You accept other people as they are. A quietness of spirit permeates your body and mind. You accept this. You retain a calm, optimistic outlook. You feel powerful and in total control. Much more.

CD: CD1120


Project Charisma Attract Love

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Programming to project an inner warmth and friendliness, and to attract perfect love into your life.Suggestion examples:You now create the space in your life for perfect love. You project openness, warmth, sensitivity and vulnerability, which attracts others. You are self-assured and independent, and you project self-confidence to everyone you meet. You focus the power of your subconscious and superconscious mind upon drawing the perfect lover into your life. And more.

CD: CD1121


Overcome Procrastination

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.You are programmed to fulfill your commitments to yourself and to others.Suggestion examples:You expedite what needs to be done, and you finish what you start. You accept this. You do it. You do what you say you'll do. Every day in every way you take more control of your life. You divide big jobs into workable steps, which you handle one step at a time. You are persistent, ambitious and determined. You strive until you've accomplished your goals.

CD: CD1122


Go To Sleep Quickly

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.You are directed to drift off into a deep, natural sleep.Suggestion examples:You fall asleep easily and you sleep through the night. You accept this. You do it. You go to sleep now. Sleep now. Every night you find it easier and easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. You are now relaxed all over in every way. All tension is gone from your body and mind, and you continue to become more and more relaxed and at peace with yourself, the world, and everyone in it. More.

CD: CD1123


Anything Is Possible

SLEEP PROGRAMMING --Powerful suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance as you go to sleep.Programming to convince you that anything is indeed possible.Suggestion examples:You can do what you want and need to do, and you do it. You see positive opportunities in everything you experience, and you use them to create the life you want to live. You direct your time and energy to manifest your desires. You make things happen. Anything is possible. You know it. You accept it. You look forward to challenges and know you're a winner.

CD: CD1124

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Be Assertive Sleep programming CD


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    Approx USD$16.52
  • Model: CD1117

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