Light therapy for skin issues and skin conditions
January 7, 2010

Your skin has the ability to absorb infrared light and use it as a source of energy to stimulate cellular regeneration. Infrared LED light therapy, first researched by NASA for use in the U.S. Space Program, can reverse and control the visible signs of aging and help you look years younger without harsh chemical treatments or invasive surgical procedures. Dramatic tightening of skin, smoothing of wrinkles and rough spots, disappearing blemishes, softening of redness, and shrinking of pore size can be achieved with this natural light treatment. In addition, the unit can be used to effectively treat minor muscle and joint aches, sprains, back pain, muscle spasms, the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, and more.

Infrared LED light stimulates your skin to produce collagen and elastin.

The infrared light produced by LED lamps, aka photo rejuvenation, stimulates fibroblast cell activity in the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin—the proteins responsible for your skin’s tone and elasticity.

How are LEDs different from Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy?

Other light-based skin therapies including intense pulsed light and laser treatments rely on thermal injury to the skin’s collagen, water or blood vessels to create changes in the skin appearance. LED Skin Rejuvenation does not rely on thermal energy and the related tissue trauma to effect change. Therefore, patients are not subject to the variables associated with wound healing.

Skin conditions improved by infrared LED light therapy:


Tired, aging skin: ?

Hyperpigmentation — age spots, freckles, uneven pigmentation due to sun exposure, etc: ?

Acne and blemishes:Does infrared LED light treatment hurt? Are there any adverse effects?

Application of LED light feels comfortable and relaxing. It is gentle, painless, safe, non-invasive and nonabrasive. There is no “down time” after treatment. It is safe for any age, color, and skin type, and can be used on any area of the body (face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs, etc). Those with very sensitive skin or rosacea should go slowly at first to make sure this powerful treatment does not cause a flare-up.

When will I see results?

Depending on the light you are using and treatment time, noticeable changes are typically seen within 30-45 days; and the skin continues to improve as long as you continue to use the light. Some people see results with our DPL System

™ after just a few days of using it for 9 minutes twice a day! However, each person responds at different speeds depending on their physical condition, age, skin condition, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking habits, etc. WHAT CAUSES ACNE?


Some families are more likely to get acne ?

Hormone changes, during the teen years, often prompt breakouts ?

Stress can make acne worse?

Eating a balanced diet ?

Exercising regularly ?

Getting enough sleep ?

Staying out of the sun ?

Stopping smoking ?

Limiting alcohol ?

Managing stress ?

Source: Wood, 2005 Study Sheds Light on Wrinkle Treatment


News release, American Chemical Society.

Sommer, A. CrystalGrowth & Design, Nov. 5, 2008.Ski

Study Sheds Light on Wrinkle Treatment?




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Slideshow: Truth About Tattoos Video: How the Skin Works Get Your Personal Skin Evaluation Researchers Get Better Understanding of How Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Rejuvenate Skin and Reduce Wrinkles

By Stephanie Watson
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Study Sheds Light on Wrinkle Treatment

Researchers Get Better Understanding of How Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Rejuvenate Skin and Reduce Wrinkles

By Stephanie Watson
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Oct. 17, 2008 — The same tiny lights found in electronic billboards and traffic lights might zap away wrinkles and lead to younger-looking skin without the need for cosmetic surgery or Botox, say researchers in Germany.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used for more than 40 years to speed wound healing, and they are already being used in skin rejuvenation procedures, but until now, researchers have not understood exactly how they work. Now they do.

The research centered on elastin — the protein involved in skin elasticity. With age, elastin fibers break down and the skin loses its ability to bounce back.

Researchers Andrei P. Sommer and Dan Zhu of the University of Ulm in Germany have discovered that during aging, water layers surrounding elastin fibers change and affect the elastin fibers. This may contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

The researchers theorized that they could use high-intensity visible light from LEDs to change the molecular structure of the water layer to free up elastin. They used an array of LEDs that gave off 600-720 nanometers of light. To prevent any adverse effects to the cells from the light penetrating the skin, the doses were adjusted to temporarily increase circulation.

After nine weeks of daily treatment, participants had a noticeable reduction in wrinkles. The LED therapy led to rejuvenated, younger-looking, and more resilient skin, according to the researchers.

Because elastin also provides elasticity to the blood vessels, heart, and other structures in the body, the researchers say LEDs might be useful for other therapies, as well. “We are justified in believing that our approach can be easily converted to deep-body rejuvenation programs,” they write in the Nov. 5 issue of the American Chemical Society journal Crystal Growth & Design.

4 Must-See Articles Skin Problems


Sommer, A. CrystalGrowth & Design, Nov. 5, 2008.

News release, American Chemical Society.

Researchers Get Better Understanding of How Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Rejuvenate Skin and Reduce Wrinkles

By Stephanie Watson
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Oct. 17, 2008 — The same tiny lights found in electronic billboards and traffic lights might zap away wrinkles and lead to younger-looking skin without the need for cosmetic surgery or Botox, say researchers in Germany.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used for more than 40 years to speed wound healing, and they are already being used in skin rejuvenation procedures, but until now, researchers have not understood exactly how they work. Now they do.

The research centered on elastin — the protein involved in skin elasticity. With age, elastin fibers break down and the skin loses its ability to bounce back.

Researchers Andrei P. Sommer and Dan Zhu of the University of Ulm in Germany have discovered that during aging, water layers surrounding elastin fibers change and affect the elastin fibers. This may contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

The researchers theorized that they could use high-intensity visible light from LEDs to change the molecular structure of the water layer to free up elastin. They used an array of LEDs that gave off 600-720 nanometers of light. To prevent any adverse effects to the cells from the light penetrating the skin, the doses were adjusted to temporarily increase circulation.

After nine weeks of daily treatment, participants had a noticeable reduction in wrinkles. The LED therapy led to rejuvenated, younger-looking, and more resilient skin, according to the researchers.

Because elastin also provides elasticity to the blood vessels, heart, and other structures in the body, the researchers say LEDs might be useful for other therapies, as well. “We are justified in believing that our approach can be easily converted to deep-body rejuvenation programs,” they write in the Nov. 5 issue of the American Chemical Society journal Crystal Growth & Design.

Despite popular belief, chocolate and greasy foods do not cause acne. The exact cause of acne is unknown.


Source: NLM, 2007