(Eye) Analysis Report Card

Name: Example(Female) Sex: Female Age: 30
Figure: Standard body weight(165cm,62kg) Testing Time: 2013-05-02 17:20

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Bags under the eyes 0.510 - 3.109 3.37
Collagen eye wrinkle 2.031 - 3.107 1.749
Dark circles 0.831 - 3.188 0.862
Lymphatic obstruction 1.116 - 4.101 4.035
Sagging 0.233 - 0.559 0.511
Edema 0.332 - 0.726 0.647
Eye cell activity 0.118 - 0.892 0.313
Visual fatigue 2.017 - 5.157 3.339
Reference Standard:
  Normal(-)   Mildly Abnormal(+)
  Moderately Abnormal(++)   Severely Abnormal(+++)
Bags under the eyes: 0.510-3.109(-) 3.109-7.285(+)
  7.285-9.729(++) >9.729(+++)
Collagen eye wrinkle: 2.031-3.107(-) 1.107-2.031(+)
  0.486-1.107(++) <0.486(+++)
Dark circles: 0.831-3.188(-) 3.188-5.615(+)
  5.615-8.036(++) >8.036(+++)
Lymphatic obstruction: 1.116-4.101(-) 4.101-7.348(+)
  7.348-9.907(++) >9.907(+++)
Sagging: 0.233-0.559(-) 0.559-1.066(+)
  1.066-1.549(++) >1.549(+++)
Edema: 0.332-0.726(-) 0.726-1.226(+)
  1.226-1.708(++) >1.708(+++)
Eye cell activity: 0.118-0.892(-) 0.892-1.37(+)
  1.37-1.892(++) >1.892(+++)
Visual fatigue: 2.017-5.157(-) 5.157-8.253(+)
  8.253-10.184(++) >10.184(+++)
Parameter Description
Bags under the eyes:
Bags under the eyes are the lower eyelid skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and relaxation of the orbital septum, orbital fat hypertrophy, the formation of pocket protruding.
Collagen eye wrinkle:
The main chemical components of the collagen fibers is collagen, a connective tissue fibers. In the loose connective tissue arranged in bundles, fiber bundles often branch. Collagen and elastic fibers woven together to form both the toughness and elasticity, both the organs and tissues against external traction, while maintaining a relatively fixed shape and location of loose connective tissue.
Dark circles:
Because of often staying up late, emotional instability, eye fatigue, aging, venous blood flow velocity is too slow, lack of oxygen in red blood cells of eye skin, venous carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes accumulate excessive, chronic hypoxia, dark and the formation of stagnant blood and cause eye pigmentation.
Lymphatic obstruction:
Lymphatic obstruction for many reasons, can be divided into primary (cause unknown) and the secondary. Secondary, including inflammation, cancer, injury and after the radiation therapy.
Because the fibers between the cells degraded over time, skin loses its elasticity; loss of subcutaneous fat, sagging skin and loss of support; support the skin and muscle relaxation, also will make the skin loose.
Due to the effect of variation of blood circulation system, too late to go to the body of excess waste water discharge. Water retention in the capillaries, or even back to the infiltration into the skin, producing a swelling edema.
Eye cell activity:
Cell activity is the cell's physiological state and function, reduce the temperature will slow down the metabolism of cells, low temperature for a long time cause cell death, but the low temperature to a certain extent, also caused the cells in the suspension of respiration, but caused the cells to restore normal temperature, high temperature will lead to cell death.
Visual fatigue:
Visual fatigue is engaged in close work or study, due to excessive use of vision resulting from eye fatigue. Disease occurs in close-in precision work, computer work or insufficient lighting and suffer from myopia, hyperopia, the old light and other refractive errors and infirm people. Patients with the usual symptoms are: blurred vision, some can not write or read, dry eyes, dizziness, pain, and even severe nausea and vomiting.

The test results for reference only and not as a diagnostic conclusion.