“The Physics of Alice’s Looking Glass”
Robert E. Beutlich, BS-TV Eng. , July 2002

When Alice stepped into her mirror, it became a ‘Wonderland’ of mixed up things and all seemed backwards from ordinary logic, welcome to the quantum world of sub-atomic physics. The sub-atomic world has baffled science since the early 20's of the last century and little by little as each new paradigm became accepted, it’s strangeness became even more weird. The current super-string theory has as it’s base a ten dimensional worlds of infinitely small strings of energy enfolded upon each other. An extension of the 10 dimensions yields some 26 dimensions of space/time. The classical Klein Bottle of modeling or the ‘Light Cone’ attempt to give some physical meaning, bit they all fall short of giving the ordinary person any kind of a glimpse of it’s structure.

A most serious error is being made in current quantum physics as well as other researchers when they depict the extra dimensions beyond the physical world as being extra-spacial with time remaining as a scalar. Using this modeling does not account for all the various types of psychic phenomena that has occurred over the millenniums.

Time in our physical world is a one dimensional (scalar) thing, it just goes on and on, forwards, never stopping, never going backwards. Gravity is also a Scalar, a one dimensional thing, always going inward,

So Imagine a balloon as it expands, it just goes outward,-like Time. And gravity is like the outside air pushing inwards on the balloon. You can not grab a piece of time and hold it, its every where but nowhere. This instant in time is the same instant in time all over the Cosmos, it does not have to travel to get there, it Just Is! If time rises up all over at the same time, then this is in fact a holographic universe. But where is the master clock that beats and synchronizes it all?

The answer comes from the Kabbalah, the ancient Hebrew mystic portion, they call it Ein-Sof or ‘Nothingness’, ‘The No-Thing’, which in turn creates the first of four basic ten dimensional worlds. The pattern of each world consists of ten Sepiroth, (eminators of ‘light’), interconnected by a triune beam of energy, A scalar ‘rod’ with two beams of counter rotating energies. (Ah-ha, shades of Phase Conjugate Mirrors!) There is a descending hierarchy from the first world, (Tree of Life), which in turn creates the second, then the third and finally the fourth. The fourth world relates to this physical world of 3-D space and 1D-time. The preceding worlds are made up 3D-time and 1D space, and are literally the worlds of Spirit.

Each of these four worlds interact with each other and create a standing wave pattern between each one of them, thus there are seven worlds; 4 fixed and 3 temporal (in constant flux). Each of these four worlds has a base velocity, the last being physical, operates at the velocity of light or “C”. The next at 3C; next, 9C ; and the top most at 27C. The sum of which are 1C + 3C + 9C + 27C = 40C. (The biblical 40) The ‘in-between worlds’ also have velocities which are at the 3/4 point due to their pulsed nature. (Were these sine waves the would be the sum of the two divided by 2.) The 1C world is this physical creation; the next world up is the Mental world at 3C; when the mind interacts with the physical, emotions result as a standing wave pattern in the Astral plane, and that is at 2.5C, the 3/4 nodal point ! We will discuss this latter when describing the work of Leadbetter & Bessant of the Theosophical Society in the late 1890's and onwards. These velocities were derived by this author in 1978 (1) from the frequencies given in book by Mrs. Bloomfield Moore on John Keely’s work, and verbal conversation with Arthur Mathews (A Tesla Assistant) who cited a biblical reference in Revelations Chap.4-3, Jasper, Sardine stones and Emerald. (See ‘The Ring That Sings’ and phase diagram of crystals in Wm. Tiller’s book, --??--)

The velocities are all odd numbers, 1 - 3 - 9 - 27, which means that these are odd harmonics produced by square waves or pulses which in turn leads us to Tachions. Tachions form tetrahedral shape, (the first of the five platonic solids) and their motion is a stepped clocking action, moving in three steps in one direction, then in a reverse direction of rotation thus creating a pulse or square wave phenomena!

To put it simply, this world’s three dimensions of Vector Space (x,y,z directions that have length and direction) and one dimension of Time (Scalar, which has only an outward flow from each and every atomic structure) inverts at the mirror (event horizon of the ‘Quantum World’) when the space size is equal to, or smaller than a proton’s diameter. Of course a mirror inverts the image, like wise the world inside the proton is a mirror of the outside Space-Time World ,our physical world of 3 Space and 1-Time . On the inside it inverts and becomes 3-Time and 1-Space. Here in the sub-atomic worlds, Time is now a vector quantity and can add up , just as Space adds up on the outside, 1 mile, 2 miles, etc. And what was scalar time on the outside now becomes scalar space. Here scalar space connects every thing in this world together. You can imagine scalar space as being a solid iron rod that connects all particles that were created together as being inseparable, what ever you do to one particle, the other reacts. This is a most important concept , it now allows things to happen at a distance with out there being a direct cause moving all the way over to the remote location!

A very elegant description of this was an experiment based on one of Bell’s theorems. Here an electron pair was created, one of the electrons is called ‘spin up’ (like having a North pole) and the other is ‘spin down’ (like having a South pole) They are now sent down the long chamber and separated into two different paths , as they are traveling their separate ways, a field is applied to one of the electrons and it is flipped over, from say an ‘up’, to a ‘down’ position. Although no field is applied to the other electron, it also flips so fast that it is impossible that electromagnetic field traveling at the speed of light could have caused the flip. This enigmatic discovery can easily explained with the concept of Scalar Space! That scalar space, ‘the iron rod’, connects the two electrons, when the first one is forced to flip, the second one has to flip because they are tied together by this rigid rod of scalar space!

It is my belief that using the work of Leadbeater and Bessant (Clairvoyants in the early days of the Theosophical Society) in their seminal book, “Occult Chemistry” which described Molecular , Atomic, Sub-Atomic (quarks) and sub-sub atomic structures called ANU will clarify the ‘picture’. In an altered state, they viewed various atomic elements provided by Sir William Crookes of the Royal Academy, London. The initial results were published Nov.1895, in magazine, ‘Lucifer’ which included Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and a fourth unknown gas which had an atomic weight of 3. These investigations proceed over the next 49 years, until their deaths in 1933 and 1934. Three editions were published, the last in 1951 which corrected many errors that had crept into the books. As the work proceeded intermittently over the years, there evolved platonic structures and families of like base units.

In addition to the data from “Occult Chemistry” , shall use the paradigms of Dewey Larson, Portland, OR. (deceased) who self published a series of books about the “Reciprocal” theorems. (Now out of print) He postulates there are two major sectors, the Physical and it’s mirror, the Cosmic. With in each are small portions of opposite polarity regions. Hence this brings to mind the famous Ying-Yang symbol of the Far East ; the circle divided into black and white portions by a ‘S’ curve and with in the white is a spot of black also within the black sector is a spot of white. His paradigm allows for 90% of the universe’s missing mass, and ‘spooky action at a distance’, common to psychic phenomena.

And next we shall use a liberal application of the ancient Hebrew Kabbalah, the works of J.G.Gallimore and this author, and some of the concepts of Ken Killick of Canada on Tachions.

All of the above will combine to hopefully yield a clear concept of the basic structure and functions of Psychotronics.

There is in my proposal a basic concept that has been totally ignored or misstated both in current physics and by my peers. The ‘Other Worlds’ are really in the Time Domain, (with 3 finite vectorial velocities in excess of C, the speed of light) which some call ‘Frequency’, but this does not yield a true picture. Dewey Larson’s concept, was for each unit of time, there is a corresponding unit of space.

That all is ‘Nothing But Motion’ (his first book); for any particle to exist it must be in motion. The natural datum is a progression of time outward from unity , time, in this world is always going outward as a scalar, or one dimensional thing. (When an electron in an exited orbit falls back to it’s normal value, light is emitted. Light is merely an oscillation which is carried outward by the natural progression of time). Time (this instant, i) arises all over the universe at the same instant, it does not have to travel to get there! Thus time flows outward from each nucleus We can talk on the phone to New York from Chicago, which is an hour’s clock time difference, but we are talking almost simultaneously, only delayed by the transit time of the electronics, close to the speed of light, ‘C’.

Our ordinary world is made up of three dimensions of space, the X, Y, and Z axis , with one dimension of time which is called a ‘Scalar’. Here, time only goes outwards, never backwards. Gravity goes inwards, never outwards, it also is a Scalar. Scalars have only magnitude.

To simplify, the proton can be viewed as existing in units of ‘ Time’ and the electron existing as a corresponding unit/units of Space.

Borrowing from Bruce DePalma’s concepts, he proposes that the magnetic field is really a ‘Time Field’.

This applied to an electric generator, the logic is : When a magnet field passes through the copper wire, electrons are displaced causing a current to flow. The truer explanation is: Time and Space are orthogonal (at right angles to each other and exclude each other); thus when ‘X’ units of Time (magnetic) pass through the copper wire (with free electrons) ‘X’ units of Space (electrons) are displaced . When the Time field stops moving, the Electrons stop moving.!

The Physics of the ‘Other Side’, Part 2. (’03 lecture)
By Robert E. Beutlich

To briefly review last years presentation, “The Physics of Alice’s Looking Glass”, covered the four worlds of creation ala the Kabbalah, Dewey Larson’s theorem of ‘Reciprocity’, which explains in detail the dimensional time and scalar space of the ‘ Other Side’ The velocities of the ‘Other Side’ in terms of multiples of the velocity of light of 1C,3C,9C and 27C. Also described the ‘In Between Worlds’ velocities as 2.5C, 7.5C and 22.5C.

Now shall examine some of the experiential events that lead me to the previous conclusions.

It all began in the fifties when my father, who was then in charge of all construction projects for the Chicago Park District showed me dowsing which he had learned from a bulldozer/trencher operator while building the new South Branch of the Outer Drive along the Lake Michigan Shoreline.

In the seventies, became heavily involved with the ‘New Age’ movement after reading “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain” and “Secret Life of Plants”. Becoming a ‘weekend junkie’ to all the ‘New Age’ groups that had sprung up. But being an engineering type myself, wanted to know how all this ‘strange stuff’ occurred, what was this strange energy behind all of this phenomena? That is when J.G. Gallimore stepped in with the ‘First US Radionics Congress’ in Indianapolis, 1975. Oh Boy what an eye-opener! We meet the following year, 1976, in Washington DC and formed the U.S. Psychotronics Assn.

It was there I meet one of the speakers, Dr. Dan Fry, a physicist who had worked at the White Sands Proving Grounds on the Hydrogen bomb. He told me a story, one Saturday night, he missed the last bus going into town (where all the ‘boys’ could get a drink and have some ‘fun’) so he took a stroll through the desert. Where upon he became a contactee of the third kind, he was invited aboard a UFO. He seemed to acquire a great deal more ‘knowledge’, he then developed a mechanism for ‘reading ones thoughts’. In an electromagnetic shielding screen booth, he placed a bunch of coils in a headband helmet, placed on the skull. Observing the trace on the oscilloscope, he could not ‘lock it in’, it jittered so much he could not read the patterns of the various emotions he was trying to analyze. He then took a sample of the signal and applied it to a frequency generator, the output he used for the horizontal sweep on the scope, this stabilized the signal. He could then read the patterns love, anger, hate, truth statements, lies, which he created in his mind. Incidentally, he did all this work alone, on his own time, nights, but using the facilities there at the base. The signals were PULSED SPIKES, AT BRAIN FREQUENCY RATES, WITH A DECAYING RAMP OF FM FREQUENCIES!.

Now this fits exactly into my theorem of the velocities of the four kabbalistic worlds, a pulsed or spike wave is created by odd harmonics, hence the 1-3-9-27C, all odd harmonics. Which I derived in 1978 from Keely’s work, factoring the frequencies and expanding the pattern given in the back of Mrs. Bloomfield Moore’s book, “Keely and His Discoveries”,page 360-361. The derivation was first published in Theosophy Science, Adyar, India, 1978.

We now come to the second man that I’ve meet who was aboard a UFO, Arthur Matthews of Lake Beauport, Que. Canada. In 1975, had seen the pattern in Gallimore’s book , ‘Handbook of Unusual Energies’, Pg. 341, the Odic Periodic Table, above first row of elements 1 to 8 there were numbers which indicated there were 128, but his table only went to 96. Also a notation “ Notice Each Polarity (E) Jumps two places in next line down, Not Planned Analyzing the table, I found the pattern, and completed his table to all 128 Odic periodic elements, and presented at first meeting in 1975. Prior to that had shown the table to a friend with whom I had been doing some joint research on the Hendershot Generator. She was a musician, and sometimes psychic, Margo Butgereit. While describing the print of the128 Odic Periodic Table on her dinning room table one evening, she turned and talked to someone else in the room, But there was no one else there! As I turned to the NE corner of the room to see to whom she was talking, the conversation ceased. (I could only hear her side of the conversation). Asked, who/what was that? Nonchalantly, she said oh that was Tesla, he said, “That’s Right’, and there is more in this book”. What book? She described a blue leather book with gold lettering on the cover that was shown to her. But, who was it? “Oh that’s Tesla, I see him now and then. He’s from Venus, and I think sometimes my twin is also there on Venus. (Incidentally, a few years later she experienced ‘transfiguration’ she described a column of light descending upon her, making her ‘all aglow’ and she passed over shortly afterwards)

Queering her further, she had no idea who Tesla had been here on Earth, the creator of our A.C. electrical power system that accelerated the phenomenal growth of the past century. Switching back to Mathews, had gotten his book from Health Research, “The Wall of Light”, it described Tesla’s arrival on Earth from Venusian’s UFO and deposited with Earth parents. This tied in directly with what Margo had told me!. In that book he intimated many other secrets of Tesla, he had painted 26 pictures that revealed Tesla’s secrets. (I did obtain a slide set of them, but not the notes that went with them– he had given the paintings and notes to the Canadian Government) I visited Arthur Matthews many times on my way to the Dowsers conference, going through Canada, stopping in the Quebec City area, then on down to Daneville, Vermont. Showing him the 128 element Odic Periodic Table and the story of Margo, asked him about the ‘blue book’, he replied the only blue book Tesla had was a blue leather covered bible with embossed gold letters ! Many famous men had come to ‘check him out’, including Andrija Puharich, Chris. Bird, etc. Puharich had purchased a typewriter from him which he said had been Tesla’s, Andrija, checked out the up/down/spacing pattern of the typewriter letters with the documents in Tesla Museum, they were identical! Regrettable it was lost in an arson fire set at Puharich’s mansion in NY.

Arthur told me his uncle was in the Royal Academy, London, and as a young boy of eight had meet Telsa there one day. Arthur moved to Canada and became an electrical engineer for the Canadian railway system. Here again he meet Tesla in the late thirties, helping him disassemble generators (at the end on railway line in northern Quebec) which were backpacked to a waterfall site and re-assembled. Arthur would not reveal any of Tesla’s secrets, should you ask, it’s all in the Bible he would say. But he would confirm any concepts you had, saying yes that’s true– thus I found that my work on the velocities of the four worlds was correct, and “it’s in the bible”, Revelations, Chap. 4.3, stones of Jasper, Sardine and Emerald. This further confirmed my work in “The Ring that Sings” where I found the fundamental rays on the nine gem stone, Navaratna Ring from India. These turned into angles which in turn became musical notes. (The song it played was from a melody a boyhood chum had written three years prior!) Now, Tiller describes group phase velocity, faster than ordinary signals in crystals. Crystals are super-conductors for not only the Etheric but also at Astral & Mind levels. Hence Arron’s breastplate was a communication device to the ‘above’. The 12 foundation stones in Revelations are the resonant structures that empower the creation process’s. Look back on my papers and you will see a path. (not consciously deliberate) Arthur also described the X-12 space craft that landed on his property, NE of Quebec City, and he went aboard. The second man I’ve personally known to be aboard a UFO. Another fascinating portion of Matthew’s story, he became deathly ill and ‘died’ in the hospital, but somehow recovered, and came back a ‘different man’. Both Ken Killick & I believe that the ‘different personality’ that came back in Arthur Mathews body was in fact Nicolai Tesla!

Here I introduce you to the third person I’ve known to have been aboard UFO craft, Ken Killick, whom I meet through Mary Hardy. When Ken was 12 years old in England, he was picked up by space craft, his life was forever changed. He had knowledge well beyond his education, became an Episcopal priest, and at one point ran some very sophisticated programs growing crystals commercially. He worked extensively with the Hardy’s on their pyramids and healing circles and a joint book. After Arthur’s death we both came to the conclusion that when he ‘died’ and a different man came home, that man was a walk-in - Nicolai Tesla. Arthur’s main function was apparently to maintain the “Tesla Mystique”. (Incidentally, Arthur asked for permission to forward my 128 Odic Periodic Table to the Canadian Government in exchange for his written notes on the 26 paintings that revealed Tesla’s secrets, But it turned out to be a one way street, they never sent back his notes to me)

Importantly– the mathematics to describe FM and Phase modulation are Bessel functions , these were used by Whittaker to describe conversion of transverse electric fields to longitudinal scalar waves and visa versa. (see Tom Bearden’s volumes of papers presented at USPA) “All information between worlds, is transmitted via pulsed, phase modulation, longitudinal scalar electromagnetics”