MMS success stories

Success Stories

1. Two Weeks to Live

2. Chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs

3. Chronic dandruff all my life

4. Irregular and elevated heart rate

5. Multiple Sclerosis

1. Two Weeks to Live

This has been a very exciting week in many ways. The main event has been the girl I mentioned last time
Delwyn basically was given 2 weeks to live from her alternative GP with her cancer. She was confined to a wheelchair. Her family had a special pre birthday gathering as they did not expect her to make it to her birthday.
She could only get up for 10 minutes at a time, and then only in her wheelchair, she was so weak & frail. Her GP had heard about MMS (Stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement) and understood how it works in the body and was very insistent that I get some over to her asap as he said only if we get something really effective into her orally and also with God's intervention will she pull through this.

Eleven days latter from taking the MMS she is up and about has been going for walks the past week. Drove herself down to the lake yesterday and walked the lake. Took part of a presentation yesterday and did very well, as she
normally does.

Yes Our Father has intervened and we Praise Him!!

Joann Kyce

2. Chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs

Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying life. I would like to share my testimonial with you if that is OK!

A little background. I have COPD, chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs. I have been on oxygen for months and should have been on it much longer but doctors couldn't seem to agree as to what was wrong. I was so weak before that to brush my teeth I needed to sit on a bar stool and lean onto the bathroom counter on my elbows because I didn't have the strength to hold my body upright to simply brush my teeth.

I downloaded your books on 8/24 (2007) and ordered the MMS from David the same day. I received the product on 8/28 and began taking it that day. That was on a Tuesday.

By Sunday 9/01 I felt so good that I went shopping for several hours without an oxygen tank. By the following week I was totally off the oxygen, even at night and have been free of the oxygen tubes and tanks ever since.

The MMS has given me back my life. I can vacuum my floors, work in my yard and cook my meals, now. :-) and I can brush my teeth standing at the bathroom sink, like everyone else does. This is the best I've felt in years and I'm getting better everyday.

I wish to thank you for what you have done for me. I have sung your praises all across the Internet and also to friends and family. Lots of these people have ordered your books and purchased the product because they have seen the difference this has made in my life..

Again, thank you. Your product has literally saved my life.


MMS Malaria Baby with Jim Humble

3. Chronic dandruff all my life

I’ve had chronic dandruff all my life. We are talking big snow flakes type of dandruff. If I didn’t wash my hair with a strong dandruff shampoo every other day, the dandruff would reappear a day later. The prescription shampoos didn’t do any good either. It got so bad that when scratching my scalp, I could actually get a millimeters worth of dandruff under my fingernails. If I rubbed my scalp and hair lightly, dry flakes would fall as if it was snowing.

I had tried all sorts of remedies specifically designed to treat this problem without any success. It is something I had learned to live with all these years. I’m 55 years old now and still had this problem until recently. Someone mentioned MMS on one of the forums online. With that I bought a copy of your book, read about MMS and actually bought a couple of bottles from your friend in Canada.

Since I didn’t have any particular health problems (or so I thought), I just took it for maintenance purposes. About 7-10 drops with half a tablespoon of vinegar in two ounces of water. I repeated this routine once or twice a week.
A few days ago after ingesting the MMS for about two months, I noticed that my dandruff was completely gone. I purposely skipped two days of shampooing and scratched my scalp just to test it, but I am happy to say “THE DANDRUFF WAS AND IS NOW COMPLETELY GONE !!!!”.

As a side note, I’ve also had better bowel movement since.

Thank you, this was a God send.

(Note: I included this story to illustrate the point that most skin diseases, including melanoma, are or over come by taking MMS internally. Normally, one does not need to put the MMS on the outside. Please don't use vinegar as the activator. Use instead, lime, lemon, or citric acid solution. See the Technical Updates on this site. Vinegar feeds candida.)


4. Irregular and elevated heart rate

I'm 75 and have been into alternative health for over 35 years. Since age 18-20 I've had an intermittent problem with irregular and elevated heart rate. Many things triggered the condition; Caffeine, stress, exercise...It was always close to acting up. I know my stuff and tried a lot of things with no lasting success.On the fifth day of MMS I took my blood pressure. As usual, it was normal or a bit low. The surprise was the heart rate, which read 60!!! I felt the pulse and it was firm and rock steady. I attend a gym and often had, "After workout" problems; High, irregular, pulse with a light-headed feeling. I've exercised since and the problem seems to have cleared. I have more energy, the heart rate goes higher than it did (Good) and I sweat more (Good). As soon as I stop there is steady recovery to resting heart rate. For me, this is close to a miracle. Jim: Use the above as a testimonial, if you wish. Book 1 showed incidents of general apathy toward Africa. Terrible! I support your mission, 100%.

Carl Lindert


5. Multiple Sclerosis

Testimony of MMS usage from September 27th 2007 to March 2008.

I have taken MMS for 5 months. I have had Multiple Sclerosis and have improved my symptoms over the years with many holistic therapies and treatments. I always found some of the symptoms would re occur in time. I came to the belief that Multiple Sclerosis is pathogen based and the immune system is overwhelmed and started attacking the central nervous system and myelin. I believe as long as the pathogens are active the MS disease will remain a problem.

I found MMS and thought this is the answer to the pathogen problems. I started out very low and remained at 3 drops several times a day for over a month. I noticed my nails improving right away. They lost the dullness and started to shine. they also lost the ridges and lumps. I noticed the white foam which I took to be yeast die off. I have seen my pre cancer lumps drop off. I have seen lymph congestion diminish.. I have seen lymph nodules reduced. The functions of my lungs, Kidneys, bowels, and skin, have improved. My balance problems, aches and stiffness as well as spasms from MS have been absent for over two months. My sleep and digestion are much improved. I am no longer snoring, My skin looks better and the age spots are gone. My skin is starting to tighten on my arms, face, neck, upper and lower legs. My balance is much improved. My stiffness has subsided. An ear infection which I have had for 10 years has cleared. My sinus is clearing and my voice has changed due to open sinus passages. My voice is stronger. . I may have left out a few improvements as there seems to be no area which MMS hasn't improved.

I believe improvements are a result of doing the MMS protocol. I have worked up to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. I also am doing a lot to keep all systems evacuating. I also am taking enzymes although for the first month I didn't do this. Hope this is helpful. Are you dealing with Systemic Yeast? Many people have Candida Yeast and it is very destructive. I also have been diagnosed with Lime's disease, mycoplasma, Epstein Barr, chlymedia pneumonia, Black Berry Mold infection and various staph infections. I am drinking more water and my thirst has returned. I don't crave the foods or drinks which are bad for me.

Marlene WA

Lyme Disease, IBS, Edema Responds to MMS
Lyme Disease 2 Comments »From Suzy in Oregon
November 11, 2007Dear Ones,

I have sent out information on this product before and I have been taking it now for 2 months. So I am sending it again to give you a personal update on my experience with it and to pass on to you some other testimonials that I just received this evening.

I had a severe case of Lymes Disease that has been in my body for years. It has been dormant for most of those years having been kept under control by the water and other supplements I have been taking. It flared up recently after Surgery and after researching it on the internet, I tried several different cures with it only to return when I stopped taking the remedies.

Finally I started taking the MMS at 15 drops as suggested if there are parasites in the body and that of course is what Lymes Disease is. So now it is almost gone after 2 months of taking 15 drops every night. I take my supplements in the morning, including my Vitamin C and then the MMS just before retiring in a glass of Organic Apple Cider with no Vitamin C added. I sleep very soundly so I know the body is healing. But other wonderful things are happening also. My circulation is better, my edema is gone, my eyesight is better and so is my hearing. My frequent nighttime urination is gone, my irritable bowel syndrome is gone and I just generally have more energy and stamina. Aside from these conditions I am very healthy so now I feel the MMS has cured me of other things besides the Lymes and so I have to recommend it.

Today, I received the email below from a friend in Australia and when you read about all the other ailments that are being cured, I have to share this with you.

A word of caution though, please before taking it, read all the documentation. There are explicit directions in the 2nd half of the book that need to be read.

It clears the arterial plaque from the blood vessels and while this is a good thing, if you do this too quickly, it could cause problems for people with heart problems. So read the interesting info below and do yourself and others that you know a favor and get some. The testimony of the lady who was dying from Cancer is very impressive. I also know of others who are now healed of the Mycoplasma and Asian Flu. Here in the US you can order it from Be sure to order the Citric Acid Powder to mix it with as it is more effective and much superior to the vinegar or lemon juice and will not cause problems if you have any Candida in your body.

Love, blessings & peace.

Thanks for Sharing!

Just wanted to take a moment to thank Jim Humble for discovering and sharing the MMS protocol with the world.
I am grateful for this simple miraculous formula which has taken my once a year winter cold/flu and stopped it dead in it's tracks. Typically I would be fighting my symptons for 3-5 days. Today after 26 hours no more symptons and currently feel better than I have in months. Thanks again Jim!!!!!!!


11 Responses to “Mms, Jim Humble And The Miracle Mineral”

My sister used this for her hpv and cancer, her pains went away after only two days. I used it when I caught streap throat and it was gone in 10 minutes, then it started to return after 24 hours, I took a higher dose and it was gone for good. I did not have to suffer weeks of illness like everyone else.

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Everyone needs to start telling all their friends about this. I have a fibroid tumor in my uterus, and I had a little pain with it. After 3 days on MMS, I no longer have the pain. I think the tumor may be shrinking, because my period was not very heavy. Of course, to know for sure I would have to go spend a bunch of money for an ultrasound.

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Our health is the most precious gift in life.
Cleanliness is next to godliness, haha.I am so
elated with this MMS & have already saved many
friends with it.This will be unstopable now &
will move mountains.I feel humble & devoted.

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

truth is always beyond the rating scale 10 out of 10

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

continued, i took 12 drops at end of day and had no problems at all. The next day is when i decided to take 15(max) upon waking with an empty stomach…..that hurt me for 3 days(herx) but the cleaning it did was amazing, i cant describe how good iam starting to feel! do the research, it can help everyone.

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

well ive been on it and it is truly amazing i feel calmer then i have in years, and i have been passing things i cant even recognize!!! my arthritis is improving greatly! I did make the mistake of taking 15 drops on an empty stomach, let me strongly warn against doing that…

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

mms is naclo2 , naclo3 could be given to pig before slaughter and reduce salmonella 150 fold

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

its out duty to search and seek cures for humanity and i think this M.M.S product could the answer to the most devastating diseases to ever hit mankind, dont count on your medical establishment to get better!!!

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

i am so sorry abotu your loss…and thank you for your comment on the treatment i will try it!

5 years!

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Cool video, love the music. Short and to the point. good job. I just ordered some of this.

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm

I just took my first (2 drops) dose and within probably 3 minutes, my sinus cleared and my throat no longer has the icky film on it. This stuff works. It does smell a little bleachy, but the fresh lemon juice helped it a lot. Hey, If I was dying and traditional medicine gave me a death sentance, I sure as heck would give it a try - what else would you have to loose, right?

March 11th, 2008 at 11:10 pm