"We easily forget that we can be controllers
of our reality – and that “our reality” does
not have to be made up of outside influences, but that
it actually consists of our thoughts, beliefs and mindset"
It’s important to understand how your brain contributes
to our state of mind. While most focus on looking at
our emotions in an attempt to become happier, more spiritual
beings, our brains waves and our subconscious mind which
play an important key in our quest for fulfillment is
Controllers Of Our Reality?

Therefore, by learning about the deeper states of consciousness,
you can open your subconscious mind and understand your
illussional reality. To do this, the first step perhaps
is understanding your different brain frequencies. We
all have five major ones (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and

and each frequency is measured in cycles per second
(Hz) and has its own set of characteristics representing
a specific level of brain activity and a unique state
of consciousness?
Last week we looked at Theta
Brain states,,this week lets look at Alpha Brain
Typically when we are awake our brain is producing Beta
- Gamma brain Waves. These are much faster than alpha
waves; resulting in faster thoughts, the ability to multi-task
- but often, unfortunately, they
can result in anxiety & stress.
If you
want a better relationship - picture yourself in
a perfect relationship while in an Alpha State

Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation ,usually
when the eyes are closed, when you’re dropping
into a day-dream or during light meditation. It is an
optimal time to help the mind in its quest
for success and also heightens
your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and
It is the gateway to your
subconscious mind and lies at the
base of your conscious awareness. The voice of Alpha
is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more
profound the more you access it consciously.

It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7 to 8Hz., where
the optimal range for visualization, mind programming
and using the creative power of your mind begins. At
this frequency, you are conscious
of your surroundings however your body
is in deep starte of relaxation..
"Driving a car - "dipping into
Have you ever experienced driving for a long time by yourself
and when you finally reach your destination you can't remember
the last 10 miles?
Why is that?
It is because you are "dipping" in and out of the alpha
level. Your left brain is concentrating on the driving and your
right brain is just drifting away in a thought world. It is sending
out brainwaves at the alpha level.You can be thinking of complete
other things than driving and still you are able to handle yourself
in the traffic." Jose Silva
Clever huh :) |
The amazing
power of alpha brain waves
Neuroscientists have long ago discovered that brain
cells, called neurons, produced electricity. This electrical
nature of the neuron enabled scientists to determine
or measure their different electrical patterns or waves.
A piece of medical equipment called an electroencephalograph (EEG),
invented by Dr.
Hans Berger, showed that these neurons have rhythms
or cycles, which scientists arbitrarily called beta (from
14 to 20cycles
per second), alpha (from8 to 13 cps), theta (from
four to 7 cps) and delta (from almost zero to four cps).
"Neuroscientists have
recently made a correlation between an increase
of alpha brain waves—either through electrical
stimulation or mindfulness
and meditation—and the
ability to reduce depressive symptoms and increase
creative thinking." |
Now, have you ever wondered why some people can see
things that others can’t, know what’s going
to happen before it does, describe a remote place they
have never
seen before, seamingly read people’s minds, heal
themselves using just mental imagery or read a person
like a book?

Many of the people who exhibited one or a combination
of the above mental abilities were not psychics or clairvoyants,
but ordinary individuals like ourselves, office workers
housewives, accountants, clerks, waitresses salesmen
The Relaxation
Response was discovered by Dr Herbert Benson
from Harvard Medical School, whilst studying
top performers. He wanted to see why they remain
cool under pressure. He found that an ability
to access The Relaxation Response - characterised
by alpha brain waves was massively beneficial
to the body & mind and not just when under
stress, but at any time. |
What is common among all the above individuals?
They are able to completely focus
their minds on a single task at a time,
completely relax their body and reduce their brain waves
to at least the alpha rhythm (about 9 to 13 cycles per

But what is this alpha brain wave and what
makes it so powerful and special? .
"Some of
the major benefits, reported in Michael
Hutchison's excellent book Megabrain,
include a reduction
in heart rate, blood pressure & sweating
... combined with a greater functioning of the
digestion system, deeper relaxation of muscles, & an
increase in the percentage of oxygen & blood
flowing to the brain. Additionally, people who
can access the Alpha state tend to demonstrate
superior performance on both physical and mental
tests. " |
Each of these brain
waves appears to have its own characteristics
or properties.
Often, when we slow down our brain waves by relaxation
or meditation, they eventually settle down to delta,
and we fall asleep. However, if we can slow down or reduce
the frequency of our brain waves without falling asleep
, then a person can perform certain mental tasks at one
brain wave level which he cannot do at other brain wave

Jose Silva, the founder of The Silva Method, did extensive
research on brainwaves. He showed through his studies
that when your brain is in alpha wave level you are actually
able to reprogram yourself. He showed that it is possible
to enter into the alpha level without falling asleep.He
found out that you can train yourself to stay conscious
at the same time as you connect to the subconscious.
Dr Margaret
Patterson & Dr Ifor Capel, of the Marie Curie
Cancer Foundation Research Group, conducted a
study on Alpha Waves.
"The results were kinda staggering
...They found that consciously accessing Alpha
Waves increases production of serotonin, a "happy
chemical" which increases relaxtion & reduces
pain. Additionally, Alpha
Waves boost production of catecholamines which
are vital to memory & learning. " |
For example, at the alpha level, he or she can project
his or her consciousness or awareness into the future
and know what’s going to happen before it does
(technically called precognition).
He can project his consciousness into the past and know
what happened without being there (called retrocognition).
He can project his awareness to another person and know
what he is thinking of (through telepathy).
He can project his awareness to a distant place he has
never been to before and describe it accurately (through
remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance).It has also
been shown that He/She can also heal himself and others
through mental imagery or visualization."
In the last decade, interest
in the practice of mental imagery, and the role
of the imagination in health and well being,
has dramatically increased as a popular approach
for treating a wide variety of psychiatric, medical
concerns, and enhancing sports performance (Shafer & Greenfield,
2002; Bloom, 1998; Epstein, 1989) |
Note:This is not
the work of the Devil,,it's simple mind state
management (for
Christians by Christians)
Why is this possible? Because it is now understood that
at the alpha level, the left brain hemisphere and the
right, are synchronized. And when this happens, one is
able to consciously tap into the tremendous powers and
knowledge hidden in the subconscious mind. Therefore,
training ourselves to think at the alpha level without
falling asleep offers tremendous benefits and powers
for everyone.
But without an EEG machine, how can anyone tell if he
has reached the alpha level? There are subjective characteristics
of the effects of the alpha wave, among which are the
Doctors, health care providers, therapists,
and patients acknowledge that mental states
and physical health are intimately connected
(Lemonick, 2003
few case studies
Breathing and heart rate slow down.
Subject becomes completely relaxed both mentally and
Subject may see colors with eyes closed.
Galvanic skin resistance (GSR)
goes up.
Research Paper by Dr Siegried
"In this study brain wave
entrainment usage was shown to produce average
IQ increases of 23%.
In cases where the IQ was lower than 100 to begin with, the average IQ
increase was 33 points.
Dr Othmer also reported "dramatic improvements" in the
subjects' visual retention (i.e. memory), auditory memory, reading
and arithmetic.
In a follow-up study after one year, Dr Othmer reported "major" long-term
improvements in self-esteem and concentration,
and "significant" improvements in sleep patterns, irritability,
organisation... and even handwriting." |
Benefits Of Increasing Alpha Brain Waves
Relaxation of Body and Mind – Your stresses and
worries drift away when you enter the alpha brainwave
state. Tension and nervousness disappear as your brain’s
thought process calm down; your mind becomes clearer.

Levels of Creativity – Alpha brainwave levels are
found to be much higher in artists, musicians and creative
thinkers. Creative thinkers also tend to be those who
go on to become world famous entrepreneurs, as they are
better equipped at solving life’s problems and
helping others. Right now, employers are looking for
new and innovative ideas to help them survive in this
economy. Those who have the entrepreneurial edge over
others are making vast fortunes from the wealth of opportunities
that exist to the creative alpha-minders!

Problem Solving Abilities – When you have too much
beta activity in your brain, your ability to problem
solve shuts right down. Stress causes clutter in your
thought process. The solution is to produce more alpha
waves. If you ever get writer’s block or get stuck
on an important task, then getting that “aha” moment
of creative inspiration is possible when you learn how
to switch on your alpha mind and get back into your state
of “flow.”

Mood and Stability of Emotions – Having more alpha
brainwaves usually indicates more positive, stable and
balanced emotions. This means you can cope better with
stress and keep calm in tough situations. Irritable,
anxious and over sensitive people tend to spend most
of their time in a beta state, and can usually greatly
improve their minds by increasing their alpha brainwaves
without resorting to taking drugs, excessive alcohol
and other bad habits.
and Getting In the “Zone” – the alpha
brainwave state is associated with “peak performance” and
players who get “in the zone” perform best
when they have less beta brainwaves interfering with
their peak, alpha state of mind. Studies on professional
sports players have shown they have a surge in alpha
brainwaves in the left side of their brain just before
making a successful shot or playing decision. Those who
failed tend to have a flood of beta brainwaves in their
left side of their brains instead. It has been shown
by experiments like these that “over thinking” (beta)
have a negative effect on game play, but being in an
alpha brainwave state is the perfect state for high performance.

Immune System – Long-term stress and tension have
a negative impact on your immune system and can even
shut it down completely in extreme cases, due to the
excessive production of cortisol and adrenaline. When
you are in an alpha brainwave state, you are in a relaxed
state where your immune system is allowed to work at
its best. The “feel good” effect of alpha
brainwaves leads to the production of happy and well-functioning
cells in your body, which provides a healthy and efficient
immune system ready to protect you from any disease.
of “Serotonin” – Serotonin is released
more during alpha brainwave states. Serotonin levels
are associated with your moods and low serotonin levels
are linked to depression and other neurological disorders,
such as anxiety and panic
Niraj Naik, M.Pharm
Persistent rhythmic stimuli
neurologically manifest as a cortical frequency-
following response (Oster 1973; Smith et al.
1975; Marsh et al. 1975; Smith et al. 1978; Hink
et al. 1980) |
The alpha rhythm is important not only
because it enables us to perform some incredible things
with our brains, but also, being in that state can boost
our immune system and thus keep us healthy. Going into
alpha also removes stress and increases mental ability.
But it needs to be practiced,and there in lies the Problem,,in
our busy live who has the time to sit for hours and learn
to practice generating alpha or theta brain waves,,now
you can do it Automaticaly,and through the natural process
of brain wave entrainment you can, like any memorised
song,bring the alpha frequencies to mind at will within
a short time
Brainwave entrainment is a method to stimulate
the brain into entering a specific state by using
a pulsing sound, light, electromagnetic field, or
CES Device. The pulses elicit the brain’s ‘frequency
following’ response, encouraging
the brainwaves to lign to the frequency of a given
beat.Simply attach the ear clips from your BTPlus
set the frequency to say 7.83Hz and feel the pulses
on your ears,,remember
those beats/pulses and after a little
practice one can recall those beats at any time just
like, one can recall any Tune after hearing it a
few times,,,,thats Brainwave entrainment |
"Remember...The brain does not operate
in just one single frequency; the full spectrum of brainwave
frequencies are always running, all the time. The dominant
frequency determines our mental state – and entrainment
temporarily shifts our mental state by boosting one frequency
to be louder than the others, just like the memory of
a favourite song drowns out the others"
Built in frequencies Plus the Full BT6-BT9-BT11
10, 20, 60 minutes and continuous
0.5 Hz The 0.5 Hz. setting DELTA brainwave frequency,
normally associated with deep sleep and release
of deeply embedded stress patterns. Pain relief
(temporary) - natural opiates released; lymphatics
assisted Reported Mitosis reduction or inhibition
of rogue cell activity; Stress buster
Pain, Quiet sleep
In the Palaces of Memory they suggest 5hz as
being the optimum learning frequency.
Even as you read these words, a tiny portion of your brain is physically
changing. New connections are being sprouted -- a circuit that
will create a stab of recognition if you encounter the words again
Read: In the Palaces of Memory
DNA synthesis; cellular signalling; repair and
border) brainwave frequency and is associated
with a relaxed, but very focused mental state
Feel better, Blast those moods
the Full BT6-BT9-BT11 Frequencies
10 to 600 µA
Bipolar asymmetric rectangular waves, 50% duty
cycle Earclips High Quality Ear clips Supplied
Intensity Control 20 Different Steps
Weight and fully portable
batteries and Charger
with these frequencies with your Rife Pro
8-13 - Alpha range - Non-drowsy but relaxed,
tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with
pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration.
; Amplifies dowsing, empty-mind states, detachment,
daydreams, mind/body integration. (can cause)
epilectic seizures [SS];
Note : [NEU], [RA], [PWM], [NSS] + [CRI] consider
the alpha range to be 8.0-12.0. [AWI] considers
it 9.0-14.0. [VUG] has it as 9.0-13.0.
8-14 - Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine
8.0 - Past life regression [×]; More Lymphocytes,
DNA repair (RAD-6) [SS]; Associated with Base/Muladhara
chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal
Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will
to live)(Note=C) [OML]
8.22 Associated with mouth (Effects=speech,
creativity) [TOS]
8.3 - Pick up visual images of mental objects
[??]; clairvoyance [SS]; "Monroe Focus 12?" [NEU]
8.6-9.8 Induces sleep, tingling sensations [SS]
9.0, 11.0, 16.0 [bad] documented calcium ion
migration (brain tissue) [SS]
9.0 - 13.0 - Alpha Range (according to [VUG])
- relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular,
sometimes a pleasurable feeling of "floating".
Often dominant in certain kinds of meditation,
alpha waves have for the past twenty years been
associated with calm, lucid mental states (the "alpha
state"). They're also often detected during
dream sleep. This pattern typically occurs in
daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or focused
imagery & smoothly rhythmic athletic activity.
There's often a euphoric, effortless feeling
of "flow" as the doer is absorbed in
activity and subject + object are felt to be
united. [VUG via DW]
9.0 - 14.0 Alpha range (according to [AWI])
- Relaxed & detached awareness, visualization,
sensory imagery, light reverie. Also, gateway
to meditation - provides bridge between the conscious & subconscious
mind. [AWI]
9.0 - Awareness of causes of body imbalance & means
for balance[×] Blind person phantom touch
reading (somatosensory cortex) [RA]; Associated
with Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra (Color=Orange)
(Body Parts=Gonads, Reproductive System) (Effects=Relationships/Sexuality)
(Note=D) [OML]
9.19 Associated with upper lip (Effects=emotions,
conflict resolution) [TOS]
9.4 Major frequency used for prostate problems.
[ESR] - Self-explanatory. =)
9.41 - Pyramid frequency (outside)
9.5-10 - Center of Alpha Range - The brain's
scanning/idling frequency - indicating a brain
standing by, waiting to "give way to beta
should attention be required, or be the bridge,
the gate, to Theta & Delta for drowsiness,
sleep, and certain cognitive challenges. [DW]
He gives credit for the 'brain scanning' factoid
to Eccles & Walter (1950). (It was their
9.8-10.6 Alertness [SS]
10 - enhanced release of serotonin & mood
elevator, universally beneficial, use to try
effects of other mixes [MB]. Acts as ananalgesic,
safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet
lag. [EQ] Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal.
[MB3] dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy,
anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync, activate
kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin [SS];
Good when trying to correlate information by
the subconscious - Sort of a waiting frequency
while the subconscious does the work at lower
frequencies. [RA]; Motor impulse coordination
(Motor Control cortex) [RA]; Learning a foreign
language [RA+PWM via DW]; Centering, Sleep Spindles,
Arousal [EI-d]; Associated with Solar Plexus/Manipura
chakra (Color=Yellow) (Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach,
Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual
wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E) [OML]; Increased
alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine
+ serotonin & a decrease in melatonin), sense
of well being & decreased pain (caused by
increase in beta-endorphins) [RED]; Adrenal Stimulant
[RS]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling
are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) [RUS
via DW]; Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
[LUB via DW]; Treatment for closed head injury
[HOF via DW]; 'Berger Rhythm' [BER via DW]; (used
on) headaches [RS]; ligament healing [NOR]
10-12: HIGH ALPHA RANGE - centering, healing,
mind/body connection [CRI]
10-14 Dream/sleep spindles [SS]
10.2 Catecholamines
10.3 Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing,
taste) [TOS]
10.5 - Frequency for healing of body, mind/body
unity, firewalking [×]; potent stabilizer & stimulating
for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.
[MB] Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing,
mind over matter [SS] Lowering Blood Pressure
[RA+PWM via DW]; Associated with Heart/Anahata
chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart,
Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life,
love of self&others) (Note=F) [OML]
10.6 - Relaxed & alert
10.7 Associated with ears (Effects=hearing,
formal concepts) [TOS]
11.0 (& Below) - Stress Reduction (DW)
11-14 Focused alertness [SS]
11.0 (used to) achieve "relaxed yet alert" states.
11.5-14.5 An implication for neurotherapy is
that if increased intelligence + mental efficiency
is the objective, then a frequency band with
a 13-Hz center should be used. A more desirable
frequency band than 12 to 15-Hz is 11.5 to 14.5-Hz.
12.0 - Centering, doorway to all other frequencies
[×] ; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules
- a researcher); Centering, mental stability,
transitional point, time seems faster [SS]; To
stimulate mental clarity [ESR]; Associated with
Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body Parts=Thyroid,
Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self
in society)(Note=G) [OML]
12.0-36.0 Beta Range [per CRI] - dominant brainwave
in alert/awake/anxious adults with their eyes
open. Comes into play when "listening & thinking
during analytical problem solving, judgment,
decision making, processing information about
the world around us." [CRI]
12.0-14.0 Learning Frequency - Good for absorbing
information passively, when you plan to think
about it later. [RA]
[RA] distinguishes between active studying
where you're processing information & passive
studying where you're just trying to absorb information
+ plan to think about it later. For the former,
he suggests 36 to 44 HZ.
12.0-15.0 Beta (low) - relaxed focus, improved
attentive abilities [NEU+CRI]; Treating Hyperactivity
[RA] ; Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) - Used in the
treatment of mild autism [AUT via DW]
12.3 Associated with eyes (Effects=Visualization)
info on Rife systems here |
1) "A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave
Entrainment", Tina L Huang, PHD, and Christine Charyton, PHD.
2) "The immediate psychological effects on memory, attention, stress,
pain, headaches and migraines were shown to benefit from even a single
session of brainwave entrainment".
3) Research Papers from Wilson, 1990, and Rhodes, 1993
4) Research Paper from Hiew, 1995
5) Research by Dr Vincent Giampapa, MD, Former President of American
Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine
6) http://www.binauralbeatsgeek.com/binaural-beat-research/ |