Healing Energy From the Earth


The short version is that we get negative charged energy from the earth that combats inflammation and positively charged free radicals in the body.

How often do you get grounded in a day?

What is Earthing?

According to the book “Earthing” the practice of earthing basically involves coupling your body to the Earth’s surface energy by walking, sitting or sleeping outside in direct contact with the Earth or using a device that creates the same response while indoors.

"The most important health benefit of Earthing is providing the body with abundant electrons from the Earth. The scientific research and hypotheses related to Earthing point to a major impact on the inflammatory process as a result of this electron transfer."

Many people notice that they feel better when they walk barefoot on the Earth. Recent research has explained why this happens. Our immune systems function optimally when our bodies have an adequate supply of electrons, which are
easily and naturally obtained by barefoot contact with the Earth. Research indicates that electrons from the Earth have anti-oxidant effects that can protect the body from inflammation and its many well-documented health consequences. In situations where barefoot contact with the Earth is impractical, one can use various conductive systems that have been developed for the purpose of reconnecting people to the Earth;


When in direct contact with the Earth, your body becomes suffused with negative charged free electrons and equalizes to the same electric energy level as the earth.

At the end of the last century, experiments initiated independently by Ober in the USA [10] and K. Sokal and P. Sokal [11] in Poland revealed distinct physiological and health benefits with the use of conductive bed pads, mats, EKG- and TENS-type electrode patches, and plates connected indoors to the Earth outside. Ober, a retired cable television executive, found a similarity between the human body (a bioelectrical, signal-transmitting organism) and the cable used to transmit cable television signals. When cables are “grounded” to the Earth, interference is virtually eliminated from the signal. Furthermore, all electrical systems are stabilized by grounding them to the Earth. K. Sokal and P. Sokal, meanwhile, discovered that grounding the human body represents a “universal regulating factor in Nature” that strongly influences bioelectrical, bioenergetic, and biochemical processes and appears to offer a significant modulating effect on chronic illnesses encountered daily in their clinical practices.

Voltage induced on a human body from the electrical environment was measured using a high-impedance measurement head. Applewhite, an electrical engineer and expert in the design of electrostatic discharge systems in the electronic industry, was both subject and author of the study [15]. Measurements were taken while ungrounded and then grounded using a conductive patch and conductive bed pad. The author measured the induced fields at three positions: left breast, abdomen, and left thigh.

Each method (patch and sheet) immediately reduced the common alternating current (AC) 60Hz ambient voltage induced on the body by a highly significant factor of about 70 on average Source

More recent research has shown that the feeling of well-being that comes from walking barefoot on the Earth is associated with important physiological benefits. The Earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for proper functioning of our immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes. Of major importance is the fact that modern biomedical research has documented correlations between chronic inflammation and all of the chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging and the aging process itself. Inflammation is a condition that can be reduced or prevented by grounding our bodies to the Earth. 3

Contrary to popular belief, quantum physics has us believe that the human body operates under an influence of energy; nothing can be closer to the truth. Energy is what regulates our homeostatic control mechanisms. If these mechanisms become unstable – as a result of the perpetual consumption of nutrient-void foods, constant exposure to harmful chemicals or not being grounded (among many other factors) – our body begins to oxidize at an accelerated rate. Similar to the acid-alkaline theory, when the body becomes too acidic (acidosis), inflammation and/or pain is bound to proliferate. For example, when someone consumes a diet rich in commercial meats, pasteurized dairy products, refined carbohydrates, drugs, alcohol, isolates, etc, with little consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole foods, the immune system breaks down and the body becomes acidic because it’s not receiving the proper alkaline nutrients. As a result, it struggles to maintain a proper pH balance (7.2-7.4). With this, inflammation, pain and subsequently disease will ensue. As Hippocrates once said, “”Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear.”

It has also been suggested that the modern epidemic of chronic and stress-related diseases began when the leather that was used to make the soles of shoes was replaced with rubber and plastics. When leather becomes damp, as a result of perspiration from the feet, a channel of conductivity for electron flow is created between the Earth and the feet. Rubber and plastics are electrical insulators and therefore block the beneficial flow of electrons from the Earth to our bodies. The biological benefits of Earthing involve subtle electric currents and fields from the Earth. These subtle phenomena take place in the presence of a variety of fluctuating stronger and weaker fields produced by the wiring in homes and businesses and various electronic technologies such as cell phones.Understanding Earthing (Grounding)

According to emerging research, Grounding/Earthing can be beneficial in:

¦Reducing inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons
¦ Reducing chronic pain
¦ Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!)
¦ Increasing Energy (I noticed this also)
¦ Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.
¦ Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm
¦ Improving blood pressure and blood flow
¦ Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this)
¦ Lessens menstrual and female hormone symptoms
¦ Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores
¦ Can eliminate jet lag
¦ Protecting the body from EMFs
¦ Shortens recovery time from injury or athletic activity
¦ Reducing or eliminating snoring
¦ Helping support adrenal health

Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body
to the Earth’s Surface Electrons

Earthing research, observations, and related theories raise an intriguing possibility about the Earth’s surface electrons as an untapped health resource—the Earth as a “global treatment table.” Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor sleep, disturbed HRV, hypercoagulable blood, and many common health disorders, including cardiovascular disease. The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity.

A study published here in 2013 looked at blood viscosity and cardiovascular risk factors. It was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease

"At first I was skeptical,"

"I said, 'My gosh, putting my feet on the ground is going to improve my heart, my body; or at least the things that Clint Ober is talking about?' But then... I spoke to him for about an hour, and went from skeptical to being all in! ..."Dr. Sinatra

Q. "How does Earthing help me feel better and my body’s ability to heal??
A. Pain and diseases other disturbances in our bodies are often caused by chronic inflammation. Such inflammation is, in turn, caused by positively-charged molecules called free radicals. When you make direct contact with the Earth, either by being barefoot outside or via a conductive sheet or mat indoors, the negatively-charged electrons from the Earth are absorbed into your body and reduce the free radicals and inflammation. This is our theory and it is supported by our research and feedback from thousands of people who use Earthing products.

This benefit of Earthing is very important because medical research has found that many of the chronic and debilitating diseases of our time have the same cause: chronic inflammation. Scientists now realize that pain and disease arise in our bodies where an inflammatory response has taken place, but the inflammation has not completely stopped after the healing process. A low level of chronic inflammation can continue for years, damaging normal tissues and wasting energy.

The human immune system evolved over a long span of time during which we were in virtually constant barefoot contact with the Earth. In our modern society, humans no longer walk barefoot. We wear shoes that insulate us from the Earth’s energy. In recent decades the incidence of chronic diseases, allergies, auto-immune conditions, and insomnia has skyrocketed in modern societies. One overlooked reason for this situation is that the immune system began functioning less efficiently as humans increasingly separated themselves from the Earth’s energy". Source

Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood

"I told [Clint Ober] 10 years ago, "What you need to do is show that grounding improves inflammation. If you can show that, then you can show that it improves heart disease. Because the real cause of heart disease is inflammation. It's not cholesterol like everybody believes. It's really inflammation," Dr. Sinatra says. ... [H]is experimental work was just really awesome, and I got involved with research myself. I'm still smack in the middle of it right now, but it took me 10 years."

The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body

"Q. Can Earthing add years to my life?
A. We don't know the answer to that question, however Earthing does look promising as a powerful anti-aging strategy. Many researchers have documented the deterioration of the immune system as we age. The name for this is immunosenescence. A prominent medical theory states that one of the causes of general deterioration during aging is free radical damage, technically known as oxidative stress, and resulting in injury to cells. Since Earthing greatly reduces oxidative stress and inflammation it is expected to increase life expectancy and improve health. There is no question that maintaining a functionally “young” immune system is an excellent strategy for preserving the quality of life and slowing senescence"

The study showed that when the body is grounded, its electrical potential becomes equalized with the Earth's electrical potential through a transfer of electrons from the Earth to the body. This, in turn, prevents the 60Hz mode from producing an AC electric potential at the surface of the body and from producing perturbations of the electric charges of the molecules inside the body. The study confirms the “umbrella” effect of earthing the body explained by Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman in his lectures on electromagnetism [16]. Feynman said that when the body potential is the same as the Earth's electric potential (and thus grounded), it becomes an extension of the Earth's gigantic electric system. The Earth's potential thus becomes the “working agent that cancels, reduces, or pushes away electric fields from the body.

Grounding or earthing the body is virtually harmless. To date, there has been no systematic study of the effects of grounding on BP. However, there are anecdotal reports that patients using blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Coumadin®), need to have their clotting time monitored when they begin to make more frequent conductive contact with the earth. When physicians recommend evidence-based, harmless, and simple natural interventions, alleviation of human suffering and improved quality of life can be realized. The findings in this pilot study indicate that grounding has a safe and significant effect on zeta potential and that further study is warranted. Source

Did You Know?
During the 1960s & 70s, researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute isolated volunteers in underground rooms that were electrically shielded from Earth’s electric field. All study participants developed abnormal physiological patterns including: chaotic hormonal production, disturbed sleep patterns and a general disruption of basic body regulation.

A key factor that has medical professionals intrigued is Earthing’s reported effects on inflammation. Currently, inflammation is linked to nearly eighty chronic illnesses including major diseases like cancer and type 2 Diabetes. Dr. William Meggs from East Carolina University claims that ‘inflammation may turn out to be the elusive Holy Grail of medicine – the single phenomenon that holds the key to sickness and health.’

There's really no way to get this wrong. It's super easy,: simply, place your feet on the copper pads and be in contact with the ground, for at least 15-minutes each day, and if you can.Put your delux copper pads under your desk, in your sitting room or most importantly under your computer desk, just make sure you have the earth lead connected to an an earth terminal on your mains plug,,,(see directions)

I have concerns people with ElectroSensitivity. Using the house earthing system via a wall socket will probably not work for them imho because of other unwanted electrical factors. In this case it is better to purchase a dedicated earthing rod (cheap) for the garden and run your earthing product directly from that - bypassing the electrical system of? the house

. .

No matter how grounded somebody is, acute and chronic stress can trump the ability of Earthing to contribute to good sleep and benefits. This occurs even though Earthing itself reduces stress within the physiology. Major worry, aggravation, anxiety, and grief can take their toll on the body, and potentially cancel out the benefits of Earthing. Chronic stress is a leading cause of sudden death, insomnia, and depression, and elevates blood pressure.

Earthing/Grounding System

1 Pair of Highly Conductive Copper mesh foot plates
10 Meters (Approx 30 foot) Connecting Cable and connector


2X Earthing/Grounding System

2 Pair of Highly Conductive Copper mesh foot plates
2 x 10 Meters (Approx 30 foot) Lenghts Connecting Cable and connectors


Eeman Biocircuit

There seems to be no end to the possibilities.

To Reap the most Amazing Health Benifits from Eemann Biocicuits,Lay Naked in the sun while using, Incredible Recharge Instructions

There are 6 screens of 6 inch Cotton bound squares of fine soft mesh high quality Australian copper,Joined with High Quality copper cables


1. Ober, C., Sinatra, S.T., and Zucker, M., 2010. Earthing. The most important discovery
ever? Basic Health Publications, Inc., Laguna Beach, CA.
2. Bergmann, G., Kniggendorf, H., Graichen, F., Rohlmann, A., 1995. Influence of shoes
and heel strike on the loading of the hip joint. Journal of Biomechanics 28, 817–827;
Burkett, L.N., Kohrt, M., Buchbinder, R., 1985. Effects of shoes and foot orthotics on
VO2 and selected frontal plane kinematics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
17, 158–163; Flaherty, R.F., 1994. Running Economy and Kinematic Differences Among
Running with the Foot Shod, with the Foot Bare, and with the Bare Foot Equated for
Weight. Microform Publications, International Institute for Sport and Human
Performance, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; Robbins, S.E., Gouw, G.J., 1990.
Athletic footwear and chronic overloading: a brief review. Sports Medicine 9, 76–85;
Robbins, S.E., Gouw, G.J., 1991. Athletic footwear: unsafe due to perceptual illusions.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 23, 217–224; Robbins, S.E., Hanna, A.M.,
1987. Running-related injury prevention through barefoot adaptations. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise 19 (2), 148–156; Robbins, S., Gouw, G., McClaran, J.,
Waked, E., 1993. Protective sensation of the plantar aspect of the foot. Foot and Ankle
14, 347–352; Siff, M.C., Verkhoshansky, Y.V., 1999. Supertraining, fourth ed.
Supertraining International, Denver, Colorado.
3. Ober, A.C., 2003. Grounding the human body to Earth reduces chronic inflammation
and related chronic pain. ESD Journal, July issue; Ober, A.C., 2004. Grounding the
human body to neutralize bioelectrical stress from static electricity and EMFs. ESD
Journal, February 22 issue; Ober, A.C., Coghill, R.W., 2003. Does grounding the human
body to Earth reduce chronic inflammation and related chronic pain? In: Presented at the
European Bioelectromagnetics Association annual meeting, November 12, 2003,
Budapest, Hungary; Oschman, J.L., 2007. Review and commentary: electrons as
antioxidants. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 13(8):995-967;
Oschman, J.L., Kosovich, J., 2007. Energy medicine and matrix regeneration. Anti-Aging
Therapeutics 10, in press; Applewhite, R., 2005. Effectiveness of a Conductive Patch and
a Conductive Bed Pad in reducing induced human body voltage via the application of
Earth ground. European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics 11/03/2005 issue, pp. 23–40;
Chevalier, G., Mori, K., Oschman, J.L., 2006. The Effect of Earthing (grounding) on
Human Physiology. European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics 31/01/2006 issue, pp.
600–621; Chevalier, G., and Mori, I., The effect of Earthing on human physiology. Part
2: Electrodermal measurements. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 18(3):11-34; Ghaly,
M., Teplitz, D., 2004. The biological effects of grounding the human body during sleep,
as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain and stress. Journal
of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10, 767–776; Brown, D., Chevalier, G.,
Hill, M., 2010. Pilot Study on the Effect of Grounding on Delayed-Onset Muscle
Soreness. The Journal of Alternative and complementary Medicine 16(3):1-9; Chevalier
G. Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, skin
conductance and their variability induced during and after grounding human subjects for
forty minutes. J Altern Complement Med 2010;1:81–87; Oschman, J.L., 2009. Charge
transfer in the living matrix. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 13, 215–228;
Oschman, J.L., 2008. Perspective: assume a spherical cow: the role of free or mobile
electrons in bodywork, energetic and movement therapies. Journal of Bodywork and
Movement Therapies 12, 40–57; Oschman, J.L. and Kosovich, J., 2008. Energy Medicine
and Matrix Regeneration. Chapter 26 in Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume X, Edited by
Klatz, R. and Goldman, R., American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Chicago IL, pp.
4. Oschman, J.L., 2009. Charge transfer in the living matrix. Journal of Bodywork and
Movement Therapies 13, 215–228.
5. Static electricity is an example of a DC field that can build up around our bodies when
we are not grounded. Normally the human body and the objects around us have exactly the
same number of electrons and protons and are therefore electrically neutral. Static
electricity arises when electric charge builds up on a surface and produce large DC
fields around the body. For example, when the relative humidity is low, walking across
a carpet can develop enough electric charge on your body to produce a potential
difference of 35,000 volts between the body and the ground. A urethane foam-padded
chair can develop 18,000 volts and a vinyl floor can produce 12,000 volts. When your
body becomes electrically charged in this way, you can experience a shock when you
reach for a grounded object such as a door knob or light switch. Even though the voltages
produced by static electricity can be very high, much higher than the 120 volts of our
home electrical power outlet, we are not harmed by them because the number of
electrons that are discharged during a static electric shock are very few, meaning the
current is very small. While plastics were only invented in the 1950's, they are now in
our clothing, shoes, bedding, and carpets—almost everything we touch. These fabrics
readily generate static electricity. Conductive surfaces that are grounded to the Earth
cannot build up static charges. Every day millions of workers in the electronics industry
are grounded to prevent the build-up of static electricity that could otherwise discharge
into sensitive electronics components.
6. http://amasci.com/miscon/
speed.html; accessed 8-28-01
7. http://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/
8. National Electrical Code, 2008 edition. Section 250.4(B)(4) of National Fire Protection
Association, page 70-97.
9. National Electrical Code, 2008 edition. National Fire Protection Association, page 70-
10. De Vocht, F. “Dirty Electricity:” what, where, and should we care? Journal of
Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2010;20:399–405.Online at:
Environmental exposure to high-frequency voltage transients (HFVT), also termed dirty
electricity, has been advocated among electro(hyper)sensitive interest groups as an
important biological active component of standard electromagnetic pollution. A literature
search was conducted in PubMed, in which only seven articles were identified. Exposure
to HFVT was associated with increased cancer risks, while preferential removal of 4–
100kHZ HFVT from 50-60 ELF circuits was linked to a variety of improvements in
health (plasma glucose levels in diabetic patients, symptoms of multiple sclerosis, asthma
and other respiratory illnesses, and insomnia), well-being (tiredness, frustration, general
health, irritation, sense of satisfaction, mood), and student behavior. However, all these
published studies were subject to significant methodological flaws in the design of the
studies, the assessment of exposure, and the statistical analysis, which prevented valid
assessment of a causal link between this exposure metric and adverse effects.
Environmental exposure to HFVT is an interesting EMF exposure metric, which might
explain the spurious results from epidemiological studies using ‘standard’ ELF and RF
exposure metrics. However, at present, methodological problems in published studies
prohibit the valid assessment of its biological activity.
11.Virnich, M.H. and Schauer, M., 2005. Caution, grounding pads and sheets: Being
grounded is not equal to zero-field exposure. De–der Elektro- und Gebäudetechniker,
November issue. The article is available on the web in German: http://www.baubiologievirnich.
de/pdf/Achtung_Abschirmdecke.pdf and in English at:


10. Ober C. Grounding the human body to neutralize bioelectrical stress from static electricity and EMFs. ESD Journal, http://www.esdjournal.com/
articles/cober/ground.htm, January 2000.
11. Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2011;17(4):301–308. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
12. Ober C, Sinatra ST, Zucker M. Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Laguna Beach, Calif, USA: Basic Health Publications; 2010.
13. Ghaly M, Teplitz D. The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2004;10(5):767–776. [PubMed]