The Energy of Life
Increase Your Endorphin Levels


Strong Chi/life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity

What is Chi Energy ?

You’ve probably heard of “Chi” in reference to the Chinese symbol yin and yang, their art of decorating, Feng Shui, or their martial art, Tai Chi. But have you ever wondered what this mysterious essence is or how it relates to health? In today’s newsletter we explore this amazing energy

In traditional Chinese culture, qì (also chi or ch'i) is an active principle forming part of any living thing.[1][2][3] Qi is frequently translated as "life energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of "qi" is "breath", "air"

"Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana and cit in Hindu religion, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and Vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars.[4] Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar."

Chi, Mana, Vital energy, prana is life energy, a subtle flow of electromagnetic energy which links all things in the universe. It’s the invisible part of our world and it’s a concept shared across cultures, some describe it as: air, breath or spirit.

Chi Energy/Life Force can be increased in a human being. Consequently, the development of this energy can make an ill person robust or a weak person vibrant. More chi can also enhance mental capacity...

Do I have Chi Energy

Chi energy/Life force, is everywhere, and the body gathers it from air, the fluids we drink including water, basically anything that can feed the body has chi

While people sometimes talk about "good chi" and "bad chi", it's important to realize that chi is just chi: the building block of everything in the universe. In that respect, we can say that chi is good. sometimes, however, the chi within us might be organized in a way that is not conducive to health. In that respect, we can call that chi "bad", because that disorder is bad _for us_. However, the chi itself is not really bad. It is is similar to the way that atoms and molecules can be part of healthy tissue in the body or part of a tumor: but just because atoms and molecules might be in a tumor, they are not themselves bad..There is nothing mystical or supernatural about chi. However, there is a relationship between good chi circulation and good health. Poor chi circulation could have negative results. What is important is to learn how to be in touch with it so you do not obstruct its flow.

Is my Health and Chi/Life force flowing correctly?

.The Balance of Qi is constantly getting broken, but the healthy body is able to cope
and quickly restores the dynamic equilibrium. When all our systems are functioning naturally, the Chinese figuratively describe this condition as harmonious Qi flow. The energy flow that supplies the "right information to every part of our body (and mind); that provides the right defense or immunity when needed; that repairs all our wear and tear; that channels away toxic waste and negative emotions; and that performs other countless things to keep us alive and healthy, is functioning the way it should"). When this energy is unbalanced, then disease and pain are felt. Since the living energy supports all the vital functions in the body, “dysfunction or diseases of the body can be eliminated by readjusting the energy imbalance” . Somewhat like the electricity that runs through circuits in a computer, this energy travels by virtue of electrical fields along minute pathways called meridians, running all around your body. They form a weblike network of invisible channels that carry Chi to every tissue in the body. Twelve major meridians exist, each one correlates to an organ, or a specific function. Qi is divided into many specific types which have specific functions, for example corrective Qi, normal Qi, etc. Stagnant Qi occurs when the normal flow is blocked, and may cause aches and pains, as well as a variety of other problems.

Weak chi

Under functioning of the body's structure, organs, or entirety is an important feature of disease development.Traditional Chinese Medicine regards these pathological states as a deficiency of vital energy. This deficiency can result from congenital and acquired factors; congenital factors indicate abnormal conditions present at birth, while acquired factors indicate things like improper diet, emotional disturbance, indulgence, chronic and major illness, childbirth, environmental influences, and aging.

Chi-deficiency manifests as under-functioning of the entire body or certain organs, especially in the respiratory and digestive systems. It usually occurs in cases of chronic illness, improper diet, weakness of old age, overstrain and injury. Clinical symptoms include dizziness, shortness of breath, reluctance to speak, fatigue, and spontaneous sweating.General weakness, Lethargy, Pale complexion, Pale tongue, Weak, Spontaneous sweating Short breath, Easy to catch colds and viruses

Along the center of the body are seven concentrations of energy called chakras, similar to large organs where blood concentrates. Spreading out from the chakras are 14 paths of chi energy called meridians. These flow along your arms, legs, torso and head. Like blood vessels and capillaries, they take chi energy to smaller and smaller channels until each cell is nourished by both blood and chi energy.

The chakras are energy vortexes located all throughout the body. There are seven chakras in total, and they are responsible for not only your physical health, but also your emotional,mental, and spiritual health as well. Each chakra has it’s own unique frequency, when the interaction of these frequencies are balanced, you feel peaceful and at perfect harmony with yourself as well as towards other people. When they are off balance, it can have significant negative effects. An unbalanced chakra, is unable to fulfill it’s energy contribution to the body. This can have negative psychological and physical consequences on an individual. Anger, depression, constipation,lack of concentration, and sexual dysfunctions are just a few examples of symptoms due to an unbalanced chakra system

The energy that we're measuring as vitality has been well known for a very long time in the history of civilization and it's very hard to find a place where it wasn't used for healing purposes. Ethnographical researchers found traces of healing with this kind of energy among many tribes thought to be primitive in Australia, Siberia, from the Pacifics to America, and Africa. Since this energy is present in everybody, in smaller or greater quantities, and since we can pass it on to each other to some extent, it's known to be the oldest and a very effective "medical" treatment.

Chi Energy in organs

Every diagnosis is a "Pattern of disharmony" that affects one or more organs, such as "Spleen Qi Deficiency" or "Liver Fire Blazing" or "Invasion of the Stomach by Cold", and every treatment is centered on correcting the disharmony.

Every system, organ, tissue, cell, and molecule of the human body vibrates within a certain range of frequency and there are many levels of vibrational frequency. An object can have more than one natural frequency. These are called harmonics. Every system, organ, tissue, cell, and molecule has an ‘ideal’ frequency, a Harmonic Resonance Frequency (HRF). The same applies to meridians, pathways through which energy flows and is distributed in the electromagnetic field of energy (aura). Every meridian has its own ‘ideal’ frequency, its Harmonic Resonance Frequency (HRF), that ensures the free and smooth flow of energy along the specific meridian.

The Human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow and develop, split, regenerate and die. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. For adult people, about 25 million cells are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at a rate of about 100 million per minute. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charged bodies of nucleus and extranuclear electrons as the basis unit of a cell are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body and therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases, etc. The conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed.

The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is an instrument to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health condition and main problems of the testee based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals.

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Can I Strengthen my Chi/Lfe Force ?

All life in the cosmos is animated by chi, which is a 'life-force' or 'vital energy' that is said to be the power that governs the universal power,Chi is the animating power that flows through all living things. A living person is filled with it; a dead person has none. It is also the life energy one senses in nature, in the cosmos around us. It is this indwelling force that manifests as the feel of a direction or a pattern frozen within an instant. Hence,

Eeman Biocircuits connect the positive and negative poles of the body,
promoting muscle relaxation and stimulating body function.

Eeman circuitry is a simple but universal principle: by externally linking certain of the body’s energy centers, the flow and balance of the natural energy is enhanced.

“Laying on of hands” is an example of a “natural” Eeman BioCircuit. This healing art involves the circulation of energy via the hands of the healer. Jinshin jyutsu and shiatsu practitioners use these Eeman BioCircuit principles, frequently holding two points on the clients’ bodies to create a flow of energy. Randolph Stone, the founder of polarity therapy, taught his students that the practitioner should use his hands to create a bridge between areas where energy needs to flow more strongly. That’s exactly what an Eeman BioCircuit does. As a result of the polarity or ‘pressure’ gradients that exist naturally in the body on 3 axes: head to sacrum, right side of body to left, back to front of body. The natural intelligence of the body (or ‘energy body’) is always trying to balance us energetically—biocircuits very much facilitate this process."

Thousands of men and women have testified to the amazing and subtle efficacy of BioCircuits over their 90 year history. These simple, safe, non-mechanical implements enhance the flow of life energy by connecting different parts of the body with simple linkages of copper . BioCircuits introduce no external electrical or magnetic energy to the body, and yet their effects seem nothing short of miraculous.

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There are 6 screens of 6 inch Cotton bound squares of fine soft mesh high quality Australian copper,Joined with High Quality copper cables plus the Therap vial...More Info

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Complete Kit of Six Screens without the Therapy vial

There are 6 screens of 6 inch Cotton bound squares of fine soft mesh high quality Australian copper,Joined with High Quality copper cables More Info

Eeman Biocuircit - NZ$ 169.95
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Can I measure my Chi/Lfe Force ?

Life Energy Meter

Demonstrate and Measure: The strength of the human body field, the energy content of foods, water, liquids and soils, the vitality of plants, etc. The model LM4 Experimental Life Energy Meter features greater stability of readings at high amplification.

Wilhelm Reich´s Orgone Energy Field Meter
In his book, „The Discovery of the Orgone, Volume 2: The Cancer Biopathy", the psychotherapist, Wilhelm Reich describes on pages 162 to 165 (in the German edition) his own measuring instrument and claimed that this instrument was able to produce and even measure the orgone energy fields.

After several years of development, these amazing engineers are proud to introduce the Experimental Life Energy Meter. Based on the Orgone Field Meter of Wilhelm Reich, this unique device detects a new type of energy field known by several names including Orgone, life energy, Chi and Zero-point energy. They have developed the basic operational principle of the Orgone Field Meter into a compact, benchtop monitor. It provides quantitative readings of the energy content of humans, animals, plants, solutions and even space itself. The meter provides five ranges to detect from the strongest fields such as those found in humans to the weakest fields encountered in ambient surroundings. Zero controls are provided to allow the user to "zoom in" and make detailed comparisons between samples as well as to provide the user the possibility of measuring as a field strength meter or as a positive/negative comparison indicator.

More indformation please click here

Life Energy Meter - NZ$ 736.99
(approx USA$ 429.95)
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The Most powerfull Life Energy generator

Multiwave oscillators

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

More information click here

I would like more information on the Multiwave Oscillator



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