Many people suffer from distressing physical
or mental symptoms for which they have not been able to
obtain relief. When they go to a doctor, they may be told
that their problems are all in their imagination. Or, they
may be diagnosed as having a certain disease, but the prescribed
treatment does nothing to help them
People all over the world suffer from chronic
pain symptoms such as headache, fatigue, bloating, joint
pain, nasal irritation, constipation or diarrhea, nausea,
eye irritation, brain fog, anxiety or depression, wheezing
and itchy skin. Many people don't know the cause of these
ailments. Many turn to pharmaceutical drugs to reduce
the pain and symptoms
Do you get recurring problems like joint
and muscle pains, restless legs, fatigue, headaches,
tics, rashes, depression, anxiety, tinnitus . Do you
feel tired after a full night's sleep Do you feel as
if you've never totally been yourself.Do you frequently
have stomach problems - wind, indigestion, constipation
and/or diarrhea?. Have you had bouts of anxiety, nervousness
or depression for no apparent reason?
Has a doctor, more than once, told you he can find nothing
wrong or that there's nothing to worry about saying that
the rash, pain, (or whatever) will go away even though
you've told him it recurs, or suggested your problem
is stress related when you know it isn't?
The more questions you have answered YES to, the greater
the likelihood that something you are eating or in your
enviroment is Giving you allergic reactions..
This may well be because you have hidden allergies,
or adverse responses to foods, molds ,parasites toxins
etc that you either didn't know or hadn't been helped
to understand.
For many people, the real problem
is allergy.
The term "allergy" refers to
an unusual response by the body to substances that are
helpful, to most other people. According to most holistic
medicine practitioners , the incidence of allergies is
much higher than is commonly believed, but in many cases
allergies are merely nuisances. But for other people,
contact with a substance they are allergic to can produce
toxins in the body that can result in a host of health
conditions, many of them quite severe. Unfortunately,
the majority of allergy sufferers tend to be unaware
that they are allergic in the first place, or else they
are unable to identify the substance(s) causing their
allergic response.
Wrong diagnosis of Allergies may
be associated with the following:
allergies are very rare and are often misdiagnosed as
a yeast infection
allergy may be misdiagnosed as lactose intolerance due to similar
symptoms such as diarrhea, cramps and bloating. Treatment with
lactase enzyme for lactose intolerance will have no effect on
symptoms if the patient is suffering from a milk allergy
allergic reaction to seafood may be misdiagnosed as a seafood poisoning
and vice versa. For example, ciguatera poisoning and seafood allergy
may cause a tingling sensation on the tongue, lips and throat as well
as gastrointestinal symptoms and headache
allergic eye reaction may be misdiagnosed as an eye infection. However,
this is complicated by the fact that eye allergies may lead to secondary
eye infections
often produce symptoms that can be caused by other upper respiratory
conditions such as colds, infections, sinusitis, exercise, excessive
dust exposure, cold air and perfumes. This complicates diagnosis and
leads to misdiagnosis
are a number of skin allergies that can occur and they may be misdiagnosed
as other skin conditions or the wrong type of skin allergy may be diagnosed.
Accurate allergy diagnosis is essential as often a major part of the
treatment involves avoidance of the triggering factor
sneezing and runny nose associated with hayfever may be misdiagnosed
as a simple cold - especially in infants or young children who are
unable to elaborate on the symptoms they are experiencing.
allergy in babies still being breastfed is often misdiagnosed as colic.
The allergy may be a response to something the mother has eaten which
is then transferred to the baby through the milk
drug allergy may be wrongly diagnosed (in especially in children) in
scenarios where a drug such as penicillin is administered to treat
a bacterial infection such as an ear infection and the person subsequently
develops a rash. The health physician may erroneously believe that
the skin rash is a result of a penicillin allergy
caused by food allergies may be misdiagnosed as eczema
of milk allergy may mimic those of a viral infection and lead to misdiagnosis.
Common symptoms include phlegm, wheezing, diarrhea and weight loss
of gluten allergy may mimic those of tropical intestinal parasites,
lactose intolerance, intestinal lymphoma or excess bacteria in the
small intestine. Common symptoms include diarrhea and weight loss
can result in asthma-like symptoms and be misdiagnosed simply as non-allergic
asthma. Likewise, asthma may be misdiagnosed as an allergy. An accurate
diagnosis is needed in order to appropriately treat these potentially
serious conditions Source
"Mold is a fungus that comes in thousands
of varieties and grows both outside and inside.
In order to thrive. mold needs two things: water
and warmth -- and you certainly don't have to
endure a hurricane to find it multiplying in
your home. "Mold spores are everywhere.
They're just waiting to be watered to start growing," says
Paul J. Pearce, PhD, assistant professor of pathology
and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine
in Houston. Mold can be present indoors during
the entire year. And in most of the country,
this is the time when outdoor molds start to
grow as well. They flourish in damp, shady areas
such as piles of leaves, hay, grass, and soil,
and they last through late fall. In warmer climates,
they can be a year-round problem"
Originally, the concept of allergy was
limited to a small group of obvious symptoms, such as
runny nose, red eyes, sneezing, or skin rash. Today,
many physicians and alternative practitioners recognize
that a much wider range of problems may sometimes be
due to allergy — including digestive difficulties,
headaches, muscular aches and pains, arthritis, inadequate
blood sugar control, addictions, and psychological problems,
among many others.
Allergy Symptoms
Many allergic symptoms are hidden or misdiagnosed, but
the following are often telltale warning signs that allergies
are present. In particular, they can be an indication
of food allergies, the most common group of undetected
Physical Symptoms: dark circles, swelling or wrinkles
under the eyes; vascular headaches; faintness or dizziness;
sleepiness soon after a meal; insomnia; frequent waking
during the night, or premature waking followed by an
inability to return to sleep; runny or stuffy nose; postnasal
drip; excessive mucus; watery eyes and/or blurred vision;
ringing of the ears; earaches; recurrent ear infections
(particularly common among children);
The foreign chemicals known
as xenobiotics are not always easy to detoxify.
A label reading nontoxic actually means “less
than half” of lab animals exposed to this
product died within two weeks. Source |
sinusitis; sore throats, hoarseness or
chronic coughing; gagging; heart palpitations; chest
congestion; mucus or undigested food in the stool; nausea;
vomiting; diarrhea; constipation; bloating after meals;
flatulence; abdominal pains or cramping; extreme thirst;
coated tongue; anal or vaginal itch; hives or rashes;
dermatitis; brittle nails and hair; dry skin; dandruff;
skin pallor; muscle ache; weakness and fatigue; arthritic
symptoms or joint pain; symptoms of PMS;. frequent or
urgent urination; and obesity.
Scientists acknowledge that
allergens can contribute to mood alterations.
In a 3-year study of 36 people with allergies,
Paul S. Marshall, PhD, a psychologist at Hennepin
County Medical Center in Minneapolis, found that
69 percent reported feeling more irritable when
their allergies flared up; 63 percent reported
more fatigue; 41 percent said that they had difficulty
staying awake; and 31 percent reported feeling "sad." So
the idea that allergies might exacerbate mild
depression in a few people who have other allergic
symptoms isn't that far-fetched to some researchers" Source |
Psychological Symptoms: anxiety or panic
attacks; depressions; crying jags; aggressive behavior;
irritability; mental dullness or lethargy; confusion;
excessive daydreaming; restlessness; poor work habits;
inability to concentrate; slurred speech; and indifference
or lack of enthusiasm for life.
If you suffer from the above symptoms you also may have
hidden allergies, and it is recommended that you consult
a health care practitioner trained in their treatment.

"An allergic reaction occurs when a
susceptible person is exposed to a specific
protein. Because the body perceives this protein
(an allergen) as being a threat, it produces
a special material—a substance that recognizes
allergens—known as Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
antibody. A person who has a tendency to develop
allergies tends to produce increased amounts
of IgE. After the initial exposure to a specific
allergen (such as "cat" or "dog" protein)
the body reacts to future exposures by creating
millions of IgE antibodies. These newly produced
IgE antibodies then connect to special blood
cells called basophils, and special tissue
cells called mast cells. These cells are then "stimulated" to
release histamine which causes the allergy
symptoms: Itchy watery eyes and nose, scratchy
throat, rashes, hives, eczema and even life-threatening
Deaths in children, adolescents, and adults
who ingested foods to which they were highly allergic
have been reported.1,2 These deaths are often caused
by a "hidden" ingredient in the food to which
the individual is allergic.1,3 Yunginger1 suggests that
in the United States, more children and adolescents die
annually as a result of food-induced anaphylaxis than
as a result of insect stings. The majority of these deaths
are due to severe allergy to peanut and nuts, and asthma
appears to be an important risk factor for this form
of allergy. Steinman HA. Hidden allergens
in foods.
When a baby is allergic to
milk, common manifestations are projectile vomiting,
colic, recurrent ear or upper respiratory infections,
or rashes. The symptoms disappear when the parent
replaces dairy for the baby. Parents often say
their child was allergic to dairy as an infant
but can handle it now; actually, the manifestation
has changed. Now, the allergy is manifesting
as reading reversals, meltdowns, attention and
focusing problems, hyperactivity or sensory processing
problems. This is a tricky connection to make
because it does not look like a typical allergy
manifestation. (Cerebral Allergies, Dr. Philpott,
MD, Help for Your Hyperactive Child, William
Crook, MD, Superimmunity for Kids, Leo Galland,
MD) Source |
If you're typically feeling fat,
bloated and tired, a hidden food allergy could be to
The number of people with allergies has
dramatically increased in recent years. In The Whole
Way to Allergy Relief & Prevention, allergist Jacqueline
Krohn, M.D. wrote that experts in the field estimated that
anywhere from 60-90% of the population
in North America suffered from allergies. Other estimates
are even higher. Many health practitioners believe that
allergies are a leading cause of most undiagnosed medical
symptoms, and that they play a role in most disease.
In one recent study, researchers
vacuumed the bus and taxi seats all over one
city in Brazil. "When you look for dander,
you find it," says Weber. "People with
pets are carrying animal dander on their clothes,
and deposit it wherever they sit. Movie theaters,
planes, it's pervasive.

Dander is an informal
term for a material shed from the body
of various animals, similar to dandruff.
It is composed of skin cells. It is a
cause of allergies in humans.[1] Older
etymology has it that dander is a rare
(perhaps Yorkshire) synonym of dandruff
(OED). In the idiom of "getting
dander up" the colloquial meaning,
anger, is probably unrelated to the above
Pet dander is generally
worse in older animals than in younger
animals, as older animals slough off
more skin cells than younger animals.
Dander is microscopic, and can be transported
through the air. Through the air, dander
can enter the mucous membranes in the
lungs, causing allergies to some individuals.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The levels they deposit are
high enough to trigger an allergic reaction.
Half a dozen studies all over globe have looked
at this issue -- the story's the same all over." |
If you are experiencing an unexplained
illness, there’s a good chance that allergies
to food, chemicals, mold, pollution and more -- may be to blame.
"But talk to a traditional allergist,
and he or she may tell you that less than 3% of the population
suffers from allergies. Why the discrepancy? Traditional
allergists believe there is only one kind of allergic
response. This response is an acute, immediate reaction
to a substance, occurring within minutes after exposure
and producing symptoms like hives, wheezing, rash, sinus
congestion, tearing, swelling or anaphylactic shock.
These classical allergies are generally “fixed,” meaning
that you’re going to have them for the rest of
your life."
Though no one knows exactly
what causes CFS, researchers have found that
more than half of the
people with CFS they've studied also have allergies. "I
believe that being an allergic individual predisposes
you to chronic fatigue syndrome," says Galland. "Chronic
fatigue syndrome seems to be associated with
an over-reactivity of certain parts of the immune
system, which is similar to what we see in people
with allergies."Source |
But more and more allergists recognize
other kinds of allergies, especially “delayed” or “hidden” food
allergies. In this type of allergy, allergic reactions
may occur hours or days after exposure, making it difficult
to associate cause and effect (hence the description “hidden”).
Most reactions occur within two to three days, but there
have been instances where it took up to a week for a
reaction to occur.
"Turns out, even the foam rubber, synthetic
stuff gets just as contaminated as down feathers," "In
any humid climate, there's a very good chance
that pillows and toys -- no matter what they're
stuffed with -- will get contaminated with dust
mites and mold."
Rather than tossing out those beloved
items, try washing them, in Hot water (130
F) with Colloidal sallver and drying in a
hot dryer . |
Common Indicators
of Allergy
The following symptoms are often
signs of an allergic reaction.
1.Unnatural or persistent fatigue
2.Weight fluctuations during the course of the day
3.Frequent puffiness in your face, ankles or fingers
4.Hot flashes (apart from menopause) or perspiration for no obvious reason
5.Inexplicable racing of, or pounding pulse
6.A history of food intolerance (i.e., certain foods that cause flatulence,
sneezing, a runny nose, drowsiness, etc.)
7.Cravings for certain foods, particularly bread, sugary foods, milk
or other dairy products, coffee, tea, or chocolate
8.Frequent headaches, migraine, asthma, depression, muscle aches, eczema
or gastrointestinal problems.
If any of the above symptoms are a frequent
occurrence in your life, there is a strong likelihood
that allergies are part of overall health condition.
Muscle Testing is a simple process
that can be helpful in identifying foods which do not
agree with your body. Any food or supplement can be easily
tested to ensure that it is something that will strengthen
and is compatible with your body...and help you to know
which foods are weakening you and that you should avoid.
The Muscle Testing link above will bring you very good
information, but essentially muscle testing works
by holding the food/item close to the body (chest area)
and testing the impact this has on your overall muscle
strenth. When
something is compatible your muscles remain strong, when
it does not agree with you it will be very apparent because
you will experience muscle weakness.
Applied kinesiology proponents claim that nutritional
deficiencies, allergies, and other adverse reactions
to foods or nutrients can be detected by having the patient
chew or suck on these items or by placing them on the
tongue so that the patient salivates. Some practitioners
advise that the test material merely be held in the patient's
hand or placed on another part of the body. According
to a 1987 book for the general public written with help
from two leading chiropractic AK practitioners:

Many muscle-testing proponents assert that nutrients
tested in these various ways will have an immediate effect: "good" substances
will make specific muscles stronger, whereas "bad" substances
will cause weaknesses that "indicate trouble with
the organ or other tissue on the same nerve, vascular,
nutrition, etc., grouping." A leading AK text, for
example, states:

a patient is diagnosed as having a liver disturbance
and the associated pectoralis major [chest muscle] tests
weak, have the patient chew a substance that may help
the liver, such as vitamin A. If vitamin A
is appropriate treatment, the muscle will test strong
the Reliability and Validity of Manual Muscle Testing:
Weakness and fatigue are
terms that are often used as if they mean the
same thing, but in fact they describe two different
sensations. It is important to know exactly what
you mean when you say "I feel weak" or "I
am fatigued" because it can help you and
your doctor narrow down the possible causes of
your symptoms.
Weakness is a lack of physical
or muscle strength and the feeling that extra
effort is needed to perform daily activities
that require you to move your arms, legs, or
other muscles.
Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, or lack of energy.
Both weakness and fatigue are symptoms, not diseases. Because these
symptoms can be caused by many other health problems, the importance
of weakness and fatigue can only be determined when other symptoms
are evaluated.
Muscle weakness that is slowly
getting worse requires a visit to a doctor.
Sudden muscle weakness and loss
of function in one area of the body can indicate
a serious problem within the brain (such as a
stroke or transient ischemic attack) or spinal
cord or with a specific nerve in the body.
Source |
Finding a "weak" muscle enables
the practitioner to pinpoint illness in the corresponding
internal organs in the body. For example, a weak muscle
in the chest might indicate a liver problem, and a weak
muscle near the groin might indicate "adrenal insufficiency." If
a muscle tests "weaker" after a substance is
placed in the patient's mouth, it supposedly signifies
disease in the organ associated with that muscle. If
the muscle tests "stronger," the substance
supposedly can remedy problems in the corresponding body
parts. Testing is also claimed to indicate which nutrients
are deficient. If a weak muscle becomes stronger after
a nutrient (or a food high in the nutrient) is chewed,
that supposedly indicates "a deficiency normally
associated with that muscle." Some practitioners
contend that muscle-testing can also help diagnose allergies
and other adverse reactions to foods. According to this
theory, when a muscle tests "weak," the provocative
substance is bad for the patient.

Goodheart states that Applied kinesiology techniques
can also be used to evaluate nerve, vascular, and lymphatic
systems; the body's nutritional state; the flow of "energy" along "acupuncture
meridians"; and "cerebro spinal fluid function." The
70-page chapter on "meridian therapy" in a
leading Applied kinesiology textbook advises that subluxations
influence the status of meridian system and vice versa
The leading publisher/distributor
of AK educational materials for chiropractors and
their patients appears to be Systems DC, of Pueblo,
Colorado. Its pamphlet on infections and child
health states:
When an infection develops, have
your child examined by your doctor using applied
kinesiology. He can evaluate the energy patterns
and usually find the reason that the infection
developed in the first place. By correcting the
energy patterns within the body and paying specific
attention to nutritional supplements and dietary
management, the infection which your child (using
natural health care) does develop will be adequately
taken care of in most cases |
Some of the most common symptoms
of a food allergy include a constantly runny nose,
fluid retention, weight gain, headaches, skin complaints,
arthritis, asthma, gastrointestinal complaints, menstrual
disorders, hypoglycaemia, muscle weakness,and
behavioural problems.More
TruTester delivers the powerful science of applied
kinesiology (AK) without the need for a two-person
muscle test. Using simple yes and no responses, TruTester
lets you hear the voice of your own subconscious
mind. When you go weak it is saying No.
Strong means Yes. |
Many muscle-testing
proponents assert that nutrients tested in these ways will
have an immediate effect: "good" substances
will make specific muscles stronger, whereas "bad" substances
will cause weaknesses that "indicate trouble with
the organ or other tissue on the same nerve, vascular,
nutrition, etc., grouping."
As you become faster with your testing, you can use
it for deciding what you choose and use during your day.
Your clothes, your foods and beverages, any purchase
you are considering, any choice can be checked to see
if the body is enhanced or diminished energy-wise by
a certain selection.

the Reliability and Validity of Manual Muscle Testing:
Muscle Testing uses effective techniques
in order to identify allergies.The toxins or poisons
are exposed to day after day are instrumental in causing
disease and illness. If you are serious about becoming
or staying healthy you must identify your toxic exposures
so you can avoid them
From: xyz.c-o-m
Sent: 5/4/2010 11:59:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Question
I just wanted to say thanks for answering my question
the other day.We used a home pregnancy test to
double check and she in fact is not Pregnant :-)
Your TruTester reading was 100% correct!
M... |
in today’s medical climate, we
respond to the health problems we have by prescribing
pills instead of making substantive changes in our lifestyles
. In fact, we are so far removed from that process now
that we don’t even realize what is occurring.
It has been well established that
allergies foods and toxins cause muscle weakness,,,The
principle of muscle testing is" muscle weak" or "muscle
strong",,,now you can test the foods you use and
the toxins in your enviroment by using this muscle
strength./weakness principle...
TruTester lets anyone utilize the powerful science of
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body speaks as the voice of the subconscious mind. When
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and happiness as you uncover the answers to virtually
any questions you may have.
TruTester lets you know things that defy description
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TruTester activates the ancient part of your brain so
that you actually perceive reality before consciousness
separated us from the world. You will see energy. You
will experience in real time the magnificent state of
silent knowledge as described by my "teacher",
Carlos Castaneda. This unforgettable event finds you
in a state where you "know everything." And
it is life-changing.
TruTester owners include Sting, Paul Shaffer,
Sammy Figueroa, Sting's wife, Trudie - even the Pentagon!
If you are ready.
If you are looking for answers that have always eluded
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The Digital
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Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.
Sicherer SH. Manifestations of food
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American Academy of Allergy: Position statements—Controversial
techniques. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 67:333-338, 1980.
Reaffirmed in 1984.
Chambers VV and others. A study of the reactions of human polymorphonuclear
leukocytes to various antigens. Journal of Allergy 29:93-102, 1958.
Lieberman P and others. Controlled study of the cytotoxic food test.
JAMA 231:728, 1974.
Benson TE, Arkins JA. Cytotoxic testing for food allergy: Evaluations
of reproducibility and correlation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
58:471-476, 1976.
Lehman CW. The leukocytic food allergy test: A study of its reliability
and reproducibility. Effect of diet and sublingual food drops on this
test. A double-blind study of sublingual provocative food testing: A
study of its efficacy. Annals of Allergy 45:150-158, 1980. Hecht A: Lab
warns cow: Don't drink your milk. FDA Consumer 19(6):31-32, 1985.
Bartola J: Cytotoxic test for allergies banned in state. Pennsylvania
Medicine 88:30, October 1985.
Proposed notice: Medicare program; Exclusion from Medicare coverage of
certain food allergy tests and treatments. Federal Register 48(162):37716-37718,
Cytotoxic testing for allergic diseases. FDA Compliance Policy Guide
7124.27, March 19, 1985, revised March 1995.
Do you have hidden allergies? ELISA/ACT can help you. Undated brochure
distributed in 1993 by Serammune Physicians Lab.
The ALCAT test: A simple blood test for food and chemical sensitivities
(Flyer). Hollywood, FL: AMTL Corporation, 1995.
British Advertising Standards Organization. Adjudication: Allergy Testing
Service, May 1999.
Sampson HA. Food allergy. JAMA 278:1888-1894, 1997.