Is your Eyesight getting weaker?

When your eyes are placed behind normal prescription glasses, you fall into a trap where you no longer use the focusing muscles in your eyes to the fullest. This important ciliary muscle begins to weaken, requiring visits to your eye doctor for stronger and stronger glasses. You can reverse this downhill slide and help develop your eye muscles.

Are you suffering from

1) Aging Vision

2) Nearsightedness

3) Astigmatism

4) Farsightedness

Wearing Glasses and/or Contacts

Some highly respected doctors have stated the following about the continued use of glasses and contacts:

"The emphasis on compensatory lenses has posed a problem for many years in our examinations. These lenses do not correct anything and may not serve the patient in his best interests over a period of time." --CJ. Forkiortis, OEP Curriculum

"Single-vision minus lenses for full-time use produce accommodative insufficiency associated with additional symptoms until the patient gets used to the lens. This is usually accompanied by a further increase in myopia and the cycle begins anew." --M.H. Birnbaum, Review of Optometry.

"Does wearing glasses really affect the your eyes?

Shockingly, there is ample scientific evidence that lenses fitted on young primates affects the development of their eyes.

In research at a New York University, biologists have demonstrated that wearing a minus lens actually causes the elongation of the eyeball, in other words it causes near sight to deteriorate. The same is the case with plus lenses fitted for presbyopia or far sight. This research into emmetropization, the eyes' natural ability to develop clear vision, goes back to the early 1990s."

Of course the idea that glasses make your vision worse is resisted by the optic industry. Just as tobacco smoking is not considered harmful by the tobacco companies.

Now, glasses are a great fix for many people, but the fact is they are a crutch. Glasses do not repair your vision. They simply put a band-aid over the condition.

"I just recently received my first pair of eyeglasses. My eye doctor stated that contrary to popular belief, that wearing the glasses will not weaken my eyes any further. However my sister-in-law went to her eye doctor just last week where her doctor said the exact opposite, that she was wearing her glasses too much, which caused her eyes to weaken" Who do you believe?

Have you ever gone in for an eye-exam and had the doctor say: "great news, your vision improved another 2 diopters. Looks like you need a lower prescription." I didn't think so!

Most people do not question the widely held assumption that donning glasses is the best thing that can be done for their eyesight problems. Very few people take time to consider what really happens when they put their glasses on, and why this is not the best solution.

The optics of glasses

Vision is not static. Your eyesight is in a constant state of change. This is a fact that most people are familiar with. For instance all of us have felt our eyes becoming tired after a long day in front of the computer.

Glasses are fitted in order to correct refractive error. In other words, the lens is supposed to focus the image that we see precisely onto the retina. However, glasses compensate for the refractive error in an unflexible way. When worn, the particular level of refractive error must be constantly maintained in order for you to be able to see through them.

"The American Optometric Association defines the cause of nearsightedness as follows:

"There is also growing evidence that nearsightedness may be caused by the stress of too much close vision work. It normally first occurs in school age children. Since the eye continues to grow during childhood, nearsightedness generally develops before age 20..."

Here it is - plain as vanilla - the American Optometric Association telling you that too much close vision work causes over 30% of the U.S. population to wear glasses.

Think about everyone you know that wears glasses or contacts (for distance vision). These people very likely:

Are educated (lots of studying = near point stress).
Have a job that requires a lot of time on the computer (another near point stress).
Or, may simply be intently focused individuals who engage themselves in a project, book, or video game for hours upon hours without ever looking up. (Any prolonged near point activity will cause near point stress).

Are you experiencing one or more of the following symptoms right now?:

1) Eye Strain

2) Eye Fatigue

3) Eye Irritation

4) Headaches

5) Light Sensitivity

6) Dry or Irritated Eyes

7) Double vision.

Remember The treatment of these symptoms represents more than 2 billion dollars to the optical industry every year.

In 1992, the Missouri Attorney General obtained a consent injunction and penalties totaling $20,000 against a New York company that sold "aerobic glasses." These glasses, which sold for $19.95 plus postage and handling, had black plastic lenses with tiny holes. The company's ads had claimed that its "Aerobic Training Eyeglass System exercises and relaxes the eye muscles through use of scientifically designed and spaced 'pin dot' openings that change the way light enters the eye." The company had also advertised that continued wear and exercises should enable eyeglass wearers to change to weaker prescription lenses and reduce the need for bifocals or trifocals.

And, prolonged computer use without incorporating some simple viewing habits into your life can cause permanent damage to your distant vision."


"The 10-10-10 Rule"

Here we reveal to you one example of a simple way you can eliminate near point stress associated with reading, watching television, and computer use. This rule could save your eyesight from ever deteriorating again!

Every time you are performing close vision work for over 10 consecutive minutes, look up and focus on anything that is at least 10 feet away, for at least 10 seconds. 10-10-10...

Incorporate this technique into everything you do up close. This will allow your internal "ciliary muscle" to expand for a few seconds and relieve the near-point stress. This technique, along with a few more simple ones just like it will help to save your vision for years to come!

This is further aggravated, as is often the case, if your prescription is for 100% correction at the exact time of measurement. This is because your eyes will have to constantly adapt to the conditions at the moment when your eyes were tested. So if you happen to have your eyes tested in the evening after work, your eyes will always be forced to adapt to those conditions, even if they are false. You may have experienced this when putting on new glasses for the first time, only to find that the prescription hurts your eyes. When you complain about this the answer is usually, “You will get used to them in a few days.”

What will happen to your eyesight with this continuing situation? Obviously your eyes have to adapt themselves by constantly maintaining the refractive error the way it was that evening when your eyes were measured. In other words your eyesight is forced to deteriorate, just so the glasses will fit.

Degenerated Vision caused by Toxins

We take it for granted that, among other things, our vision deteriorates with age. While this is generally true, few if any give the real reason why this is so. The general explanation is that the eye muscles which move the lenses become tired and withered as we get older, resulting in an inability to focus properly. Also, the shape and thickness of the cornea as well as the eyeball changes along with the shape of the head or skull so that the light entering the eye no longer hits the retina where it should. This is all true, but no one explains why this deterioration or deformation we call aging takes place. Aging or bodily deterioration is the result of the steady accumulation of toxins from our unnatural diet and environment which we never give our bodies a chance to eliminate.

The eye muscles and tissues become more and more loaded with toxic waste causing stiffening and hardening and progressively limiting movement. Corrective lenses refocus the light onto the retina but with time the problem worsens and stronger lenses are needed. Corrective surgery is risky and the results are not always permanet. Eye exercises help but this is like whipping an ailing horse. The real solution is detoxification, and this means a change of diet and environment. Raw fruits and green leafy vegetables and plenty of fresh clean air and exercise are what is needed. Frequent bathing, and fasting at least one day a week is also recommended. Other effective but less potent remedies include taking bilberry, liver and kidney cleanses, urine soaks, staring at the sun(with eyelids closed when strong) or moon, and meditation. If you should find yourself without glasses somewhere, and need to read, a good trick is to squint your eyes or look through pinholes.


Detox 2

Why using minus lenses for reading is bad for the eyes

Using minus lenses for reading actually makes your vision worse.Here are the scientific reasons why this is true. Near-sighted eyes have to over-accommodate or adjust three dioptres in order to read at a normal reading distance. So, if you wear –3 diopter lenses for correcting your vision at a distance and keep your glasses on for reading, then your eyes have to adjust for the 3 diopters normal people need, as well as to the –3 diopters in the glasses. In other words your eyes are required to adjust/ accommodate 6 diopters for as long as you wear them for reading.

This is the reason why using glasses designed for correcting your distance vision whilst reading is bad for your eyes. This additional strain on your eyes can only have a detrimental effect on your vision. Instead, either take the glasses off, or read whilst looking over the frame.

Your near sight glasses are proscribed to provide clear vision from 6 metres to infinity. Since the glasses are static, they will be 20 times out of alignment if you use them for reading at 30 cm. If you look at something 3 metres away they will be 50% or half wrong. This fact is difficult to get around if you wear glasses. At this point in time it is not possible to construct glasses that vary their power as you change from reading to looking out of the window. Your video camera has the capability to do this by moving the lens elements back and forth to keep your video in focus.

'Our eye is like a camera,' says Associate Professor Katrina Schmid of the school of optometry at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). 'When you look at objects from different distances you've got a little lens in your eye and that changes shape so we can see clearly at different distances. When we look up close... the lens becomes fatter and more curved. It's like a soft squishy bag of protein so it can do that. But with age the lens gets hardened... it just physically can't change shape any more.'

Your ability to focus close up starts to deteriorate from the age of 10, but it usually only becomes noticeable after about 40, which is when many people find themselves going for an eye test and leaving with their first pair of reading glasses.

Importance of the optic centre

The lenses in all pairs of glasses have only one point of best vision - the optic centre. This means that they are constructed as if you were always looking through the dead centre of the lenses, with this centre located directly in front of your eyes as you look straight out in front of you. When you look through the glasses and turn your eyes away from this centre, the lenses become more like prisms. You have probably seen this effect on photographs taken through wide angle lenses. The edges of the image get distorted. This, along with the fact that glasses also have some sort of frame, encourages you to keep your eyes locked into the position that gives best vision. A frequently used practice in the attempt to control diverging eyes is the fitting of strong plus lenses. This is a treatment that sadly ends up driving the vision further downhill.

The optic centre also plays a role when you use lenses for reading. Remember, your glasses are prescribed with the intention of correcting your distance vision. When you look at the horizon your eyes point straight out through the optic centre of the glasses. However, when you read you turn your eyes in and down in order for your eyes to converge on your book. Unless you wear special reading glasses, or have them incorporated into your glasses, the optic centre of each lens will be further apart than required. The result is additional strain on your eyes, the more you read the greater the damage.

If you wear near sight glasses whilst working at a computer, they will be wrongly adjusted for both reading at about 35 cm and the computer screen at 60 cm. This is a contributing factor to the way that computer work affects the eyesight.

Could Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight?
The fearful idea that reading in dim light could ruin one’s eyesight probably has its origins in the physiological experience of eye strain. Suboptimal lighting can create a sensation of having difficulty in focusing. It also decreases the rate of blinking and leads to discomfort from drying, particularly in conditions of voluntary squinting. The important counterpoint is that these effects do not persist.

The majority consensus in ophthalmology, as outlined in a collection of educational material for patients, is that reading in dim light does not damage your eyes Although it can cause eye strain with multiple temporary negative effects, it is unlikely to cause a permanent change on the function or structure of the eyes. Even in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disease that features inflammation in certain glands of the body), decreased functional visual acuity associated with strained reading improves when they stop reading.w35

One review article on myopia concludes that increased use of one’s eyes, such as reading in dim light or holding books too close to the face, could result in impaired ocular growth and refractive error. The primary evidence cited was epidemiological evidence of the increased prevalence of myopia and the high incidence of myopia in people with more academic experience.The author notes that this hypothesis is just beginning to “gain scientific credence.” In the past reading conditions involved even less light, relying on candles or lanterns, so increased rates of myopia over the past several centuries does not necessarily support that dim reading conditions are to blame. In contrast to that review, hundreds of online expert opinions conclude that reading in low light does not hurt your eyes.w38 Source

Wearing glasses is at best a compromise. Everyone knows that the solution to clear vision is not found in glasses. They cause many annoying inconveniences. Just remembering where you've put them can drive you to a point of frenzy! And how annoying it is when they fog up when the humidity changes as you go from inside to outside. They also get dirty, scratch, break etc. at the most inopportune moments. "

Pinhole glasses do they work?

Pinhole glasses are something of a phenomenon. They allow anyone with blurry vision to see clearly - instantly - without the need for corrective lenses.

You can test the concept right now. Make a fist and put it up to one eye, with the other eye closed. Open your fist just a tiny miniscule amount, just enough to create a small hole to peep through. Amazingly, you can now see clearly!

It's a bit miraculous, isn't it? What's more, there is lots of anecdotal evidence to show that wearing pinhole eyeglasses can improve your vision naturally in just 15 minutes each day. While optometrists have been reluctant to carry out the necessary clinical trials to verify this, my personal experience leaves me with little doubt that pinhole glasses can improve vision naturally with daily use.

In fact, I believe that pinholes are an excellent support to daily vision training,

Pinhole glasses, or stenopic glasses, are an alternative to conventional eyeglasses to improve vision. The shape and design are similar to normal frames, but the difference is in the lenses. Instead of a lens, pinhole glasses have a series of pinhole-size perforations in a sheet of plastic, and each hole allows only a small beam of light to enter the eye.

Pinhole glasses are worn like normal glasses. Instead of transparent glass or plastic for lenses, opaque black plastic "lenses" are used. Wearers see through small holes (pinholes) in the black plastic.

To fully appreciate how pinhole glasses work it is necessary to understand how the eye processes light rays to form an image.

Hello Lynne,

I thought I would share with you one of the benefits I have found while using those pinhole glasses. After using them for 3-5 minutes I notice that my eyes seem to feel refreshed and cool,as if they have just been bathed, instead of starting to feel inflamed and itchy as is usal
Makes it so much easier to read for longer periods of time
RJ Texas


How the eye works:

Our ability to "see" starts when light reflects off an object at which we are looking and enters the eye. As it enters the eye, the light is unfocused. The first step in seeing is to focus the light rays onto the retina, which is the light sensitive layer found inside the eye. Once the light is focused, it stimulates cells to send millions of electrochemical impulses along the optic nerve to the brain. The portion of the brain at the back of the head (the visual cortex) interprets the impulses, enabling us to see the object.

Click on picture for larger size

Light, refraction and its importance.

Light entering the eye is first bent, or refracted, by the cornea -- the clear window on the outer front surface of the eyeball. The cornea provides most of the eye's optical power or light-bending ability.

After the light passes through the cornea, it is bent again -- to a more finely adjusted focus -- by the crystalline lens inside the eye. The lens focuses the light on the retina. This is achieved by the ciliary muscles in the eye changing the shape of the lens, bending or flattening it to focus the light rays on the retina.

This adjustment in the lens, known as accommodation, is necessary for bringing near and far objects into focus. The process of bending light to produce a focused image on the retina is called "refraction". Ideally, the light is "refracted," or redirected, in such a manner that the rays are focused into a precise image on the retina.

Click picture for larger eye chart

Hi there,
Well you did warn me! Even though you encouraged me to start slowly with the glasses and use them for just a few minutes each time I took the bull by the horns and did two hours to start with. As you predicted the muscles in the back of my eyes felt just like my legs when I first went back to running and overextended them! However they quickly settled down and I have really been aware of the improvement in my eyesight so even when I forget to take any glasses I can still read the menu in the restaurant.

LG Oregon


Most vision problems occur because of an error in how our eyes refract light. In nearsightedness (myopia) the light rays form an image in front of the retina. In farsightedness (hypermetropia), the rays focus behind the retina. In astigmatism, the curvature of the cornea is irregular, causing light rays to focus to more than one place so that a single clear image cannot be formed on the retina, resulting in blurred vision. As we age, we find reading or performing close-up activities more difficult. This condition is called presbyopia, and results from the crystalline lens being less flexible, and therefore less able to bend light.

Perfect vision in the unaided eye requires the eye lens to focus light rays from diverse angles into a single pinpoint directly on the retina at the back of the eye. For sufferers of refractive eye disorders, where the eye lens is too weak or the cornea or eyeball is misshapen, divergent light rays become focused in front of or behind the retina, casting an unfocused image onto the retina itself. This unfocused area of light is known as the 'blur circle'.

"Join the Thousands of People Worldwide that have Helped Their Vision Naturally!"

Millions of people have eye problems, ranging from slight blurriness to near blindness. Most think there is nothing they can do about it, but for some conditions, there are methods that can help strengthen eye muscles.

How do Pinhole Glasses Work?

Pinhole glasses are a natural form of vision correction, that can never harm your eyesight.

In contrast, glasses and contact lenses only correct your vision superficially and are known to make your vision worse over time.

Contrary to their name, pinhole eyeglasses are not made of glass or corrective lenses. They are simply black plastic (or metal) with holes punched through where the lens would normally be.

Pinholes can be used to improve the vision of people who have had damaging corneal surgery such as LASIK and are bothered by halos and "starbursts" around lights. By creating a smaller pupil, pinholes can reduce these disturbing problems.

People old enough to need reading glasses often can't use cheap, off-the-rack reading glasses due to their astigmatism, which is not corrected by such glasses. Using ordinary pinhole glasses is one obvious solution. An alternative is to wear Snap-Ons over the reading glasses to reduce the astigmatism. Both of these alternatives are cheaper than buying prescription reading glasses with an astigmatic correction. The above also applies when a significant difference in the refraction of the two eyes prevents using off-the-rack reading glasses.

Some people who suffer from macular degeneration have experienced an improvement in their vision when using pinholes

So, how do pinhole glasses work?

In camera terms, pinhole glasses (also called spectacles, eyeglasses and sunglasses) reduce the effect of the eye's focusing errors by increasing optical depth of field by reducing aperture size

Pinhole glasses work based on the concept that each hole only allows a narrow beam of light through. This reduces the size of the optical spot not coming into perfect focus on your retina and increases your depth of field.

The lenses of pinhole glasses are perforated with an array of equally spaced minute holes of approx 1mm - 1.5mm in diameter. In contrast the average diameter of the pupil in normal daylight conditions is about 4mm. Each pinhole allows only direct rays through, and it is the amalgamation of these direct rays that make up a concentrated beam of light that enters the pupil. When this restricted light beam passes through the pupil and into the eye lens, the effects of any refractive eye disorders are reduced as the 'blur circle' on the retina is proportionally smaller. The resulting visual image is one of increased clarity, definition and brightness.

The unaided weak eye without Pinhole Glasses
In a weak eye, light rays entering the eye's lens are not all focused onto the same place on the retina. For example rays a b f g, require more focusing by the lens to hit the same plane as rays c d e, which are nearer to the centre. Rays c d e are usually always in focus, regardless of the condition of the eye, and form a clear image on the retina. This clear image is flooded by the blurred image known as the "blur circle" formed by rays a b f g.
The unaided weak eye with Pinhole Glasses
When the pinhole lens is used, only rays c d e are allowed to form an image on the retina and no blur circle is present to block the clear image. Consequently, by using a lens with multiple pinholes, many focused images form on the retina and a clear, natural image is seen. Also, no effort is required from the eye muscles, as the only rays entering the eye are already in focus. Hence there is a dramatic consequential, relaxing effect.

Some advantages that pinholes have over prescription glasses:

As we get into our 40's and 50's and presbyopia (inability to focus close) develops, pinholes provide a simple and inexpensive solution for reading or other close work.

Bifocals or trifocals are designed to provide a clear image only at fixed distances. Pinholes provide an improved image at ALL distances. In many applications, such as alternating between watching TV and reading, they can easily take the place of those very expensive prescription lenses that are so lucrative for the anti-consumer eye doctor/optical industry alliance.

Multi-focal lenses provide a continuously variable curve that is supposed to give good vision at all distances. In reality, the distortion on either side of the center line is considerable and often too great for comfortable use. Pinholes eliminate this problem.

There is no need to continually throw away old glasses and buy new, stronger ones. Unless the pinholes get broken, they can be used an entire lifetime.

While pinholes are not as cheap as off-the-rack reading glasses, they are considerable cheaper than individual prescription glasses. For example, a person who is a little nearsighted but only needs clear distant vision for occasional TV viewing would find pinholes a cheaper solution than prescription glasses.

Off-the-rack reading glasses have the same lens power in each lens. Some people find these cheap glasses unsuitable because the refractive error in each eye is not the same. Pinholes are ideal for such people because these glasses do not require a similar refractive error in each eye.

There is a pincushion effect when looking through the edges of prescription glasses. That is, straight lines appear curved. This disturbing effect does not occur with pinholes.

When you lay prescription glasses down improperly, they can easily get scratched at the center of the lens, the very area you have to look through. Scratching pinholes has no effect on their performance.

Pinholes do not have to be cleaned of fingerprints and other marks that affect vision.

Many parents will not allow their children to use bifocals to reduce the stress of close work because such glasses are for "old people." Pinholes are an easier thing to accept because they are the same for all ages.

Many people who have had corneal surgery find that their night vision has permanently deteriorated. Glare is a problem. They see halos and "starbursts" around lights. Even in normal home lighting they have problems so that they get in the habit of turning on as many lights as possible in order to get a small pupil and reduce the visual problems. Pinholes, either conventional or Snap-ons, can deliver the same small pupil without increasing the electric bill.

Children with special needs often use only their peripheral vision, and pinhole glasses help them concentrate on detail better. It has been found that the pinhole glasses help improve acuity and central macular vision. One nationwide organization that deals in child development uses pinhole glasses on a regular basis for this purpose.

The fix that fails kids' eyes
23 November 2002
Andy Coghlan Michael Le Page
Magazine issue 2370
The standard prescription for correcting children's short sight actually seems to make their eyes deteriorate faster. And it has been used routinely for decades
MILLIONS of people worldwide may have worse eyesight and even be more likely to go blind because of a long-held but misguided idea about how to correct short-sightedness. A study intended to confirm the theory has instead been stopped because the children's eyesight was getting worse, New Scientist has learned.

For decades, many optometrists have been routinely "undercorrecting" short-sightedness, or myopia, when prescribing glasses or contact lenses. "What was done was done with the best of intentions," says optometrist Daniel O'Leary of Anglia Polytechnic University in Cambridge, England. Indeed, his study of 94 children in Malaysia sought to prove the value of undercorrection. Instead, it showed the opposite.

While the number of children involved was small, amazingly it is the largest and most rigorous study to date. "The study was meant to run for three years but after two years, when we found out we were making the children's eyes

The complete article is 861 words long.


Aniridia is the complete or partial absence of the iris; polycoria is having more than one pupil in a single iris; and albinism is the lack of normal pigmentation. All of these abnormalities may be aided with pinhole lenses.

In cases of retinal separation, unnecessary motion of the eyeballs should be avoided. This can be accomplished by blocking all but the central pinholes, forcing the user to turn the head rather than the eyes

Good day to you two,

What a hoot. I have just come back from the optomertrist after having my eyes checked and he is STILL scratching his head! He does not understand how my eyesight seems to be imptoviong at the ripe old age of 77 and he definitely was not interested in investigating my pinhole glasses !!

J D Montana

How did you say they worked?
Pinhole glasses are based on the principle of natural reflexes as the same effect is achieved when you squint to try and see more clearly. Your eyelids close around the top and bottom of your eyes, filtering out light rays reaching your pupil from these angles. Only light from your central area of vision and to the left and right sides can now enter your eye. The image you see is often sharper with a greater depth of resolution, and is generally brighter as there is a narrower range of light levels to contrast against each other. Wearing pinhole glasses is of course much less stressful on the eye than squinting, and is far more efficient at blocking extraneous light rays to produce a sharper and brighter image on your eye.

Just look through any pin-hole and you'll see what they mean. When you do this, blurred images become focused. This is because the amount of peripheral light rays (which are responsible for blurring) is reduced. With appropriately spaced multiple pin-holes, you'll get clear straight vision without the difficulty of concentrating on a single hole. Regular use of these special pinhole glasses helps exercise eye muscles and helps eyes relax at the end of a tiring day and thus has a beneficial effect. Particularly useful for those who spend a great deal of time looking at computer and/or TV screens, Pinhole Glasses help retrain your eye muscles, just as other forms of exercise retrain muscles elsewhere.More Info Here


Vision improvement

For people who have been diagnosed with myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism or cataracts, pinhole glasses offer instant relief through better vision. You'll really notice the difference when focusing in the middle to long distance, such as when watching TV or reading from a classroom blackboard. Users of pinhole glasses report almost perfect vision and have little difficulty reading words or seeing definition in a TV image WITHOUT THEIR PRESCRIPTION SPECTACLES.


What are Pinhole Glasses For?

1. Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome - if you use computers a lot you will recognize the signs: eye strain, dry eyes, fatigue, headache, blurry vision and double vision. This is all down to intense near point stress. Computer glasses can reduce the glare from the monitor, help relax the eyes, increase depth of field, and increase your natural focusing power (also known as accommodation).

• Because of the way pinholes minimize light to the eye, they work well as sunglasses or for extremely bright conditions. They also work well in reducing the visual stress of lengthy computer work

2. Relieve Eye Strain and Improve Your Vision - when I wear pinhole eyeglasses, I get a clear long distance focus without any eye strain. This is very supportive for reducing myopia. In fact, some users report that wearing pinhole glasses for just 15 minutes a day can noticeably improve your vision in 4 weeks. If you have farsightedness, you need simply read and write with pinholes on, while nearsighted people need just sit back and watch TV wearing pinholes.

Cataracts People with cataracts often see better through pinholes. A cataract doesn't allow light to enter the eye properly. Pinholes often improve the vision even with the existence of the cataracts.
Specialty Glasses

If any person is chronically myopic and is diagnosed with more than 6 diopters of near-sightedness, then pinhole glasses may not improve their vision significantly due to excessive problems with diffraction.

"When used for reading or other close work, pinholes reduce the amount of accommodation or focusing power that the eye must use to see clearly. There is an abundant amount of research that points the finger at excessive accommodation as the cause of acquired myopia.

It is clear that anything that can reduce this accommodative effort, including pinhole glasses, is a useful weapon in retaining good vision. It is for this reason, and the fact that those in the optical business want nothing to do with them, that we have decided to promote the use of pinholes on this website. These glasses could be a major tool in preventing myopia.

Its well proven Pinhole glasses make it easier to read and do other close-up work. They easily take the place of expensive prescriptions glasses, and they are durable enough to last a lifetime.

Hi there,
Well you did warn me! Even though you encouraged me to start slowly with the glasses and use them for just a few minutes each time I took the bull by the horns and did two hours to start with. As you predicted the muscles in the back of my eyes felt just like my legs when I first went back to running and overextended them! However they quickly settled down and I have really been aware of the improvement in my eyesight so even when I forget to take any glasses I can still read the menu in the restaurant.

LG Oregon


Pinholes are best worn when watching TV or reading. When reading always make sure adequate lighting is supplied. As you look through Pinholes some light is cut out. Pinholes are also excellent for computer operators. Computer screens tire and strain eyes rapidly, Pinholes, allow your eyes to relax.

Your eyes may take a little while to adjust to Pinholes, but in a short period your eyes will not notice that they focus through these tiny holes. That is why watching TV is ideal, you forget very quickly that you are wearing them.

Pinholes should be worn for at least 15 mins a day, or as often as possible.

Never wear your Pinholes when driving or doing any activity where sideways vision is required. Do not use as sun glasses. Always make sure your Pinholes are clean and check no holes are blocked, it is very important to have complete vision

You will see objects clearly through the pinholes drilled in the lenses. Even those who have near-sightedness, farisightedness, astigmatism, or amblyopia can see objects clearly through the small holes. In this case, the eyeball muscles of the wearer get normalized by themselves and the focus of the eyeball(the crystalline lens) is adjusted. The pinholes are small plain holes.

If you look at things without the glasses after wearing them for about half an hour, you will be surprised that you can clearly recognize even very small letters. (However, you will be soon again unable to see distinctly).

If you persist in wearing these glasses only a couple of hours a day while reading books or newspapers, or watching TV, and your eye problems are not hereditary, you will succeed in your sight-recovering exercise, and the eyeball muscles and cystalline lenses will be normalized.(You may not need glasses at all)


Dr. Janet Goodrich(a distinguished eye-sight-correcting specialist)
" People with both close and distant blur and astigmatism are able to use micohole sight correctors."

Dr. David Michael(author of Visual Optics and Refraction)
" Microholes reduce aberrations and light scattering, isolate a favorable area of the damaged cornea and increase depth of focus."

Dr. Norman Bies(author of Correction of Subnormal Vision)
" The longer depth of focus obtained through microholes is well established --- patients enjoy a substantial increase in reading distance.

Myopia (short sightedness)
Hyperopia (long sightedness)
Presbyopia (age-related reduced range of focus)
Eye strain (from computer screens)

NOTE:If you have more than 6 diopters of myopia, you will probably not find pinholes useful since they cannot overcome so much blur. Pinhole glasses are intended to be used only when sitting or standing still. They should not be used when driving a vehicle.