Do You Have Any of These Symptoms

H. pylori infection is most likely acquired by ingesting contaminated food and water, and through person to person contact. In the United States, about 30% of the adult population is infected (50% of infected persons are infected by the age of 60), about 50% of the world population is estimated to have detectable H. pylori in their gastrointestinal tract (GI tract, but stomach, mainly).Anyone can have an H. pylori infection without knowing it as most H. pylori infections are "silent" and produce no symptoms. When the bacteria do finally cause symptoms, they're usually symptoms of disease

The Helicobacter pylori enter the stomach and attach to the protective mucus lining of the stomach wall. The bacteria are able to survive in the strongly acid environment of the stomach because they excrete the enzyme urease which neutralized the acidic environment of the stomach by converting urea into the basic ammonia and buffer bicarbonate. Inside the mucus lining of the stomach wall, the bacteria cannot be killed by the bodies immune system.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria responsible for widespread infection with more than 50% of the world's population infected, even though 80% of those infected have no symptoms. H. pylori infection is associated with low grade inflammation of the stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine that empties the stomach).

The bacteria has evolved to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach where enzymes digest food. The H. pylori bacteria burrow into the cells of the stomach lining and cause low grade inflammation. H. pylori is the most common cause of gastric ulcers and gastritis (gastro=stomach +itis=inflammation). Ten percent of those infected may develop an ulcer. Also, those infected have an increased risk of stomach cancer and lymphoma.

H. pylori is transmitted from person to person, but nobody knows by what means

H. pylori is a very common infection of the stomach. It may be the most common infection in the world. It is now clear that the infection is directly related to the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers, and it is likely that it may be related to cancers involving the stomach. There are several diagnostic tests available, and effective treatment can prevent the recurrence of ulcers and, perhaps, the development of cancer.

Interestingly, the presence of the bacteria may decrease the prevalence of esophagitis by decreasing the amount of stomach acid that refluxes back into the esophagus. This in turn leads to a decreased risk for esophageal cancer in those infected with H. pylori. Further, H. pylori seems to decrease the risk of developing asthma and allergies.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Symptoms

Helicobacter pylori infection has been associated with the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Chronic H. pylori gastritis is a strong risk factor for stomach cancer. However, less than one percent of chronically infected individuals will develop stomach cancer.

Atrial Fibrillation : Researchers note that the link between H. Pylori and atrial fibrillation is highly significant." Multimedia General Hospital's Cardiology Department and Arrhythmia Center. More

Gastritis and ulcers
Upper abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract
Abdominal pain
Burning sensation in the central upper abdomen
Burping, and loss of appetite

H. pylori also is associated with stomach cancer and a rare type of lymphocytic tumor of the stomach called MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma. In addition, several recent research papers have shown a link between diabetes, infections, elevated hemoglobin A1C levels, and H. pylori

1. Heartburn or Acid Reflux
Whether these symptoms occur on a regular, or even infrequent basis, you may well be infected with H. pylori.

2. Diarrhea, Constipation, Flatulence, Bloating.
Because H. pylori interferes with acid in your stomach, you can't digest food properly.

"The primary disease caused by H pylori is gastritis. Not all infected persons have symptoms, but all show changes in the gastric mucosa ("chronic superficial gastritis"). H pylori are well adapted to survive in the hostile environment of the stomach. Their spiral shape allows them to corkscrew down through the mucous layer to the gastric mucosa; they attach to mucous-secreting cells that line the stomach; they break down urea to produce ammonia that helps neutralize gastric acid in their immediate vicinity; and they produce various proteins that damage mucosal cells, attracting lymphocytes (which may be their primary source of nutrients) and causing persistent inflammation. After years or even decades of chronic superficial gastritis, carriers develop lesions ("atrophic gastritis") and eventually the stomach tissue can become abnormal and precancerous. "

3. Fatigue and Low Energy Levels.
H pylori creates a non-stop stress on your body, making you feel tired. Added to the possibility that you are not digesting your food properly, your body is not getting the correct nourishment to maintain it's proper energy levels.

If the H pylori bacteria cause damage to the parietal cells, stomach acid levels can decrease significantly. When acid levels in the stomach are low, food may not be broken-down properly. In particular, you’ll have a hard time breaking down proteins and releasing minerals such as iron so that they can be absorbed into your body via the intestine.

4. Nausea & Vomiting.
Many people feel nauseous when with H. pylori infections. Sometimes this can mistaken for pregnancy morning sickness. In some cases, vomiting does occur

Zapping is very effective for killing the bacteria. Keep zapping because the parasite HAS parasites, HAS parasites. The die off can cause you to get sick so be sure to take digestive enzymes frequently to help your immune system clean out the debri.

5. Tension headaches, clouded thinking, yeast infections, body chills, cramping, joint pain, painful lymph nodes and general body aches.

Dr Beck claims that the combination of using a pulser and a zapper has enabled him to lose over 50 kg in a year without any change in diet or life-style. Also at over 70 years of age his hair returned to its former dark colour. He says that many of his friends are using both instruments more or less daily and in the years since doing this, none of them ever had any cold or other infection. However, Dr Beck recommends combining the electric treatment with the use of colloidal silver and oxygen/ozone therapy.


6. Difficulty Losing Weight
This is a surprising symptom opposite to the above. The reason for this is that a hormone called cortisol is produced when your body is stressed. Cortisol is known to cause either weight loss or weight gain, depending on the person. Cortisol can promote weight gain around the stomach area, and at the same time can also cause muscle loss.

For digestive disorders such as helicobacter pylori, stomach ulcers, candida, and celiac disease, Ozone water is recommended to establish a high level of ozygenation in the body, and assists detoxification.

7. Hormonal Symptoms including Mood Swings & PMS
These are usually caused by an over production of Cortisol caused by the stresses of the body trying to deal with infections.

An interesting study conducted in the 1950’s demonstrated that an oral colloidal silver product (i.e., colloidal silver oxide) was a highly effective treatment for peptic ulcers. Indeed, it cured ulcers in only nine days! Keep in mind, this study was conducted several decades before medical science discovered that H. pylori is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcers! In other words, the only thing the researchers could conclude from their study was that the colloidal silver product healed the ulcers. They most likely didn’t realize the silver was attacking the root cause of the ulcers, meaning the H. pylori bacterium!

The trick is to take about 1 ounce on an empty stomach three times per day for about a week.

If you take it with anything else... It will bond with that and not work. If you add sugar... It will not work. If you take it only once a day it will not work.

But when we tested it by itself, on an empty stomach, three times per day, it dropped the H. Pylori titer down to un-measurable. Even months later.

Steve Barwick, author

8. Depression and Anxiety
A very important mood chemical (called serotonin) is largely made in a healthy digestive system. Any damage to your stomach by an H. pylori infection will lead to a shortage of this important chemical.

As a result of Bob Beck's research into electro-therapy it is now known how to easily kill these bacteria without having to take antibiotics which always destroy the good intestinal bacteria which are needed for good digestion, assimilation of B vitamins, and the suppression of bad bacteria growth.

9. Gum Disease, Bad Breath and other Oral infections
Although the H pylori bacteria lives mostly in the stomach and small intestines, it has also been found in the mouth, and even in dental cavities.

If you’re feeling tired, weak or just generally not yourself, you could have H pylori or Parasites because they can cause Iron-Deficiency Anaemia as well as vitamin B12 deficiency. Fatigue is not a symptom that would generally be associated with H pylori infection, but , any digestive infection can leave you feeling tired. There is a wealth of research indicating a strong association between H pylori infection and the development of iron-deficiency anaemia

Anaemia Symptoms that are typically associated with anaemia are:

•Fatigue and low energy levels
• Weakness
• General malaise
• Poor Concentration
• Shortness of breath
• Restless leg syndrome
• Pale skin, nail beds and gums
• Faster heart beat (tachycardia)

10. Blocked nose, painful sinuses, colds and infections
Most people are unaware that the sinuses are joined to the digestive system, and that any irritation to the digestive system can cause sinus problems.

If there is enough inflammation, bleeding is possible from the stomach lining or from an ulcer, a small crater-like area in which the inflammation has caused the protective lining of the stomach to wear away. Symptoms of bleeding include vomiting blood and passing black, tarry stools. The black stools are a result of blood that has been metabolized and partially digested

11.A group of Iranian researchers have reported that after studying 105 chronic migraine sufferers, they found that patients who were diagnosed to have helicobacter pylori infection (which is done using a simple breath or blood test), suffered on average, 3 days a month more from migraine attacks.

When to see a doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any persistent signs and symptoms that worry you. Seek immediate medical help if you experience:

Severe or persistent abdominal pain
Difficulty swallowing
Bloody or black tarry stools
Bloody or black vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds Sourcs

Facts about H. pylori infections that you won't be told about...
Fact #1
Most doctors simply have very few options when it comes to treating for H. pylori infections. (The prescription will almost always be a Triple Therapy, or Quadruple Therapy.)

According to Acu-Cell, the consumption of probiotics and "good" bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus do not have a direct impact on H. pylori. However, they are often recommended for individuals treating H. pylori as a way to repopulate the digestive system with beneficial microbes that could be lost through the course of the treatment

Fact #2
H. pylori is becoming increasingly resistant to the most common treatments.

Fact #3
Patients who have been on 4 or more courses of Triple or Quadruple Therapy - find that they are still infected with H. pylori.

It takes about 3 weeks for the Bob Beck Protocol to get rid of all of the microbes in the bloodstream

Fact #4
The ONLY way to effectively CURE H. pylori infection, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE.

According to

In the new nationwide study, researchers analyzed 136 samples of 80 brands of beef, chicken, pork and turkey purchased at 26 retail stores in five cities: Chicago; Flagstaff, Ariz.; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Los Angeles; and Washington, D.C.

The results showed that 47 percent of the samples were contaminated with Staph. aureus, and that 52 percent of the bacteria were resistant to at least three classes of antibiotics.

DNA testing suggests that the food animals themselves were the major source of contamination with S. aureus, said the researchers at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) in Phoenix.

The study was published in the April 15 issue of the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.


Fact #5
A high percentage of patients infected with H. pylori are also infected with Candida Albicans, and they don't even know about it!

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by a cork screw shaped spirochetes bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) very similar to syphilus (Treponema pallidum). The bacteria is spiral shaped and by rotating it can self-propel itself through your tissues, tendons, muscles, heart and brain.

It used to be thought that Lyme disease was caused only by being bitten by a tick. However, it is now believed that the bacteria can be spread by other insects including fleas, mosquitoes and mites, as well as directly between humans via blood, urine, tears, semen, breast milk, cord blood, and vaginal secretions.

"More than 50% of chronically ill people may have Lyme contributing to their condition." - Dr. Cowden

Fact #6
Many Doctors spend more time treating the side effects of drug therapies, than they do when treating the original H. pylori infection.

Correct diagnosis of an H. pylori infection is critical,

Message: 4
From: "Arrow
Subject: Ozone defeats Helicobacter pylori

I recently inquired on how to treat H-pylori for a friend. She decided to drink ozonated water and to take grapefuit seed extract. In about a day and a half her abdominal pain was gone.

When she started she had taken already 3 doses of triple antibiotics and prevacid, the traditional H. pylori pack. She stopped the drugs as soon as she got the ozone eqipement. The antibiotics were giving her kidney pain.

She did the treatment for about 3 weeks. The she returned to her doctor for another H. pylori blood test. It came out negative. Yes!

Thanks Dr. Pressman. o3center

A:Treat a stomach ulcer for the same length of time that you would use the antibiotic, about 21 days

B:The fresher the ozonated water the more powerful

Fact #8
The latest drugs being produced for the eradication of H. pylori are now being made more powerful in an attempt to be more effective - but the side effects are not getting any better.

In 1992, Bob Beck, a physicist who discovered a c-re for AIDS by using blood electrification. He realized that all the blood in your body goes through the two arteries on either side of your wrist every two hours. By placing a small electric current over these two pulses every pathogen can be killed. In addition, he realized that pathogens tend to hide in the lymph nodes, organs, and root canaled teeth. He then invented a machine called a magnetic pulsar that forces the pathogens out of the node or organ and into the blood stream, where they can then be killed through electrification. He also advocated the use of colloidal silver, which also kills pathogens, and ozonated water, which is a great detoxifier. He claims that this four part protocol could not only heal AIDS, but tumors and many other problems caused by parasites, viruses, or other pathogens.

There are many Helicobacter pylori sufferers who have used these methods to achieve success. Although there is an initial expense for these protocols , once purchased, you do not have the on-going expense of endless supplements. They work for multiple problems and can be used over and over throughout your life as the need arises.

Fact #9
Each year nearly aprox 6,000 people die from H. pylori related complications in the USA alone.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can inhabit your body without causing acute infectious disease. However, they can cause problems for you:
infections may be controlled by your immune system until for some reason your immune system is weakened, then they can multiply uncontrollably;
even when their extent is limited by your immune system, ongoing infections are producing waste products that burden your body, while consuming nutrients that your body could use; infections may damage your cells, tissues and organs resulting in long-term degenerative conditions, plus some of these damaged organs may be critical to your fight with tumors; infections are a constant drain on your immune system resources.



High Powered Bob Beck Type Magnetic Pulsar

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More info here

Complete Package