You move into a new
house and think everything's fine, but for some unknown
reason everyone keeps coming down sick
you can't figure out why. You call an inspector out to
check throughout the house to see what's up ,or you look
carefully now you have the knowledge ,and find out that
you have the dreaded BLACK MOLD.
One of the most common problem molds in
households today is also one of the most toxic: black
mold. Black mold
is usually caused by neglected water damage which is
combined with humid air, organic materials, and
dim or dark areas. Seniors, infants and those with a
compromised immune system are most likely to fall prey
to black mold poisoning, but even healthy adults can
be affected.

Often, when individuals, whether in the news or other
forms of public media, discuss "black mold" they
are talking about a certain type of mold. This mold is
scientifically categorized as Stachybotrys Chartarum.
It will appear as a greenish black mold in color although
it is only deemed "black" mold.

Stachybotrys is a genus of molds, or asexually-reproducing,
filamentous fungi. Closely related to the genus Memnoniella,
most Stachybotrys species inhabit materials rich in cellulose.
The genus has a widespread distribution, and contains
about 50 species
The most infamous species, S. chartarum (also known
as S. atra) and S. chlorohalonata are known as "black
mold" or "toxic black mold" in the USA
and are frequently associated with poor indoor air quality
that arises after fungal growth on water-damaged building
If carpet has been saturated
with water it is most likely growing mold. Carpet
cleaning is
NOT going to kill the mold, If you have not removed
the carpeting mold will continue to grow in it
and get worse over time. Your carpet has now
become a "mold farm" and your living
room is now a giant petrie dish! |
Humid conditions create the ideal breeding ground for
the small spores to multiply. The way in which mold reproduces
is through these microscopic spores that are created
when the conditions are right. Most mold grows, or reproduces,
in damp areas, as mentioned previously.
With ever increasing changes in the Earth's weather
patterns, the more "wet" weather, the more
chance of having a "black mold" infestation.
Your home is more prone to a black mold invasion if you
live in an area that is exposed to frequent flooding
or extremely wet, and/or humid, conditions.
Black mold can grow on anything porous. Including wood,
cement, paper, clothing of all types, behind wallpaper,
ceiling tiles, and other common household building materials.

With that said, it is also very common to find black
mold growing rampant on gypsum board, more well known
as 'drywall', which is a major part of any home construction

It is important to note that mold spores are all around
us all the time and that no home is immune to them. No
matter how clean you keep it indoors. You must understand
that when mold reproduces, it is damp. However, when
this newly formed grouping of mold dries, it can become
airborne, whether this be indoors or out. Due to this,
there is always a great possibility that if there is
any type of excess moisture build up within your home,
mold could begin growing inside.

Health Risks
of Black Mold
Molds (also spelled "moulds")
are ubiquitous in the biosphere, and mold spores are
a common component of household and workplace dust. However,
when mold spores are present in abnormally high quantities,
they can present a health hazard to humans, potentially
causing allergic reactions, producing mycotoxins, or
causing fungal infection (mycosis)
Symptoms caused by the Stachybotrys chartarum
species of mold, which is also called black mold
or toxic black
Toxic black mold causes serious symptoms and health
problems such as mental impairment, breathing problems,
damage to internal organs and sometimes even death.
The main groups of symptoms toxic black mold causes
• Mental and neurological symptoms
Respiratory symptoms
Circulatory symptoms
Vision and eye problems
Skin problems
Immune system problems
Reproductive system problems
Tiredness and discomfort
Other illnesses and health effects
Mental and Neurological Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
The trichothecene mycotoxins produced by toxic black
mold are neurotoxic. This means they can kill neurons
in the brain and impair a person's mental ability.
They also cause nervous disorders such as tremors and
can cause personality changes such as mood swings and
Brain fog
Shortened attention span
Difficulty concentrating and paying attention
Slowed reflexes
Memory loss and memory problems
Impaired learning ability
Aggression and other personality changes
Respiratory Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
People living in homes with toxic black mold are
exposed mainly through breathing in toxic black mold
spores and mycotoxins. Toxic black mold mycotoxins
create irritation and a burning feeling in a person's
air passages such as the nasal cavity, mouth and throat.
The mycotoxins can even become lodged in the mucus
membranes, sinuses and the lungs which then causes
a burning feeling, breathing problems and bleeding
in the lungs.
•Difficulty breathing - breathlessness or shortness
of breath
Pulmonary edema - swelling of the lungs
Pulmonary hemorrhage - bleeding in the lungs
Sore throat
Burning sensation of the mouth
Bleeding gums
Runny nose
Itchy nose
Stuffy, blocked nose
Nose bleeds
Circulatory Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold mycotoxins can be breathed in, ingested,
or absorbed through a person's skin or eyes. Eventually
the mycotoxins then find their way into the person's
blood. This leads to heart damage, problems with blood
clotting and internal or external hemorrhaging.
•Irregular heartbeat
Heart inflammation
Damage to heart
Low blood pressure
Bone marrow disruption
Bleeding tendency
Blood not clotting properly
Hemorrhage - internal bleeding
Vomiting up blood
Bleeding in the brain and in other organs
Vision and Eye Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold mycotoxins that are in the air can
enter a person's eyes. The mycotoxins are cytotoxic
(toxic to cells) and when they come into contact with
eye cells they cause inflamed and injured eyes and
create vision problems.
•Eye inflammation and soreness
Red or bloodshot eyes
Eye damage
Blurry vision and vision worsening
Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes)
Skin Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Through the skin is one of the three main ways that
toxic black mold mycotoxins enter the human body. There
have been cases in the past where people have handled
hay contaminated with toxic black mold and developed
severe rashes and skin problems on their body where
they touched the hay, as well as on sweaty areas like
the armpits.
•Crawling skin
Dermatitis - skin inflammation, rash, blisters, itchiness
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)
Immune System Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold puts out chemicals which suppress
the immune system. In fact many immunosuppressive drugs
are actually created from toxic molds. A person who
is immunocompromised from being around toxic black
mold will more easily get infections and sicknesses.
•Immunosuppression - immune system not functioning
Infections reoccurring

Reproductive System Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Mycotoxins from toxic black mold are teratogenic. This
means they can cause problems in the fetus during pregnancy
which then leads to birth defects. Toxic black mold
mycotoxins are also cytoxotic and mutagenic (cause
cell mutations) and inhibit protein synthesis including
DNA and RNA.
Fetal development problems
Tiredness and Discomfort Symptoms From Toxic Black
When a person is around toxic black mold the immune
system may release a sedative called Chloral Hydrate.
This is used as a defense to try to slow down the effects
of toxic black mold. But this also makes a person tired
and causes fatigue. Toxic black mold can also cause
soreness of the muscles and joints.
•Chronic fatigue
Aches and pains
Muscle pain
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
Malaise - general discomfort
Cold or flu type symptoms or recurring colds
Other Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
• Hair loss
• Weight loss, anorexia
• Hearing loss
• Liver disease
• Coma
• Death
Toxic Black Mold Causes Allergic Symptoms
Like other molds, toxic black mold is allergenic. The
spores from toxic black mold cause allergic reactions
such as breathing problems, sore eyes, runny nose,
itchiness, sneezing and a sore throat.
For a more detailed list of allergic reactions caused
by mold visit Mold Symptoms and Allergic Reactions.
Differing Toxic Black Mold Symptoms
Toxic black mold affects different people in different
ways. Some people won't experience symptoms as severe
as what others experience. Children, the elderly and
people with weak immune systems are usually the worst
affected by toxic black mold.
Toxic Black Mold and Cancer
Experts suspect that toxic black mold can cause cancer,
although there still needs to be more research. Some
other toxic molds, like Aspergillus for example, definitely
cause cancer though. The aflatoxin mycotoxins which
Aspergillus produce are among the most powerful carcinogens.
Are Toxic Black Mold Symptoms
Permanent? Once a person is no longer around toxic
black mold
most of their symptoms should gradually decrease. Some
of the health problems caused by toxic black mold are
permanent though. For example, after a person has lived
with toxic black mold their immune system won't be
as strong as it used to be and they'll be more sensitive
to mold and mycotoxins in the future.
Source |
In 2004, the
Institute of Medicine determined there is enough evidence
to link indoor mold exposure
with increased cough, wheeze, and other upper respiratory
tract symptoms in otherwise healthy people. The evidence
also suggests patients with asthma will likely experience
more asthma related symptoms. People who have other conditions
affecting their immune system have an increased risk
for hypersensitivity pneumonitis – an inflammation
of the lungs.
Condensation is a major source of black mold growth.
For instance if you have a house full of teenagers
you know what happens to the bathroom after the family
takes their showers. Especially in the cooler months
of the year the steam from our showers will condense
on the cool walls of the bathroom, and soon we start
to see those tiny spots of black mold start to form.
Symptoms of Stachybotrys
exposure in humans Exposure to the
mycotoxins present in Stachybotrys chartarum or Stachybotrys
atra can have a wide range of effects. Depending
on the length of exposure and volume of spores inhaled
or ingested, symptoms can manifest as chronic fatigue
or headaches, fever, irritation to the eyes, mucous
membranes of the mouth, nose and throat, sneezing,
rashes, and chronic coughing. In severe cases of
exposure or cases exacerbated by allergic reaction,
symptoms can be extreme including nausea, vomiting,
and bleeding in the lungs and nose, allergic reactions,
asthma episodes, irritations of the eye, nose and
throat, sinus congestion, and other respiratory problems.
For example, residents of homes with mold are at
an elevated risk for both respiratory infections
and bronchitis. When mold spores are inhaled by an
immunocompromised individual, some mold spores may
begin to grow on living tissue, attaching to cells
along the respiratory tract and causing further problems.
Mold may produce mycotoxins, either before or after
exposure to humans, potentially causing toxicity.

Mold health
issues are potentially harmful effects of molds.
Healthy people may experience mild allergic reaction
symptoms. Individuals affected by a chronic respiratory
illness may have trouble breathing. Anyone with
a suppressed immune system may have an increased risk
of developing an infection from the mold exposure

there is no such thing as "harmless Black mold".
Hidden Behind Walls

Iradicating Black Mold
from your home
How to Restore Affected Areas
Remove mold from hard surfaces with commercial cleaning
products. A soap and water solution will also help remove
mold if no cleaning products
are available. Many people opt to use a bleach solution
to kill the mold spores and remove it from hard surfaces.
The bleach solution should
be mixed no more than one cup of bleach to one gallon of
water.Colloidal silver is well known for killing mold
When electing to clean
the mold with a bleach and water solution:
¦Never add ammonia to the mixture, as bleach
and ammonia produce toxic fumes. Do not add other household
cleaners to the bleach mixture, as this may also produce
toxic gas
¦ Wear protective eye wear and non-porous gloves to keep the bleach away
from skin
¦ Open doors and windows in the area to keep it well ventilated.
Colloidal Silver
Spray with high
potency colloidal silver
To remove the mold, spray colloidal
silver on it and let it stand for 10
minutes before wiping away.
This will destroy the mold and likely prevent it from re-growing.
The principle behind ozone gas is very
similar to the oxidation process that normal oxygen performs
when it comes in contact with substances. The oxygen
atoms interact with the atoms of the substances, changing
their chemical composition by trading out other atoms.
This is how metal rusts and copper turns green when exposed
to air. These unique properties of oxygen are greatly
enhanced when the gas is ionized, or changed with UV
light to contain three oxygen atoms per grouping instead
of two. This makes the ionized oxygen particles even
more eager to trade atoms with other substances. If those
other substances are pathogens or odor-causing particles,
they are destroyed in the process. Scientists prefer
this method because the only byproduct of the forced
oxidation process is more oxygen, not at all harmful
to humans.
OZONE kills Black Mold and its spores.
Ozone is the second most powerful sterlilant in the
world, and it has the ability to destroy bacteria,
viruses and odors. BLACK MOLD can be KILLED with
ozone by blasting out unoccupied rooms, Ozone helps
purify areas that are infected with black mold, and
other offensive bacteria by helping to kill the offending
organisms,just wipe the surface es with a good bleach,and
the leave your ozone generator on for a few hours,,with
the doors and windows closed,, do
not stay in the room at the same time.
on Ozone Generators here |
you have any of the symptoms we suggest you look
at these protocols
Negative ions
Refresh the Air
Like the water we drink and the food we eat, the air
we breathe has a great impact on our quality of life.
This system can reduce sources of discomfort which
contribute to types
of airborne irritation. Removal of these irritants
in the air can help reduce the risk of exacerbation.
Utilizing negative ions,
this amazing system can significantly reduce:
According to the American College of Allergies, 50%
of all illness is aggravated or caused by polluted indoor
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) themselves
declare that indoor air is anywhere from 2 to 10 times
more hazardous than outdoor air.
The EPA also warns us that the indoor air quality is
the number one environmental health problem.
Today's homes and buildings are built air-tight, and
contain a long list of pollution sources. As a result,
natural air-cleansing agents such as ozone and negative
ions are kept out, while contaminants are kept in.
A recent study found that the allergen level in super-insulated
homes is 200% higher than it is in ordinary homes.
Most people spend well over 90% of their time indoors.
In which case, indoor air is going to impact our health
far more than outdoor air.
The EPA informs us that 6 out of 10 homes and buildings
are "sick", meaning they are hazardous to your
health to occupy as a result of airborne pollutants More
As Phyllis A. Balch and Dr. James F. Balch write in
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, colloidal silver
can safely and inexpensively protect you from infection
in a wide variety of ways: "Topically, it can be
used to fight fungal infections of the skin or nails
and to promote the healing of burns, wounds, cuts, rashes,
and sunburn. It can be used on toothaches and mouth sores,
as eye drops and as a gargle to fight tooth decay and
bad breath. It can also be used as sterilizer and can
even be sprayed on air-conditioning filters and air ducts
and vents to prevent germs from growing." In addition
to those found in air conditioning vents, germs make
many other aspects of our environment both unhealthy
and bad-smelling. Colloidal silver, as a powerful antibiotic
and antifungal agent, can make your environment just
as healthy as it can make your body.

As the HSI pointed out at the time, one
of their well-known health symposium panelists, Dr. Marcial-Vega,
had discovered while dealing with pneumonia patients
the fact that colloidal silver can be quickly
and easily carried into the human blood stream and from there into
the body's cells and tissues, simply by nebulizing it.
Nebulizing is a process by which colloidal silver is
run through a small medical device called a nebulizer
which turns the colloidal silver solution into a fine
mist. This fine mist can easily be breathed into the
lungs as its produced by the machine. And from the lungs
the body can efficiently and effectively distribute the
colloidal silver straight into the blood stream, cells
and tissues Getting
Colloidal Silver Into the System, Quickly and Effectively?
Bob Becks
Now Bob Beck Claimed and, was backed up
by hundreds of clients and Scientific studies ,his Protocol
worked, on eliminating Parasites,Fungi, Candida , Bacteria
and Mold,, More

From the Bob Beck Protocol
Use the Blood electrification
device to help destroy mold/fungus etc in the
blood stream and
if possible use a Magnetic Pulser on the lung
area. More

there is no such thing as "harmless Black mold".

"If mold exposure is not detected right away as
the culprit for a person's condition, the black mold
symptoms become more severe and can cause more damage
to the human body. Since the usual symptoms of mold exposure
are similar to the common cold or allergies, it may be
quite difficult to immediately identify that the cause
of the problem is black mold.

If the conditions remain undiagnosed, people who have
mold reactions may suffer more serious symptoms such
as nausea, hair loss, skin sores, chronic sinus infections,
hair loss, joint and muscle pains and even neurological
disorders such as panic attacks. Some people may exhibit
breathing disorders, coughing up of blood, extreme fatigue,
short term memory loss and severe asthma attacks.

There are people who are more prone to mold reactions
such as babies, little children and elderly family members
due to their weaker immune systems. Mold exposure presents
real risks to your family health, and should not be taken
for granted. The amount of time between mold detection
and cleaning the mold colonies out of your home can seriously
affect the lives of the people you live or work with.

Other more serious conditions can also result from mold
exposure. Fibromyalgia, heart attack, jaundice, stomach
ulcers, tremors, cancer, bleeding from the lungs, destruction
of brain tissue and ultimately death are just some of
the possible effects of being exposed to mold.

Constant research is being conducted related to black
mold symptoms, but it is clear that the diseases that
develop due to mold exposure do present real concerns.
Therefore, it is necessary to either clean the mold infestations
yourself or seek the help of a professional mold removal
company who have the expertise and equipment to deal
with mold problems".Source

Black mold poisoning is serious; don’t let anyone
tell you otherwise. It causes a range of symptoms that
are highly damaging to your body and to your lifestyle.
If the black mold isn’t removed from your home
and from your body, the problem will get worse and your
health will collapse.If in doudt contact a mold iradication
Take Steps Now
Spray your walls or affected
spaces with Colloidal silver
Getting Colloidal Silver Into the System,
Quickly and Effectively
Mold/Fungus/Parasite Pack
Water Ozonator,
and Negative ion generator
Combo Unit
CompMist Nebulizer.
Effective CS delivery
Efficient and dependable
Very convenient and easy to use
Includes Length of Tubing, Medication Cup, Mouthpiece and 5 Air Filters
The CompMist Nebulizer is an effective, efficient
Compressor. It is very easy to use and easy to
clean. At 4 lbs., while it is not one of the
smallest nebulizers available, it is still small
and light enough to carry around and even to
take while traveling. Efficient and dependable
with built-in storage department. For people
looking for a straightforward, simple, effective
nebulizer at a good price, the Mabis Healtcare
CompMist Nebulizer is a good choice
Comes with 220v-240v plus 110v-120v converter
for USA clients
Toxic Mold/Fungus/Parasite Pack
MultiPulser Three
in one system
Ozonator, and Negative ion generator