Tapeworms -

includes: beef tapeworm, bladderworm, pork tapeworm, broad fish tapeworm, dog tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm and rat tapeworm.
There are many different species of tapeworm found in all parts of the world, and they can grow to be very large. We usually contract tapeworm from an intermediate host, such as beef, pork, fish, dogs and cats. We can also pick up some tapeworms by directly consuming their eggs. In humans, they reside in the intestines where they absorb our nutrients, especially vitamin b-12 and folic acid and give off dangerous waste.
Tapeworm can cause intestinal gas, thyroid and intestinal imbalances, high and low blood sugar, jaundice, bloating, fluid build up during the full moon and verminous intoxication

Beef Tapeworm - very common in the US, but also found worldwide, beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata) is one of humanity's most widespread of tape parasites. Cattle, the intermediate hosts, ingest the parasite eggs on grasses. The larval stage develops in the cow's muscle tissue, and is spread to humans through undercooked or raw beef.

Cook your meat through, especially if you don't know the source.

This worm can grow to a length of four to eight feet. About 1 % of American cattle are infected, and most cattle are not effectively inspected for this worm. To top it off, inspectors are estimated to miss 25% of these infections.

Bladder worm - When people become infected with the larval stage of the Pork Tapeworm, it is called cistircercosis, or Bladder worm. This juvenile stage of the worm can cause a small or large cyst in various organs or systems, including the heart and other muscles, eyes, liver, and the spine and brain. The cysts cause irritation, and can be the cause of allergic response.

Broad Fish Tapeworm - Diphyllobothrium latum is the largest of human tapeworms, growing up to 30 feet in length. This tapeworm infection is usually acquired by eating raw or undercooked fish. If you eat sushi, be sure to eat lots of wasabi and ginger with it. These traditional condiments help your body to keep the parasite levels down.

Dog Tapeworm - Common in dogs and cats everywhere, Dipylidium caninum is also common in children. The intermediate host is the flea or louse; humans are the final host, becoming infected through ingestion of the flea or louse containing the tapeworm larvae. Children will grind their teeth while asleep, and show other sleep disturbances; also digestive disturbance.

Dwarf Tapeworm - Hymenolepsis nana is only a few centimeters long, but is quite common. The eggs can develop in grain beetles and other insects, so grains can be the vehicle, and the most likely means of human infection.

It needs no intermediate host, so self infection is relatively easy in cases of poor personal hygiene (eggs pass out of the body through the feces).

Pork Tapeworm - Pigs are the primary intermediate hosts of Taenia solium, but people can be both the intermediate AND final host, resulting in a dangerous condition known as self infection (See "Bladder worm" above).

The tiny eggs can be ingested in contaminated food (especially raw or undercooked pork), water, or soil, or through hand to mouth contact. Pork tapeworms can grow as long as 10 feet in the intestines.

Rat Tapeworm - Similar to the Dwarf tapeworm, only larger, up to 3 feet long. The intermediate host of Hymenolepsis diminuta is the grain beetle or flour moth, so infection is most likely through eating contaminated grain. Rats are usually the final host, but occasionally that honor goes to humans.