New Bible Codes Discovered!

Vibration Rates for Creation and Destruction!

From: "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" Pages 166 & 167
by Dr Leonard Horowitz and Dr Joseph Puleo

For background & explanations as to how this information was discovered, read my book review and READ THE BOOK - IT HAS MUCH, MUCH MORE AMAZING INFORMATION IN IT.

(From Page 60, Fig 2.5):

Evolution of the Gregorian Musical "Solfeggio" (Scale) form Initially Six (6) Notes

The Original Solfeggio

1. Ut - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La -0 biireatum

The Earlier Modified Solfeggio

1. Ut - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La - biireatum
7. SI - Sancto Iohannes

The Current Modified Solfeggio

1. Do - queant laxis
2. Re - sonare fibris
3. Mi - ra gestorum
4. Fa - muli tuorum
5. Sol - ve polluti
6. La - biireatum
7. TI - Sancto Iohannes

(From Page 177: Fig 5.6):

The Secret Solfeggio Frequencies: Sound Vibration Rates for Creation and Destruction:

1. Ut = 396 = 9

2. Re = 417 = 3

3. Mi = 528 = 6

4. Fa = 639 = 9

5. Sol = 741 = 3

6. La = 852 = 6

(From Pages 166 & 167):

Definitions of Tones in the Latin Solfeggio Including "Hidden Entries" From Webster's Dictionary

Note 1: There are typos on this page. Most of them come from the book, as I typed it exactly as in the book, as best as I was able.

Note 2: Emphasis added by italics in each definition denotes special relevance to the book.

UT-quent laxis

1. a syllable used for the first note in the diatonic scale in an early solminzation system and later replaced by do. 2. the syllable sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist. <Gk. -Gamut- 1. the entire scale or range; the Gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy. 2. the whole series of recognized musical notes [1425-75]; late ME (Middle English)><ML (Medieval Latin)-contraction, of Gamma, used to represent the first lowest tone of (G) in the Medieval Scale Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Si. <Gk - Gamma- 1. the third letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. the third in a series of items. 3. a star that is usually the third brightest in a constellation. 4. a unit of weight equal to one microgram. 5. a unit of magnetic field strength equal to 10 to the fifth power gauss. (quent: needing), (laxis: loose; axis-an affiliation of two or more nations. Also Axis Powers.)

RE-sonare fibris (Res-o-nance)

1 a: the state of quality of being resonant. b(1) a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system 2. the prolongation of sound by reflection; reverberation. 3a. Amplification of a source of speech sounds, esp. of phonation, by sympathic vibration of the air, eesp. in the cavities of the mouth, nose and pharynx. b. a characteristic quality of a particular voice speech sound imparted by the distribution of amplitudes among the cavities of the head, chest, and throat. 4a. a larger than normal vibration produced in response to a stimulus whose frequency is close to the natural frequency of the vibrating system, as an electrical circuit, in which a value much larger than average is maintained for a given frequency. 5a. a quality of enriched significance, profundity, or allusiveness; a poem has a resonance beyond its surface meaning. 6. the chemical phenomenon in which the arrangements of the valance electrons of a molecule changes back and forth between two or more states. (in percussing for diagnostic purposes) a sound produced when air is present [1485-95]; <MF (Middle French), <L Resonantia, Echo=Reson (are) to resound + Antia-ance. (Re-a prefix, occurring orig. in loan words from Latin, use to form verbs denoting action in a backward direction, Action in answer to or intended to undo a situation, or that performance of the new action brings back an earlier state of affairs. (fibris: fibre string, vocal cord.)

MI-ra gestorum (Miracle)

1. an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause esp. to God. 2. a superb or surpassing example of something; wonder, marvel {1125-75}, ME<L Miraculum=Mira(Ri) to wonder at. fr (French): sighting, aiming to hold against the light. (gestorum: gesture; movements to express thought, emotion, any action, communication, etc. intended for effect.)

FA-muli tuorum (Famuls.)

... plural Famuli, 1a. servant/s, or attendant/s, esp. of a scholar or a magician [1830 - 40<L (Latin), servant, of family. (Tourum - quorum - 1. the number of members of a group required to be present to transact business or carry out an activity legally. usu. a majority. 2. a particularly chosen group. [1425-75;<L quorum of whom; from a use of the word in commissions written in Latin specifying a quorum.)

SO-lve polluti (So-lve')

1. to find the answer or explanation for; clear-up; explain; to solve a mystery or puzzle, to work out the answer or solution to (a mathematical problem.) [1400-50, Late ME<L Solvere to loosen, release dissolve=so-var, after velarl, of se-set-luere to wash; (see Ablution.) Ablution n. 1. a cleansing with water or other liquid, esp. as a religious ritual. [1350-1400]. (Pollutii-pollute-luted, 1. to make foul or unclean,)

LA-bii reatum (Labi-al)

1. of pertaining to or resembling a Labium. 2. of pertaining to the lips, 3. (of a speech sound) articulated using one of both lips. 4. of or designating the surface of a tooth facing the lips. 5. the labial speech sound, esp. consonant, [1585-95]; ML lingual. (reatum - reaction - 1. a reverse movement or tendency; an action in a reverse direction or manner. 2. a movement toward extreme political conservatism; 3. a desire to return to an earlier system or order. 3. action in response to some influence, event etc.; 4. a physiological response to an action or condition. b. a physiological change indicating sensitivity to a foreign matter.) 6. mech. the instantaneous response of a system to an applied force, manifested as the exertion of a force equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction, to the applied force [1635-45].

SI (Sancte Johannes)

1. a person of exceptional holiness, formally recognized by the Christian Church esp. by Canonization. 2. a person of great virtue or benevolence. 3. a founder or patron, as of a movement. 4. a member of any various Christian groups. 5. to acknowledge as a Saint. Canonize [1150-1200]; ME Seinte. Canon: 1. an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the Pope. 3. a body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding, esp. in a field of study of art. 6. any officially recognized set of sacred books. 10. the part of the mass between Sanctus and the communion. 11. consistent, note-for-note imitation of one melodic line by another, in which the second line starts after the first. (axiomatic). 1. pertaining to or of the nature of an axiom; self-evident. 2. a universally accepted principle or rule. 3. a proposition in logic or mathematics that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying consequences that follow from it.