Better Blood Circulation.
Important Facts To Remember

"The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system, is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from cells in the body to nourish it and help to fight diseases, stabilize body temperature and pH, and to maintain homeostasis."

The ancient Greeks believed that a daily massage was one of the best ways to enhance health. Experts today often agree. Massage lowers blood pressure, improves body function and can possibly help speed up the healing process Massage can help circulation Why? because the pressure created by the massage technique actually moves blood through the congested area. The release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow in. The squeezing and pulling also flushes lactic acid from the muscles and improves the circulation of the lymph fluid which carries metabolic waste away from muscles and internal organs

Foot massage stimulates both the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. If done regularly it helps to prevent varicose veins etc. The most sluggish lymphatic system and circulation can be considerably improved with a good foot massage.

Using high frequency vibration, and far infrared therapy, this body and foot massager strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to Dis-ease, In addition to receiving a relaxing foot massage, Infrared foot massager can emit infrared and magnetic waves to improve metabolism and circulation.

Better Blood Flow Circulation...Important Facts To Remember.
Provide more energy
Improving blood flow = speed up the body's natural healing process
Deliver Oxygen and Nutrients more effectively
Increasing blood circulation= nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to the injury
Eliminate toxins Detox more naturaly
Stimulating blood flow =Minimize Recovery Time
Improve overall health

"Poor feet circulation can be caused by many things. There are some health conditions like diabetes and atherosclerosis that are commonly associated with poor circulation, especially in the lower extremities. The reason that circulation is often impacted in this area is that even when there are no circulatory challenges present, the body has to work quite hard to pump the blood from this area up to the heart. And, therefore when blood flow function is depressed due to illness, this area can be the most predominantly affected leading to blood pooling and clots in the legs and feet. "

Blood circulation is an important part of your body's overall function and health. Your heart pumps blood through blood vessels within your circulatory system. Red blood cells have specific tasks of carrying oxygen to your body's vital organs, providing vitality and energy, explains the National Library of Medicine. When your vital organs and circulatory system work in unison, you have an adequate blood flow. If you have a disease or condition that affects the circulatory system, blood flow may decrease.

Increase lower leg circulation
Reduce swollen feet and ankles
Alleviate aches and discomfort
Stimulates blood circulation;
Improves metabolism;
Improves detoxification

An increase in blood flow or circulation in the body can help benefit the heart and the body's muscles and arteries throughout the body. Increased blood circulation improves oxygen rich blood flow to extremities. You may experience an increase in blood flow to vital organs when you improve oxygen levels in your blood by exercising muscles and working out.

Benefits of Blood Circulation

Having an increase in blood flow and circulation to areas of your body helps promote cell growth and organ function. Your skin also benefits from an increase in blood circulation. Healthy skin is better able to fight off bacteria and infection that it may come in contact with. When your heart pumps at full force, your heart rate lowers, heart muscles relax and your blood pressure flows evenly and smoothly.


Having increased blood circulation throughout your body will help you look and feel healthy. Your skin will have a healthy color and you will feel warm to the touch. Good blood circulation helps improve brain function and helps keep your mind sharp and focused. You will also be more equipped to handle stressful situations.

Better Blood Flow Circulation Will...

Minimize Recovery Time
Deliver Oxygen and Nutrients more effectively
Eliminate toxins more efficiently
Provide more energy
Improve overall health

Blood circulation plays a vital role in the body's ability to heal, with the red and white blood cells both playing their own unique role in the healing process. During these early stages in the healing process our body's white blood cells help eliminate all the bacteria that can be left behind from soft tissue injuries. The number of white blood cells the body produces is dramatically increased when the body is under attack from an infection or injury. Platelets are the portion of the blood that helps stop bleeding during an injury, which travels to the site of injury and form a "plug" that controls bleeding; however, if you have poor circulation, your blood vessels will not be restored immediately and your wound will continue to be open for a longer period of time.

"If poor blood circulation grows severe, then you are more at risk of developing health problems like:

Phlebitis: Caused by a blood clot, phlebitis is inflammation and swelling of the vein. Phlebitis can be superficial, affecting only veins near the surface of the skin, or it can be deep venous thrombosis, affecting larger and deeper veins.
Dermatitis: Another condition that may develop due to poor blood circulation is dermatitis. Dermatitis presents itself in a skin rash.
Ulcers: Leg ulcers may also develop as a result of poor blood circulation. Ulcers are open sores which do not heal properly because of improper blood flow"

After the body goes through the first stage of the healing process the red blood cells start to rush through the injury. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to various cells throughout the body. Along with oxygen, red blood cells also delivery rich nutrients throughout the body to the damaged blood vessels caused by injury. The supply of nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to the injury helps the injury heal faster and better.

"Regardless of your injury, whether it's a strain or sprain the healing of your soft tissue is dependent on your body's ability to repair itself - there's no exception. Even after the pain has disappeared your body continues to work on repairing the damaged tissue, which may be a long and tedious task. Improving your body's blood circulation is a critical part of the healing process and will determine whether you recover within weeks months or Years

Who can be affected? Adults, Children and Babies!
Bad circulation normally affects adults but there can be problems that affect children and babies.

How do I know if I have circulation issues?

There are many more symptoms than those mentioned here, but some of the most common ones include the following:

Cold feet and toes - not just in winter time
Cold hands and fingers
Feeling numb in certain parts of the body especially the extremities
Feeling tired or having a lack of energy much of the time
Some hair loss can be because of bad blood flow
Having regular dizzy spells
If your skin gets dry even though you drink plenty of water
Swelling and water retention - especially in the feet
Lumps in blood vessels and varicose veins
Some headaches can be due to this
Cramps and pins and needles
Feeling short of breath at times
Blotches and blemishes in the skin
Poor blood flow to the brain may affect memory

Benefits of A better circulation

Increasing blood circulation provides your muscles and arteries with oxygen rich blood improving your overall health. The ability to fight infection, heal injuries, provide energy, and filter toxins are all benefits associated with increased blood flow.

The benefits of healthier blood circulation include an improvement in health as well as your overall appearance and mood. Better blood circulation maximizes brain function keeping your mind sharp and focused. Healthier circulation may also result in higher quality sleep cycles providing you with more energy throughout the day."

Q: How can I promote good circulatory health?

A: Medical questions should always be directed to your physician or another health care professional. But the basics for promoting circulatory health are below

A Simple Way To Improve Blood Circulation

A foot massage machine is just one of many ways that people can increase blood circulation at home. And, when a health care provider has deemed using one to be safe and underlying health conditions contributing to blood flow have been ruled out or identified for appropriate management, using one of these devices to increase blood circulation can provide relief from symptoms such as pain, numbness and tingling in the feet and legs etc