Georges Lakhovsky,
MultiWave Oscillator


Multiple Wave Oscillator

Georges Lakhovsky, Bioelectric Pioneer


Ed Skilling had also studied the work of Georges Lakhovsky. Lakhovsky had worked with hospitals in the application of frequency in the 1920s. Lakhovsky recognized that cells have a natural frequency that keeps them healthy and resistant to viruses and other pathogens. In order to restore this natural frequency, Lakhovsky developed a Multiple Wave Oscillator to produce high frequencies. The frequencies, in turn, produced a broad range of harmonic frequencies.

When an object is exposed to its natural frequency it will pick up or resonate with that frequency. This is what happens when two violins have been precisely tuned. If the string on one violin is plucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will start to vibrate as well. When exposed to the harmonics produced by Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator, the cells could pick up their natural frequency with the results that their strength and health would be improved.

In a Radio News Magazine article published in February 1925, Lakhovsky wrote: "In conclusion I wish to call attention of the reader to the fact that I have obtained very conclusive results not only with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer and shorter wavelengths. The main thing is to produce the greatest number of harmonics possible."

Skilling devoted his talents and genius to the design of a unit incorporating the research of Lakhovsky and Rife to produce a healing frequency and also a broad range of harmonic frequencies. Skilling does not strive toward developing units for specific diseases. Rather, he designed a unit to output 728 Hz which is the Rife frequency considered to be the most healing. This frequency is carried on a radio frequency wave to transport it to the body. This works in the same way a radio transmitter carries the signal for a particular radio station so it can be received by a radio in any given area. Skilling's unit operates with a very gentle 100 milliwatts of power, a lot less intense than it's Rife cousin. The carrier wave of 28.322 MHz is in the high radio frequency (RF) band. The 728 Hz modulates the 28.322 MHz to create a great range of harmonic frequencies - up into the Giga Hertz range.

The cells can then pick up their resonant healthy frequency. The immune system can gradually grow in strength, thus allowing the body to heal itself naturally rather than creating an artificial homeostasis through the use of frequencies




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Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

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